The Warmest Romance

Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Chapter 616


Call the doctor to come over, do a simple examination, said, "all indicators are normal, can go home to recuperate, remember to come back three days later to review, five days later to remove stitches."

Hearing what the doctor said, Ruan Shishi was relieved. When the doctor left, she said, "good night, I'll take you back, or I'll call Ann..."

"It's OK. I'll ask my men to come and pick me up."

As soon as he finished, Ruan Shishi's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was assistant Liu who called, Ruan Shishi did not dare to hesitate and answered the phone directly.

"Secretary Ruan, where are you? Why haven't you come to the company yet? When Mr. Yu arrived at the company half an hour ago, he seemed very angry to see you out. "

Ruan's heart was tight when he heard the words.

She just woke up and completely forgot about going to work!

"I I'll go right away. "

After a few words of hanging up the phone, Ruan Shishi looks at Song yean in embarrassment. Before she can say anything, song yean seems to have a clear idea of all her thoughts. "Go quickly, I'll be fine."

Then he turned his head and motioned her to look at the bedside table. "I asked my men to buy a suit of clothes temporarily. You can change it and go directly to the company. It should be too late."

When Ruan Shishi heard about Yan, she found a shopping bag beside her. Her heart was warm, and her gratitude was beyond words.

Song yean is always the most careful person, who considers everything properly.

Ruan Shishi knew that it was not a time to say thanks, and she was not affected. After saying goodbye to song yean, she went to the bathroom to change her clothes and rushed to the company.

After arriving at the company, she was already an hour late.

As soon as he arrived at the president's office, assistant Liu quickly came up, stretched out his finger and carefully pointed to the direction of the office

Ruan Shishi's heart, which had just been put down, suddenly raised again, "did he say anything about it?"

Assistant Liu shook his head sympathetically, "no You go quickly

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, went forward and knocked on the door. When she heard the response inside, she pushed the door in.

When Ruan Shishi walked in, Yu Yimo was looking down at the document. When he heard the sound, he did not lift his head and continued to move his hand.

Ruan Shishi went to the table and stood still, waiting for him to speak first.

But three minutes later, the man still did not look up, as if she was an air person.

After waiting for a while, Ruan Shishi caught a glimpse of the document in his hand turning to the last page. Then she gritted her teeth and took the lead in saying, "General Yu."

Yu Yimo hears the sound, frowns, looks at her coldly, and closes the document on his hand.

His eyes glanced over her clothes, his face was slightly heavy, and his tight lips finally moved, "Ruan Shishi, who gave you the privilege not to come to work?"

Is that song yean?

In order to take care of a man and absenteeism, she is not afraid to lose the job!

Feeling the man's cold eyes, Ruan Shishi's hand slowly clenched a little, paused and said softly, "sorry, there are some unexpected situations..."

No one gives her the privilege of not coming to work. It's her own mistake to go to work, and no one else is to blame.

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