The Warmest Romance

Chapter 692

Chapter 692

"Well? Good Ruan Shishi answered casually, thinking that it was the company's notice of something, but did not immediately open it.

In a few seconds, Han's voice sounded again, "poetry Have you seen it? "

Xiao Han's successive urging aroused her attention. She took her eyes away from the form and saw the small box popping out of the lower right corner. She opened it directly.

The e-mail format is not the same as usual, with pictures. Ruan Shishi only glanced at the person in the photo, but his body suddenly froze at the moment when his sight touched him.

It's no one else in the picture, it's her! And it's the same suit she wore yesterday!

Besides her, there is Cheng Zixiao in the photo!

Obviously, this picture was taken secretly when she was with Cheng Zixiao yesterday! From the time they came out of the clothing store to the time they went to dinner, there were even photos of Cheng Zixiao sending her back. A whole set of photos completely tracked her action.

She scanned the words in the e-mail at a glance. In an instant, her anger surged to her heart and she couldn't hold it down!

This e-mail even said that she and Cheng Zixiao colluded in secret, and clearly and secretly pointed out that the leakage of the planning book had something to do with her!

This is slander!

These things are sent to all employees of the company in the form of e-mail, that is to say, at this moment, everyone knows! Although she didn't leak the plan book, after such a rumor, I'm afraid she will be drowned by saliva when she goes out!

Ruan Shishi can't help tightening her hand holding the mouse. She clenches her teeth and her brain is blank.

Originally, she thought it was over, but she didn't expect to be taken out again. She was afraid that in this way, she would become the target of public criticism.

Xiao Han hesitated and asked, "Shi Shi, it's not true..." action

Ruan Shishi clenched her teeth, took a deep breath, and stood up, "I'll go to Mr. Yu, and I'll ask you about the affairs in the Department."

With that, she pushed the door open and walked out of the office.

When passing by the public office area, everyone's eyes looked at her for a moment, and some even pointed at her and said something together.

Ruan Shishi is very anxious. At this time, she doesn't care what other people look at her. She just wants to go to the president's office and ask Yu Yimo.

This is sent out by the company's email system. Who dares to make such a blatant rumor has to give her an explanation!

She hurried to the president's office. When she saw assistant Liu standing outside, she was very worried and asked, "assistant Liu, where is Mr. Yu?"

Assistant Liu said to her in a low voice, "president Yu is receiving president Huang. I'm afraid I can't see him at this time. I have to wait."

Ruan Shi bit his lips, adding a little more anxiety to his heart.

At this time, after Yu Yimo receives president Huang, she is afraid that things will get worse, but now she can't rush into the reception room.

Ruan Shishi had to step back, "I'll wait for a while."

Assistant Liu nodded, raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, comforted her and said, "it's OK, wait a second."

Ruan Shishi's two hands were twisted together, and he walked up and down outside the reception room, feeling complicated.

After a while, someone came up and asked assistant Liu, "Liu Zhu, why doesn't the general office answer the phone?"

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