The Warmest Romance

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Du Yue truthfully replied, "it's not ugly, but the old lady may prefer this style." josei

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi immediately put the remaining half boiled eggs into her mouth and took the suit, "I I'll change it now! "

Looking at the figure of the woman trotting back to the bedroom, Yu Yimo has a smile in her eyes.

Du Yue could not help shaking his head and said in a soft voice, "Mr. Yu, I'm afraid my wife can't control this style too..."

Yu Yimo's face sank slightly when he heard the speech. He turned to look at him and asked in a cold voice, "do you know?"

Du Yue immediately realized that he had said something wrong. He quickly bowed his head and stopped talking.

Within ten minutes, Ruan Shishi changed her clothes and came down from the bedroom on the second floor. As she walked, she pulled her skirt and felt uncomfortable all over.

She seldom wears a skirt, even if she is wearing a long skirt, and the bottom of this small suit is a short skirt above the knee, she always feels a little strange.

Hearing the footsteps of the stairs, Du Yue took the lead in looking up. At the moment when he saw Ruan Shi, he was stunned The lady has changed her clothes. "

When Yu Yimo heard the words, he looked up and saw Ruan's poems. He was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, she is so suitable to wear this suit!

Normally, she wore trousers, which completely covered her good figure. Now her legs are thin and long, and her figure is symmetrical and tall. However, her cheeks are not pink because of anxiety, and her eyebrows are light but cute.

Ruan Shishi came to Yu Yimo, pulled his skirt and asked, "is it beautiful? Why do I feel a little strange? "

As soon as she comes near, Yu Yimo feels that the sweetness of a woman keeps drilling into his nose, disturbing his mind.

He put down the hands of the tablet, don't open eyes, deliberately put light voice, "OK."

Then he turned and walked out, "let's go."

He has been living with Ruan Shishi for several days. He only thinks she is simple and lovely, but he never finds that she has femininity.

Seeing that Yu Yimo had already stepped out, Ruan Shishi thought of the gift he had prepared and quickly walked towards the small balcony, carrying several gift boxes in his left and right hands.

Put the gift box in the trunk and she got on the bus.

As soon as the car started, she couldn't wait to look at Yu Yimo and asked, "does grandma have any habits that I need to pay more attention to?"

Yu Yimo is a little funny, "don't you mean you're not nervous?"

Ruan Shishi was asked this question and faltered, "I I'm not nervous, but I still need to know what I need to know. "

Yu Yimo hooked the corner of his lips and said in a light voice, "there's nothing to pay attention to. The most important thing is the edge of his eyes."

When Yu Yimo said this, Ruan's poems became more nervous.

If grandma has a specific preference, she can pay more attention to it and work hard, but she can't say exactly what the eye edge is.

With such an excellent grandson, grandma must be no worse, and she is so ordinary, I don't know if she can get grandma's approval.

Ruan Shishi had no idea for a moment, leaning on the seat of the car, looking out of the window.

In less than an hour, the car arrived at the rich area in the suburbs, made several circles on the slope, and finally stopped in front of the villa on the hillside.

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