The Warmest Romance

Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Jiang Huan Chen yawned, "the recent schedule is full, at least until next week."

Ruan's poems are somewhat suspicious.

Like seeing through her thoughts, he said, "if you don't believe me, go and see my itinerary!"

"There's no need to read the itinerary, but since you promised me, you must do it!"

"Yes, sir

Jiang Huanchen suddenly stands at attention and salutes her with a smile.

Seeing this, Ruan Shishi couldn't help laughing.

Since Jiang Huanchen is willing to step back, there is no reason for her to hold on all the time.

When Ruan Shishi returned to her apartment, it was already more than 12 o'clock. After washing up in a hurry, she fell asleep tired.

As soon as she woke up the next morning, she saw the clock on the wall, and the whole person bounced from the bed like a spring.

It's already half past eight. She'll be late for the company nine times out of ten!

Ruan Shishi didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He washed his face and rushed to the company immediately.

When she rushed to the company, ye Waner had been waiting for two hours on the roadside near Yu's group.

She and Huo Chuan make an appointment to start work today. Originally, she thought Ruan Shishi would come at the rush hour, but she didn't expect that she would be late. She hasn't seen her yet.

Ye Wan'er inhaled deeply, "is she coming or not?"

Huo Chuan, sitting in the driver's seat beside him, was calmer. He said in a soft voice, "Miss, today Yu's group is going to have a regular meeting, and Ruan Shishi didn't ask for leave. She will definitely come here, maybe she is late."

Ye Wan'er smell speech, Mou Guang Yi Shan, "that there won't be influence?"

Huo Chuan said with a smile, "don't worry, I've already made arrangements."

As long as Ruan Shishi comes here today, she will never escape!

At 9:03, Ruan Shishi came out of the subway in a hurry and walked quickly towards Yu group.

If she is usually a few minutes late, she will not be in such a hurry, but today is different. There is a regular meeting in the Department today. If she, as the assistant in charge of the Department, can not arrive in time, the impact will be very bad.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath. As soon as he got to the side of the road and was about to cross the road, a voice came from behind, "Ruan Shishi!"

When Ruan Shishi heard this, she looked back and saw that ye Wan'er was walking towards her with a lot of things in her hand. josei

She took two steps. Before she reached Ruan Shishi, she was tired and had to put her things on the ground.

Ye Wan'er beckoned to her for help. "Shi Shi, can you help me?"

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment. Although she was very worried, she thought about it for a moment. She turned and walked towards her and helped her take half of the things.

Seeing this, ye Wan'er was relieved. "Fortunately, I met you. What can I do if it's not good?"

Ruan Shi asked casually, "what are these?"

"Today's company meeting is not it, I bought you coffee, did not expect that there is a coffee shop take out car broken, I had to mention it."

Ruan Shishi didn't think much about it. He glanced at the watch on his wrist and said, "let's go quickly. We'll be late."

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