The Warmest Romance

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

Hearing the words, song yean is not at ease and insists on sending her to the door of the apartment. Ruan Shishi says goodbye to him and enters the door of the apartment. The moment the door closes, all her disguises are removed.

A tight heart, a sour nose, tears will not listen to the surging out.

She took a deep breath, went to the sofa, softened and fell in.

What flashed back and forth in my mind is still the scene of Ye Wan'er holding Yu Yimo and saying sweetly that they want to get engaged.

How could she care so much about Yu Yimo? Uncontrollable pain in the heart and mouth.

I don't know how long after that, her eyes were sour and astringent. As soon as she turned over, she rolled up the blanket on the sofa and fell asleep unconsciously.

On the other side, in a suburban villa.

Yu Gubei is rarely in a good mood to tease lightning and train him to speak new words. However, lightning tilts his head and turns his small eyes. He is not willing to open a golden mouth at all except to steal his bird food at the right time. josei

Lu Xiaoman stood by and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Gu Bei slightly raises eyebrows, looks sideways at the woman and says in a soft voice, "nurse Lu, what's the matter?"

Since she came here, he has been more and more confused about the parrot's temperament. Sometimes he wants to go to heaven, and sometimes he can't be clever.

Lu Xiaoman explained with a smile, "maybe it's in a bad mood today."

Yu Gubei sneers, rarely good temper out of the index finger, a little lightning, hairy head, "you, also in a bad mood?"

With that, he threw bird food into the box, wiped his hands and motioned Lu Xiaoman to push him out.

Yu Gubei leisurely said, "nurse Lu, I have a feeling that my baby parrot has been bought by you now. If you quit, I'm afraid lightning will run away with you."

Lu Xiaoman chuckled when he heard the joke in the man's words, "Mr. Yu is joking."

Suddenly, the man's big hand came over, directly covered the back of her hand pushing the car, and whispered, "nurse Lu, you will be here until I recover, right?"

His words, like a stone, hit the center of the lake, causing waves.

Lu Xiaoman looked down at the man's big hand with distinct knuckles. Her heart was beating wildly. She took a deep breath and said, "yes, I will always be..."

"That's good."

The man's hand pulled away at the right time, as if everything was as usual.

When he got to the stairway, Shao Zhuo just came over and quietly reported, "the car is ready."

Yu Gubei nodded slightly, "OK, let's go."

Shao Zhuo takes Lu Xiaoman's wheelchair, pushes Yu Gu down the smooth slide beside the North stairs, and then pushes him into the car.

Lu Xiaoman followed up with what he had prepared in advance.

Because the doctor said that hot spring is helpful for Yu Gubei's recovery, they plan to stay in Rongchang hot spring hotel in Jiangzhou city for a few days.

This is the first time that Lu Xiaoman has gone out with Yu Gubei. It's hard to avoid some excitement. It happens that Yu Gubei is in a good mood in recent days, and the atmosphere in the car is quite harmonious.

When he got to the place, Yu Gubei handed his certificate to Lu Xiaoman and said in a soft voice, "you go to the bar and check in. I'll go to the bathroom."

Lu Xiaoman smiles and answers. He goes to the bar with his ID.

Yu Gu North waved, Shao Zhuo immediately understand, push him to the direction of the bathroom.

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