The Warmest Romance

Chapter 571

Chapter 571


Chapter 571

Looking at the dense documents on the desktop, Yu Yimo raises his hand, presses his eyebrows, drinks a mouthful of coffee, gets up and walks out.

Go to the reception hall next door, just as the door opened, there was a graceful goose yellow figure coming, "brother Mo!"

Du Yue retreated without any trace and took the door with him.

Yu Yimo bowed his head and saw the pretty woman with a serious and cold face. He took her by the waist and asked softly, "why did you come to the company suddenly today?"

Ye Wan'er smell speech, Nunu mouth a pair of aggrieved appearance, "you fortunately mean to say, how many days have you not come to me?"

Yu Yimo with a faint smile, "I've been very busy recently. After this time, I'll accompany you well."

Ye Wan'er chuckles and pulls him to the sofa. "It's almost the same."

When they sat down on the sofa, she couldn't wait to open the incubators one by one. "I'm afraid you won't have a good meal when you're busy. Today, I specially asked my aunt to make your favorite meal and bring it here to eat with you."

Yu Yimo hears the speech, the exhaustion between eyebrows is a little bit light, "have a heart."

Recently, there are a lot of things in the company. Ye Wan'er came here and really let him relax for a short time.

Ye Wan'er knows his taste very well, and the dishes are specially ordered by his aunt. The taste is very good. Yu Yimo ate a lot.

Ye Wan'er filled a bowl of sea cucumber soup, handed it to him and said in a soft voice, "this soup was stewed by my aunt last night. Try it quickly."

Yu Yimo tasted it and raised his lips slightly. "Well, very good."

Seeing this, ye Wan'er was relieved. She felt that the time was almost right. As she tidied up her lunch box, she sighed a long time.

Yu Yiwei, who is aware of it, looks slightly at her and asks in a soft voice, "Wan'er, what's the matter?"

Ye Wan'er twisted her eyebrows, with some melancholy on her face, hesitated and said, "I don't know if my father and brother have dinner now."

Yu Yimo hears the sound, looks in his eyes, and immediately guesses something in his heart.

What happened yesterday to Ye's family made a lot of noise. He knew very well that ye Wan'er came here at this time, and he didn't expect it.

He leaned back and asked in a slow voice, "what's the matter with uncle?"

Ye Wan'er pretended to look sad. "My father is worried. The public relations team in the company seems to be useless. The stock market fell a lot early this morning. My mother is crying all the time at home, and I can't help it..."

Wen Yan, Yu Yimo said in a low voice, "Wan'er, don't think too much. These things have nothing to do with you."

"Anyway, I am also a member of the Ye family. How can I not worry?" With tears in her eyes, ye Wan'er suddenly held out her hand and said, "brother Mo, if you can help the Ye family, it's for me."

Yu Yimo's face was slightly heavy when he heard the speech. Two seconds later, he pulled his hand out of Ye Wan'er's hand and asked in a light tone, "uncle asked you to come?"

Ye Wan'er was flustered and subconsciously denied, "no! I came by myself, brother mo. "

Yu Yimo said in a deep voice, "Wan'er, I may be able to help you with other things, but I can't help Ye's family with this."

The Ye family took advantage of the labor law to bully and oppress the workers at the bottom, which was wrong first. Unexpectedly, they fought again and sent several migrant workers to the hospital. This is even more wrong, which is totally unreasonable. Now who comes forward to speak for the Ye family is standing on the opposite side of justice.

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