The Warmest Romance

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

He'll see if she can make it.

With everything ready, Ruan is full of confidence.

She carefully checked Mr. Ma's schedule. All afternoon, he would play in the high-end golf course on the outskirts of Jiangzhou city. In the evening, he would move to the city and meet with several senior managers at Jiayun club.

If she goes to the golf course, she is not a member, so she is afraid that she will not be able to enter the golf course at all. But Jiayun club is different. If she wants to enter, it is not so difficult. By contrast, she has a choice in her heart.

As long as she gets to the place and finds a chance to meet with Mr. Ma, to show her sincerity and to have a talk with him, she may have a better chance of success.

As soon as it was dark, Ruan Shishi had a meal. Seeing that the time was almost up, he went directly to Jiayun club.

The interior of Jiayun club is exquisitely decorated. At first glance, it's a place where rich people spend their money. Ruan Shishi remembers the house number that Du Yue gave her, fumbles for the order of boxes, and soon finds a place.

She went to the door and was a little nervous when she heard the noise coming from the box.

According to the itinerary provided by Du Yue, at this time, the person walking with Mr. Ma should be the president of the company they may cooperate with this time. If she rushes in like this, she is afraid that not only can't get the business together, but she may also be thrown out!

After thinking about it, Ruan Shishi bit her lip and had to turn her head and leave for a while. At this time, she had to think of other ways to get in touch with Mr. Ma.

If she just stood by the door and waited for Ma Zong to come out by herself, I don't know how long it would take.

Suddenly, a waitress in overalls and carrying a tray passed by. Ruan Shishi suddenly thought of an idea!

Since she can't enter in her own capacity, she will enter in another capacity!

Ruan Shishi quickly stepped forward and held out her hand to stop the waiter, "Hello, can you do me a favor?"

Confused, the waitress asked, "what's up I have to work. "

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I can give you money."

The waitress had a strange look on her face. "I don't offer special services..."

Ruan Shishi was stunned, and soon came back to her reaction. She hooked her lips and grinned, reached out and pointed to the clothes on the waitress, "you don't need any special service, you just need to lend me your clothes."

Twenty minutes later, Ruan Shishi changed into the uniform of the service staff of Jiayun club and slipped out of the staff room.

With this dress, she will be able to enter the box smoothly, and also have the opportunity to contact with Mr. Ma.

She plucked up her courage and walked down the corridor towards the box. As soon as she got near the corner, she heard a low voice coming from the other side of the corner.

Is a man, voice pressure is very low, tone some anxious, seems to be on the phone.

Ruan Shishi wanted to turn and walk away, but he heard a familiar name.

"Don't worry, Ma Hefeng won't know. As long as you get the goods ready in advance, when he delivers the goods, we'll hold on to him!"

Ma Hefeng is the name of the general manager Ma of Tianhua company she is going to meet! josei

Ruan took a deep breath, stopped and held his breath.

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