The Warmest Romance

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Yes, this is an opportunity. It depends on whether she can grasp it!

Besides, Ruan Shishi was greatly reduced in front of Yu Qingshan after such a disturbance. It happened that she could go and swear her sovereignty!

Ruan Shishi is just Yu Yimo's secretary, and she is his real girlfriend!

"You're right, Huo Chuan. Keep an eye on me and report to me as soon as you have any news!"

"Yes, miss."

Hang up the phone, ye Wan'er mood is still not very comfortable, she gritted her teeth, in the heart for Ruan Shi's hatred more a bit.

Just then, a voice came from outside the door, "Miss, are you ok?"

The sound of the cup breaking just now attracted the servant.

Ye Wan'er walks over and pushes the door open. Seeing the maid outside, she says coldly, "the water cup is broken. Go and clean it. Clean it before I come out!"

Leaving this sentence, she glanced at the maid, turned and went into the bathroom, ready to take a bath.

She must be well prepared. There will be a tough battle to fight tomorrow. She must let Ruan Shishi be defeated by her!

When ye Wan'er came out of the bathroom, the servant had wiped the floor clean and was packing up to go.

She was in a bad mood. She frowned and looked at the servant, "why is it so slow? I'm so tired of dawdling in front of my eyes josei

The maid bowed respectfully and apologized, "excuse me, miss, I'm leaving now."

Ye Wan'er rolled her eyes and was about to close the door when she saw Ye Zeyu who had just come up from the first floor.

Ye Zeyu seemed to drink a lot. He narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw ye Wan'er, he burst out laughing and joked, "who's bothering me again My good sister? So angry? "

Ye Wan'er bit her lip and said, "brother, brother Mo was whipped several times by Uncle Yu today, and he was seriously injured..."

On hearing the words "Uncle Yu", ye Zeyu suddenly came to his senses. He stumbled forward, narrowed his eyes and asked, "is Yu Qingshan back?"

"Yes, it seems that it's because of the Yu group this time..."

Ye Wan'er said, feeling guilty, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

In order to frame up Ruan Shishi, she didn't think much about the consequences. She didn't expect to pull Ruan Shishi into the water, but hurt her beloved.

Ye Zeyu beside suddenly sneered, "he deserves to be punished!"

On hearing this, ye Wan'er could not help tightening her brows. "Brother, what are you saying?"

"What! I said It's true! I wish he had been beaten! I'm so happy that he was beaten Ye Zeyu was so drunk that he laughed and leaned, "so I've tried my best to expose the scandal, but it's not in vain..."

Said, he ha ha laughs, stumbles toward own room to walk, but ye Wan son is Leng in situ, complexion panic.

What do you mean by what he said just now?

Expose the scandal? Is it true that ye Zeyu exposed the rumors of Yu Yimo and Su Ling!

Ye Wan'er was startled and suddenly reacted. She quickly walked to Ye Zeyu's room, pushed open the door and went in, "brother, what did you say just now?"

Ye Zeyu was lying on the bed in the air of wine, and his consciousness was not clear.

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