The Warmest Romance

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Ye Fengpeng said firmly, "marry him as soon as possible! Married, a man's heart can be closed! "

Listening to him say so, ye Wan'er immediately agreed and nodded.

That's right. As long as she marries her brother Murphy, what are the other women?

Besides, if you want Yu Yimo to marry her as soon as possible, she is not helpless.

Ye Wan'er's eyes flashed a trace of determination and coldness, looking at the opposite ye Fengpeng, "Dad, I know how to do it."

Listen to her say so, ye Fengpeng complexion just relaxed a few minutes, waved to her, light voice way, "OK, you know, dad will rest assured, go back to rest early."

Ye Wan'er nodded meekly, got up and left, and went back to the room.

She lay on the bed, tossing and turning, a little uneasy. After thinking about it, she found out the address book and sent a message to Dr. Qin, "Dr. Qin, thank you for your cooperation today. The money will arrive tomorrow. About my" illness ", we will meet another day to talk about it..."

Soon after the text message was sent out, she received a reply. After confirming the time and place of the meeting with Dr. Qin, she was secretly relieved.

As long as she can get brother Mo, she will do whatever she wants!

Ruan Shishi spent a night and a morning outside the intensive care unit, and Professor Ruan slowly woke up.

The doctor came to have a check-up and came out of the ICU.

Ruan Shishi and Ms. Liu met and asked, "doctor, what's the situation?"

"The index is still normal. He is out of danger, but now he is very weak and his heart condition is not optimistic. He needs to rest."

Hearing what the doctor said, Ruan Shishi didn't know whether he was happy or worried for a moment, and his mood became more complicated.

Ms. Liu could not help asking, "when can I transfer from the intensive care unit?"

"Today is OK, the family prepares some daily necessities, prepares to accompany the bed, during the recovery also needs to observe again."

Liu heard, even busy way, "understand, thank you doctor."

When the doctor left, she was relieved. She raised her hand and patted Ruan Shishi beside her. She said in a soft voice, "I can rest assured."

Ruan Shishi was not so optimistic, but the heavy stone in her heart was lighter. She supported the wall and her body was a little soft.

Last night, she hardly closed her eyes. Her nerves were tense all the time. In addition, she had no appetite and didn't eat much food, which made her look particularly haggard now.

"Shishi, go home and have a rest." Ms. Liu raised her hand to support her, very distressed, "and your company there, you ask for a leave, don't go today."

Hearing that Ms. Liu mentioned the company, Ruan Shishi suddenly remembered that she had not asked for leave from the company. If she had been absent from work for too long without any reason, she might not even be able to keep working!

But now, if she wants to earn money, she can't do without work!

She gritted her teeth, looked at Ms. Liu and asked, "Mom, is there a charger in the ward?"

"Yes, it's at the head of the bed."

Smell speech, she immediately rushed to the ward, to automatically turn off the phone charging. action

Open the mobile phone, there are several missed calls, there are two actually Lan Jie called!

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