The Warmest Romance

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

Anger was brewing like a storm in his eyes, and his voice was rolling in his throat. "Send someone immediately to check the whereabouts of Ruan Shi! Be sure to find her for me first

Du Yue smell speech, eyebrow eye micro motion, hesitated for a moment, this just open mouth should under, "is."

Then he turned and was about to leave the office.

"Wait!" Yu Yimo frowned, suddenly stopped him, stared at him and asked, "Du Yue, do you know anything?"

Du Yue's eyes flashed a dim light quickly. Half a second later, he looked up at Yu Yimo and said, "Yu Zong, there's nothing wrong, but there's one thing I didn't tell you."

Yu Yimo frowned slightly, "what's the matter?"

"Assistant Ruan came to me in private once before, and asked me for the photo of her and Jiang Huanchen that I bought from paparazzi last time. At that time, I only heard her say that it was for Jiang Huanchen to sign a contract. I gave it to her without thinking much, and I didn't tell you."

Smell speech, metaphor with Merton, droop a Mou to see to sign a contract on the nearby table, the eyeground mood is dark and unclear.

It seems that this contract was signed by Jiang Huanchen with some small skills. At the beginning, he only gave her three days. Now, according to the time of signing the contract, Ruan Shishi just got Jiang Huanchen to sign the contract on the last day.

He promised her that he would let her leave Yu group as long as she could win the endorsement within three days.

Unexpectedly, she really did it. She sent the signed contract and resignation together. It was like a gust of wind and disappeared completely in his life.

Originally, from that time on, she was secretly planning to leave him! josei

Yu Yimo's heart pained two times unconsciously. After a moment, he inhaled deeply, looked up at Du Yue and asked, "did you find anything?"

Du Yue shook his head and answered truthfully, "nothing was found."

Yu Yimo's face was cold when he heard the sound.

With Ruan's ability of poetry, even if she is hiding, it will certainly leave traces, but now that everything about her has been wiped clean, someone must be helping her!

Suddenly, his eyebrows and eyes moved, and a man's face flashed through his mind.

Is it song yean who can compete with him?

The next second, he picked up the suit coat hanging on the back of the chair, coldly told Du Yue, "get ready for the car, go with me to Yunye technology."

Du Yue heard the speech, hesitated for a moment, did not dare to ask, immediately should, with his step out of the CEO office.

Along the way, Yu Yimo's face was gloomy, and his whole body sent out a chill of not being near, which made people shudder.

The car just stopped at the downstairs of Yunye technology, and the door was pushed open. Yu Yimo stepped out of the car on his long legs and walked directly into the front door of the company.

Du Yue looks at Yu Yimo's posture and quickly catches up. He hesitates and asks, "Mr. Yu, we don't have an appointment. Would you like to call Mr. Song's assistant in advance?"


He and song yean had already passed the step of propriety before soldiers.

Take the elevator upstairs. Before they get to the general manager's office, they are stopped by song yean's assistant, "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, Mr. Song is negotiating with our partner. Please wait a moment."

Yu Yimo's face sank and looked at him coldly. There was a kind of dark light at the bottom of his eyes. "Since you song always know that I'm coming, why don't you hide from me?"

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