The Warmest Romance

Chapter 645

Chapter 645

"I'm sorry..." she said

"Nothing." Yu Yimo stopped at the right time, looking a little serious, and asked in a deep voice, "why did you block the whip for me when I was so afraid of pain?"

This sentence has been stuck in his mind for several days, so he has a chance to ask.

Ruan Shishi's face flashed a moment of panic when he heard the speech, and soon recovered as usual, "the plan book passed by my hand, and there is a possibility of leakage, so I also have the responsibility, I just bear the punishment I should be punished."

Her tone was serious, as if it were not personal.

Yu Yimo's eyes sank a little, and his voice was slightly cold. "That day you went to send the planning book. Wasn't ye Wan'er in the car?"

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi suddenly widened her eyes and looked at him, "how do you know?"

She deliberately kept it from him. Unexpectedly, she was still known by him. Did he go to investigate again!?

Yu Yimo looks cold, stares at her and asks, "why lie?"

For a moment, Ruan Shishi was at a loss and didn't know how to answer.

"Answer me."

The man's voice was raised a little, and his tone was cold. Ruan's heart was clear, but he was angry.

Biting her teeth, she inhaled deeply and bravely said, "I'm afraid that speaking out will destroy the feelings between the two of you, and I don't think Miss Ye is the one who divulges the plan."

The air was suddenly quiet for a few seconds, and then, Yu Yimo's voice sounded with anger, "you..."

He stood up abruptly. Before he finished his words, his face changed as soon as he became stiff.

Ruan Shishi looked up in a hurry. Seeing his face, he was startled. "Is it the wound behind..." action

Yu Yimo frowned and his lips turned white. Before he spoke, Ruan Shishi stopped the nurse who had finished packing and was going to leave He has injuries in the back, too! "

When the nurse heard this, she immediately looked back and saw that Yu Yimo's face was not right. She quickly walked over to him and looked around his back. She was surprised again, "it's bleeding!"

Ruan Shishi some flustered mouth, "his injury is more serious than me, nurse, please hurry to deal with him."

The nurse did not dare to neglect, and immediately took Yu Yimo to deal with the wound.

Ruan Shishi was told not to move. She had to lie on the bed in a hurry. After more than half an hour, the nurse came over and gave her a smile. "Your boyfriend's wound has been wrapped up. It's in the next ward. You can call me if you have anything."

Hearing the word "boyfriend", Ruan Shishi pulled her lips with embarrassment. Seeing the nurse turning to leave, she had to swallow the explanation again.

But I heard that his wound had been dealt with, and his heart, which was hanging in his throat, was finally put down.

She was lying on the bed, thinking about what happened these days. She was in a complex mood and fell asleep unconsciously in the end.

When I woke up again, I was awakened by the ring of my mobile phone.

She vaguely picked up the mobile phone, and then found that it was dark outside. When she saw the notes flashing on the screen, she gasped and pressed the answer button, "Hello, Mr. Yu."

The man's low voice said, "are you hungry? I have food here. Do you want to send it to you?"

Ruan Shi was slightly shocked, some flattered, "can Thank you

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