The Warmest Romance

Chapter 664

Chapter 664

Chapter 664

"Jiang Huanchen."

Ruan Shishi is not familiar with this name, but she is also absolutely familiar with it. She often sees his portrait on the large billboard of the subway bus station. She also knows that he is the hot male traffic in the circle. With an impeccable face and a good voice, she plays all over the river.

Ruan Shi took a cool breath, and his heart was a little empty.

Suddenly, a low male voice came, "are you sure?"

When she looked back, she was slightly stunned when she looked at the dark, bright and deep eyes of Yu Yimo.

A moment later, she responded, gritted her teeth and said, "I'd like to try."

Yu Yimo's eyes flashed slightly. "If you need anything, just mention it to Du Yue. I'll help you as much as possible."

"No, I want to try it myself."

Ruan Shishi refused without thinking about it, which surprised Yu Yimo.

He had some funny crooked lips. "What? So confident? "

Ruan Shishi shook his head and said solemnly, "I don't want to betray your trust."

From what Yu Yimo said just now, she has already guessed that someone must have said something about her at the meeting just now, suspecting that she was the one who leaked the business plan. Instead of dealing with her, she was given a new opportunity, which Yu Yimo should have won for her.

In other words, no matter what others think, at least he still believes her.

Thinking of this, Ruan Shishi felt even more happy. She raised her lips and looked at Yu Yimo slightly. "You still believe me, don't you?"

Yu Yimo was stunned and looked at the woman in front of him. Her smile curled up, and her heart contracted suddenly and speeded up.

Without waiting for him to answer, Ruan Shishi bowed his head, laughed and said in a soft voice, "I have an answer in my heart. Mr. Yu, if it's OK, I'll be busy first."

With that, she turned and walked out of the office.

The moment the door closes, Yu Yimo wakes up like a dream.

His heart was still beating wildly out of control, and the bright smile of a woman flashed back and forth in his mind, delicate, fresh, and inexplicably sweet

"Bang bang!"

When the door knocks, Du comes in more quickly and hands over a document. When he sees Yu Yimo's face, he suddenly pauses, "Mr. Yu, you..."

Yu Yimo was as cold as ever. Looking up at him, he frowned impatiently, "what's the matter?"

Du Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "your face is very red. Is it a fever?"

Yu Yimo's face was a little heavy.

Is he blushing? How could he blush?

He raised his eyes, looked at Du Yue, and asked, "really?"

The more Du didn't think about it, the more he nodded, "yes, it's really red. It's like I'm in love

He suddenly remembered the state when he and song Yunan were together, and sometimes he did blush, just like the president of his family now.

"What do you think?" Yu Yimo frowned unhappily. He picked up a document beside him and threw it to Du Yue.

Du Yue's quick eyes and quick hands dodged quickly. With a shy smile, he bent down to pick up the documents on the ground, "Mr. Yu, I'm just telling the truth..." josei

He is in love recently, and he can't be clearer about the state of love.

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