The Warmest Romance

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

Yes, in front of Yu Yimo, does she have the right to choose?

Professor Ruan's large amount of operation expenses is paid by him. During this period of time, she owes Yu Yimo a lot of money, and even her poor salary is paid by Yu.

Where does she have a choice?

See the woman's eyes appear a bit disappointed, Yu Yimo slightly tightened eyebrows, a few seconds later released his hand, swept her one eye, light way, "come according to the general secretary's standard to pay you."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll come."

If she refuses, there will be a hundred ways for her to compromise. It's better to hurry up and agree directly.

Now, she is in the trap set by Yu Yimo. She can't advance or retreat. When there is no better way to get rid of it, she can only harden her head.

Yu Yimo turns around and walks towards his desk with long legs. He coldly drops a sentence, "just pack up, and the rest of Du Yue will arrange."

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply and answered with a soft voice. When he came back to the Department from the president's office, he just saw Xiao Han looking around at the door.


On seeing her, Xiao Han ran forward and said, "just now I went to the office in charge to deliver things. I heard Meng Zihan and director LAN talking about you. Anyway, the atmosphere is very serious. Is something wrong?"

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi suddenly came back to her senses. Then she suddenly realized that she went to the president's office to ask for documents, and this time she came back empty handed.

It's OK to go back empty handed. The problem is that she came back with a big news. She was suddenly transferred to the president's office, which is an obvious promotion in other people's eyes. What would colleagues in the Department say behind her back? She didn't dare to think about it.

Looking at Ruan Shi's pale face, Xiao Han was also startled, "Shi Shi, what's the matter?"

Ruan Shishi held her hand tightly. After a pause of two seconds, she took a deep breath and calmed down. "It's OK. I'll go to the office."

With that, she walked to the office in charge. The door was open. As soon as she came near, she heard a small voice inside. She raised her hand and buttoned the door. She pushed the door in, "sister LAN."

Looking up, sister LAN is sitting at her desk with a complicated complexion. Although Meng Zihan is trying to cover it up, she still looks at her with a kind of bad and cold look.

Without waiting for Ruan Shishi to speak, sister Lan said, "Shishi, just now the personnel department called and said that the president's office was short of a general secretary, and temporarily transferred a person from our department to take a temporary post. Because the activities you planned before were well done, you were assigned to go. What do you think?"

Ruan Shishi was slightly shocked. She didn't expect that Yu Yimo's action was so fast. She had just come down from the president's office, and the notice from the personnel department had already been given.

This can only show one thing, that is, Yu Yimo has been ready for a long time, waiting for her to jump into the pit.

To be exact, whether she is willing or not, whether she agrees or not, the appointment notice of the personnel department will be issued, which is not up to her.

Ruan Shishi clenched her hand, bit her lower lip and said in a soft voice, "I don't mind."

"That's good." Lan Jie nodded slightly, "pack up things, you can go to the president to do."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, "OK."

It's not that she didn't feel the chill on Lan Jie's face. She has been in the administration department for two or three years. For Lan Jie, the people she has cultivated are suddenly transferred to other departments, which naturally makes her feel uncomfortable.


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