The Warmest Romance

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Ruan Shishi was slightly surprised, "An'an hasn't contacted you all the time?"

Du Yue's lips showed a bitter smile, "mmm."

Wechat joined the blacklist, did not answer the phone, did not send text messages back, this is determined to break contact with him.

Looking at Du Yue's appearance, Ruan Shishi suddenly felt a little impatient.

She can see that Du Yue and song yun'an are in love. Their appearance and character are also a perfect match. It's just that An'an demands too much perfection in love

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and whispered, "An'an has a charity performance this Saturday, which is located in Yicheng. If you want to find her, I can give you the detailed address."

Although she knew that she shouldn't tell Du Yue these things privately, she also didn't want to see her best friend suffering from love.

If she can match them, she is willing to be a villain.

Du Yue's eyes were shining, almost without hesitation, so he said in a soft voice, "give it to me."

Ruan Shishi chuckled, "take advantage of the opportunity. I'll send you the address later."

"Well, thank you."

Du Yue's face rarely showed some pleasure and stepped out of the office.

Ruan Shishi recovered, looked down at a pile of things on the table that he hadn't had time to clean up, and sighed again. josei

She is so attentive to other people's affairs. In the end, her own affairs are still in a mess. Besides, when she comes to the CEO's office, she and Yu Yimo look up but don't look down. I'm afraid life will be more difficult.

Although Ruan Shishi was worried, she didn't expect that the first afternoon when she came to the president's office was extremely relaxed. She basically had no work to do. After greeting several assistants, she went back to the office to answer a few phone calls, and all of a sudden basically passed away.

At the end of the day, Ruan Shishi was relieved.

In this way, the work is not difficult, at least this whole afternoon, she did not meet Yu Yimo, nor was he called to the office, let alone more leisure.

Ruan Shishi didn't know that it was just the beginning. There were so many things she couldn't imagine that she couldn't resist.

Early the next morning, Ruan set an alarm clock half an hour earlier than usual. When he arrived at the company, it was very cold and there were not many people.

According to Du Yue's instructions the day before, she cleaned Yu Yimo's office, wiped the desk, tea table and sofa, and laid out the documents before returning to her office.

Just after work time, Ruan Shishi hears the noise outside, and immediately gets up and goes outside. Sure enough, he sees Yu Yimo and Du Yue driving from the elevator.

"Well, you can see the arrangement of these things. In a word, everything is in accordance with the contract. You can't give in any more."

As Yu Yimo walked, he told his followers to follow him.

Ruan Shishi stands at the door, bows to Yu Yimo when he approaches, and then goes to the nearby tea room to prepare coffee.

When the coffee was ready, she took the cup to the president's office. After putting it down, she took advantage of the gap to ask Yu Yimo, "Mr. Yu, is there anything else I can tell you?"

Yu Yimo's face was light. When she asked, her face didn't change, and her voice was heavy and cold. "No, you go down."

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