The Warmest Romance

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

Such a thought, her heart is more guilty, tears can not stop pouring out.

She suddenly missed the carefree life of the three members of her family. At that time, besides her parents and work, she had no worries. Although it was not wonderful, it was also hard to enrich her life.

Unlike now, she can't predict the next step.

It seems that since she got to know Yu Yimo, her life has had a earth shaking phone call, but at this point, she is not the one who will accompany him into the palace of marriage.

A sour heart, Ruan poetry tears can not stop to the whereabouts.

At this time, the door opened, and Ms. Liu stood at the door, looking at Ruan Shishi in surprise, "Shishi, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? "

She quickly pulled Ruan Shishi into the ward. Seeing this, Professor Ruan, who was sitting on the bed, immediately sat up straight and wanted to get out of bed, "Shishi, who bullied you? You tell Dad, who bullied you? "

Looking at the two concerned faces in front of him, Ruan's tears couldn't stop.

She seems to be too many other things and ignore the side of the most to accompany the people, the heart of shame, sad mixed together, into a complex emotion.

Finally, she shook her head, wiped away her tears and said in a soft voice, "no one bullied me. Dad, mom, I just miss you so much..."

Ms. Liu smelled that her eyes were red and put her in her arms.

Ruan Shishi sniffed the familiar smell of her mother, relieved, and secretly made up her mind.

After her father's heart bypass surgery, she must take them out of the hospital, change their jobs, stay with them, say goodbye to the trivial things around her, say goodbye to Yu Yimo, and say goodbye to such a life. josei

The next day, Ruan Shishi went back to work as usual. As soon as he arrived at the president's office, he received the news that assistant Liu asked for leave.

Without a labor force, Ruan Shishi has a lot more tasks to do. Originally, she wanted to meet Jiang Huanchen for a while, but when assistant Liu was away, she had to sit on duty all day, waiting for Yu Yimo's assignment at any time.

After a night, they had a tacit understanding and did not mention what happened last night, as if they were still the most normal relationship between the president and the secretary.

In one morning, Ruan Shishi received the summary documents from several departments. At the beginning, she was still puzzled. How could the summary documents from various departments be handed in before the end of the month?

After checking the notice on the company's intranet, she realized that because of the engagement ceremony, Yu Yimo was afraid of delaying her work, so she asked all departments to hand in the documents in advance.

In this way, the tasks of the president have increased a lot.

Ruan Shishi looked at the email notice on the computer and felt a little bored.

In the email, Yu Yimo didn't cover up, so what he said directly explained the engagement ceremony.

In this way, I'm afraid everyone in the company will know that he is engaged.

For some reason, Ruan's heart was lost.

She sorted out the documents that needed to be confirmed by Yu Yimo, took a deep breath, and then took the documents to find Yu Yimo.

Push open the door, Yu Yimo is also very busy, the desktop piled up more than twice the amount of documents.

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