The Warmest Romance

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

As soon as he went in, he saw that Yu Yimo was sitting alone. Ruan Shishi was a little surprised. After sitting down, he dared to ask, "Mr. Yu, didn't you mean to take me to meet someone?"

Yu Yimo smell speech, not anxious to pour her a cup of tea, pick eyebrows and ask, "I'm not alone?" action

Ruan Shishi was slightly stunned. A few seconds later, he suddenly responded. He pulled his lips awkwardly. "It's true..."

Yu Yimo corrects the positive color and looks up at her, "I asked you to come and ask you what's going on over there?"

"I..." Ruan Shishi was speechless at the thought of what happened today.

Yu Yimo raised his eyes and asked her, "what's the matter? Who bullied you? "

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply, "no, it's just that it's more difficult than I imagined."

She gave a general account of Jiang Huanchen's refusal to make a statement. Before she finished, the dishes had already come up.

Yu Yimo looked at the little woman in front of him. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth and said softly, "eat first."

Ruan Shishi answered and picked up the chopsticks. He felt a little uncomfortable. He could see the rich dishes on the table. Most of his unhappiness disappeared.

Looking at the woman's bright eyes, Yu said in a slow voice, "eat, it's a reward for you today."

As soon as Ruan Shishi was happy, he immediately began to focus on eating.

At the end of the meal, Ruan's unhappiness disappeared.

After a few words, Yu Yimo stands up and says, "I'll take you home."

Ruan Shishi wanted to refuse, but when she thought that there was still a long way to go from the small apartment, she agreed.

When she came out of the box and went down the stairs, Ruan Shishi's knee bent and her wound hurt. She frowned and moved slowly.

Next to Yu Yimo, she noticed something sensitively. When she saw the wound on her leg, her face suddenly became serious. "What's the matter?"

Ruan Shishi was stunned, and even said, "nothing..."

She said that she was about to go downstairs quickly, but who knows that the next second, Yu Yimo's hand had already stretched out and directly grabbed her.

Next second, Yu Yimo bends down and holds her up.

This action is a little sudden. Ruan Shishi cries out in surprise, looks at the stairs below, and unconsciously embraces Yu Yimo's neck.

Downstairs, the guests on the card seats in the hall all looked at them. Ruan Shishi was a little shy and turned her face to one side.

After getting into the car, Ruan Shishi was released by him.

When the car door closed, it was a little dark in the car. Yu Yimo's body pressed down on her side. "Ruan Shishi, how did you get this wound? Don't you want to say it?"

In the closed space, Ruan Shishi can clearly feel the strength of men. She inhaled deeply, bit her teeth and said, "I accidentally fell and touched it."

"Is it?" Yu Yimo obviously didn't believe it. She raised her hand and raised her chin. "Don't you want to tell me the truth?"

He didn't know how careless she was, but she hurt her legs all afternoon without seeing her.

Ruan Shishi moved her lips and nodded. Looking at the man's chin, she smelled the light green wood fragrance on him, and her heart beat faster.

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