The Warmest Romance

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

As soon as the light was turned on, it lit up the whole room. Then she could see clearly that it was no one else sitting on the sofa. It was Yu Yimo!

Ruan Shishi's heart, which hung in his throat, was released, but a few seconds later, he responded, "you Why are you at my house? "

Yu Yimo leans on the sofa and moves his lips slightly. "Are you sure this is your home?" josei

He is the real owner of the house.

After a pause, Ruan realized that Yu Yimo was not right. He spoke weakly and seemed very weak

Plucking up her courage, she stepped in and closed the door behind her. Then she hesitated and asked, "you What's up? Sick? "

Yu Yimo frowned and said, "bring me the medicine box and help me deal with the wound."

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi swept his body quickly, only to find that the white shirt of his left arm had been soaked red.

"What's the matter with you?"

Ruan Shishi was surprised and didn't dare to delay. He immediately turned to get the medicine box.

When the things are ready, she finds that Yu Yimo has been bandaged inside, but she doesn't know what's going on. The wound seems to be torn open and the blood is red.

Seeing that Yu Yimo stood up straight and wanted to take off her clothes, she raised her hand and pressed him on the shoulder, saying solemnly, "don't move, I'll come."

At this time, he moves again for fear that he will pull the wound.

Yu Yimo hears the speech, and his eyes stay on Ruan Shishi's face for a moment. Finally, he doesn't move again.

Ruan Shishi took out the scissors, cut the sleeve open, and then carefully untied the gauze above.

The wound is exposed, it has been sutured, but there is blood oozing out, it looks a little scary.

Ruan Shishi resisted some shaking hands and disinfected, medicated and bandaged his wound again.

After the gauze was completely pasted, she was relieved. She looked up at Yu Yimo and said, "how did you get this wound? And why not go to the hospital? "

Yu Yimo frowned, looked up at her and said softly, "I'm thirsty."

Ruan poetry, "..."

Two people stare small eyes, so deadlocked, less than a minute, Ruan Shishi willing to bow to the downwind, she sighed helplessly, had to turn to pour him a glass of water.

Yu Yimo took the water, eyebrows stretch, deliberately said, "thank you."

Ruan Shishi turned and was about to walk away when he heard a man's voice coming from behind, "you may have to take me in this evening."


Ruan Shishi suddenly blew his hair and looked at him with wide eyes, "Yu Yimo, although you are my superior, this is my home. You can't come here to eat and live like a rogue every time."

Yu Yimo sniffed the speech, narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "have you ever thought about how I got into your house?"

Ruan Shi was stunned and confused.

I don't know from which time Yu Yimo suddenly came into her house, and then once or twice, it seems that he never used the key

"You Steal my key and match it? "

"Am I so mean?"

Yu Yimo slowly gets up and walks towards her.

Ruan Shishi unconsciously retreated, "how did you get in?"

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