The Warmest Romance

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

At this time, Ann is probably still sleeping. Besides, she seems to be living at home recently. In the past, isn't it necessary to disturb her with her family?

Ruan Shishi shakes her head and gives up the idea. She thinks that it's better to go to the hospital directly. She yearns to sit on the hospital corridor and have a rest, waiting for her parents to wake up.

Having made up her mind, she quickened her pace towards the subway station, but she heard the sound of the car horn behind her.

Ruan Shishi was surprised and looked back subconsciously.

Not far behind her, a car slowly followed her, flashing lights to her, that is Yu Yimo's car!

Ruan Shishi's heart suddenly constricted, and she was surprised how Yu Yimo could follow her so quickly. When she swept to Du Yue in the driver's seat, she reflected.

Du Yue came to meet Yu Yimo. He should have seen her just as he arrived. action

But when she thought of what happened between her and Yu Yimo last night, she felt that she couldn't see anyone, not to mention the emperor, even his subordinates.

Hide if you can! Just pretend you didn't see it!

Ruan Shishi quickly turned around, quickened her steps, and walked towards the subway station without turning back.

Slip into the subway entrance, her heart hanging in the throat just put down a bit.

Sitting on the subway, Ruan Shi blinked sleepily, but his heart was still heavy and confused.

She clearly said that she wanted to draw a clear line with Yu Yimo, but that happened again last night, which was a mistake that could not be made up. When she thought of Ye Wan'er, she felt even more guilty and couldn't lift her head.

When she arrived at the hospital with a lot of worries, Ruan Shishi took a cool breath and saw that Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu hadn't woken up yet, so she sat on the chair in the corridor waiting outside.

As soon as she stops, she feels that her body is abnormal. It's so sore that she seems to be run over by something. All of a sudden, several pictures flash in her mind. She sits on Yu Yimo's body and shakes with sweat, or Yu Yimo pinches her waist and exerts force

For a moment, Ruan Shishi was ashamed and her cheek burned. What was she thinking?

Ruan Shishi was angry and angry. She hated her incompetence. In order to wake up, she raised her hand and patted her cheek lightly. At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Ms. Liu came out yawning. When she saw Ruan Shishi sitting outside hitting her face, she was stunned.

"Poetry?" She stepped forward in panic and took her hand. "What are you doing? Crazy? "

Ruan Shishi was startled and responded quickly. Her eyes dodged and she lied, "no It's OK. I'm just a little sleepy. "

"Didn't you sleep well yesterday? Why did you come so early today? " Ms. Liu is falling, eyes inadvertently slide down, sweep to Ruan Shishi white as jade neck, suddenly stunned.

Noticing her eyes, Ruan Shishi quickly lowered her head and looked along her eyes. Only then did she find a few pieces of pink ambiguous kisses near her clavicle.

Ruan Shishi was surprised, but she tried to block it with her hand. She didn't know how to explain it, but she laughed.

"I understand! You young people... " She laughed vaguely, as if she knew everything, and asked mysteriously in a low voice, "is Xiao Song OK? My eyes are right. It's time for you two to get along with each other. "

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