The Warmest Romance

Chapter 642

Chapter 642

Chapter 642

Yu Qingshan's face was green, and his eyes were stern. "What do you mean? Blame me? "

Seeing this, he Shuping quickly came forward to comfort him, "Castle Peak, don't get angry. I'm sure it's not the meaning."

Then she looked at Yu Yimo and gently explained, "Yimo, don't be angry. That Secretary Ruan is going to leave herself. It has nothing to do with your father."

"Is it?" Yu Yimo's sharp eyes and eyebrows are covered with frost. "Didn't you tell her something before she left?"

Yu Qingshan's face was livid and trembling. "I think you are dazed for a woman! Go back to me! "

Yu Yimo was silent, put on his shoes, stood up and walked out.

Yu Qingshan said, "Yu Yimo, if you dare to go today! Don't recognize me as a father

Hearing the sound, Yu Yimo steps, turns around, his eyes are cold and deep, "father, I've done something wrong and been punished. I don't complain, but can't you be more lenient to a woman?"

Leaving this sentence behind, he turned around and walked out quickly.

Yu Qingshan stood in the same place, angry and speechless.

On one side, he Shuping quickly raised her hand and stroked his back to help him feel comfortable, but her eyes flashed with joy.

Fight, fight. The more fierce the fight, the better!

Although she thought so in her heart, she was still understanding on the surface. "Qingshan, don't be angry. Yimo just lost his head for a moment. When he calms down, he will definitely understand..."

"Hum!" Yu Qingshan glanced at the car and turned around. "It's a white eyed wolf! Now the company is in a mess. He's focusing on women! What a disappointment

He Shuping took him to the living room, comforted him, sat down and poured him a cup of tea. "Well, men will go through this stage, but it's you. You can't get angry!"

It took her a long time to persuade Yu Qingshan.

After a while, she quietly suggested, "Castle Peak, now the company has been in a mess. In this state, I'm afraid he's not able to do what he wants, and he's hurt again. Do you want to go out of the mountain again to shock the scene?" josei

"Back out of the mountain?" Yu Qingshan frowned, "then I will lose all my old face?"

At the beginning, he had high hopes for Yu Yimo, but he didn't expect that such a thing happened now. When he came out of the mountain again, wouldn't it prove that his son didn't have this ability? At that time, in front of the company's shareholders and senior management, it's his old face!

He Shufen pretended to be worried and said, "what should I do then? The current situation of the company is that no one is in charge of the overall situation! "

Yu Qingshan frowned at the words, but he was also a little uncertain.

Now the company's situation is really not optimistic, and Yu Yimo is in such a state, he is really worried.

Seeing that Yu Qingshan didn't speak for a long time, he Shufen came up and said, "actually, I have an idea, and I don't know if it's right."

"What do you think?"

He Shufen said softly, "I think we can let Gu Bei go to the earthquake scene first and give him the title of vice president. Anyway, he is also Yu Qingshan's son. At that time, the shareholders and senior managers will know it. In contrast, he is also rational and can help Yimo through this difficulty."

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