The Warmest Romance

Chapter 783

Chapter 783

Luo Yu nodded, his fingers pounded the keyboard quickly, while Su Yucheng, standing on the other side, suddenly looked a little ugly.

"Lao Yu, are you crazy? Because a woman left the task to the three of us yesterday. As soon as she woke up today, she immediately asked someone to check her whereabouts... "

Yu Yimo turned his head, looked at him coldly and said, "I have my own plan."

Leaving this sentence behind, he walked away with his long legs and left Su Yucheng with a cold color.

Within ten minutes, Yu Yimo had changed his clothes. He came down from the second floor and asked Luo Yu, "have you found it?"

Luo Yu shook his head, some wonder, "very strange, her recent whereabouts, like being deliberately erased in general, clean, nothing."

Hearing the words, Yu Yimo raised his eyebrows, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

If he was the only one on the beach yesterday, as Su Yucheng said, where did Ruan Shishi go? Were they taken away by the same people?

A few different guesses came out of his mind, but none of them worked. A moment later, he turned to Luo Yu and said in a deep voice, "I will explain to Lao Fan about the mistake of last night's task, and you will do as usual."

After giving orders, he took out a spare mobile phone from the drawer and dialed it directly to Du Yue.

Within 20 minutes, Du Yue came by car.

Yu Yimo quickly steps forward, pulls open the door and gets on the car. He says in a deep voice, "call the company and ask if Ruan Shishi has gone to work?"

Du Yue heard the words and did it immediately.

Soon, he hung up and reported to Yu Yimo, "president Yu, the company said Ruan Shishi hasn't been to work these days."

When Yu Yimo heard this, his right eyelid suddenly jumped twice. He paused for half a second and immediately said, "go to the small apartment." action

Du Yue heard the words, without saying a word, immediately started the car and went to the small apartment.

After arriving at the door of the apartment, Yu Yimo immediately takes out the key to open the door. When he pushes the door open, he sees the inside of the room, and his face suddenly sinks.

The living room was clean and spotless, and it was restored to the original appearance of renting. All Ruan's poems were gone.

As soon as Yu Yimo's heart is tight, he immediately steps towards the bedroom. He goes to the door and pushes open the door. When he sees the empty bedroom, his brain suddenly becomes blank.

Where did she go?

A bad premonition surged into his heart and made him fidgety unconsciously. He clenched his fist and immediately left the apartment to go to the hospital where Professor Ruan was.

When he arrives at the door of the ward and hears the laughter inside, Yu Yimo's nervous mood is relieved. But when he pushes the door of the ward, a strange face in the room turns to look at him.

Yu Yimo is slightly stunned. He sweeps everyone in the ward and retreats with a cold face. He turns to the nurse station nearby and asks in a cold voice, "where are the patients in the original 16 ward?"

The nurse looked in the direction of the ward and whispered, "they just got out of the hospital this morning."

Yu Yimo was stunned, and an inexplicable complex emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

Ruan Shishi suddenly disappeared, the apartment was empty, even Professor Ruan was discharged from the hospital, everything about her seemed to disappear in one day.

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