The Warmest Romance

Chapter 787

Chapter 787

Song yean is not willing to be outdone, "Yu Zong, I don't know why you suddenly come here to make trouble, but if you want to continue, I'll accompany you at any time."

Two eyes meet, sparks everywhere, who refused to give up half a minute.

The assistant next to him began to persuade them. Yu Yimo gave them a cold glance, turned around and walked out quickly.

Walking up the elevator, Yu Yimo's tight body relaxed a little. He turned to Du Yue and said in a cold voice, "check song yean's recent whereabouts. Is there anything suspicious?"

Du Yue nodded his head and made a phone call to order him to check.

From Yunye technology to Yushi group, there is news.

Du Yue listened to the report and truthfully conveyed to Yu Yimo, "Mr. Yu, song yean has no suspicious action recently. He has been living in Jiangzhou city all the time, but he went to Yicheng this afternoon to see his sister and soon came back."

Hearing this, Yu Yimo's nerves tensed for a moment. After two seconds of hesitation, he frowned, "Yicheng?"

Will Ruan's poems be hidden in Yicheng by song yean?

Seeing Yu Yimo's doubts, Du Yue hesitated for a moment and whispered, "yes, Yicheng, and I know about it."

Yu Yimo looked at him fiercely and looked up at him. "How do you know?"

Du Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "song yun'an is my girlfriend. Her performance in Yicheng is not very smooth. Originally, I wanted to see her, but I couldn't get rid of her, so her brother passed."

Hearing the words, Yu Yimo's eyes flashed a trace of suspicion, which was fleeting, and soon disappeared.

After a pause, he took a deep look at Du Yue and said coldly, "let's go."

Du Yue has been with him for so many years, which is worth believing.

But song yean had to send someone to stare at Ruan before he found her!

For three days, Yu Yimo's men almost turned the whole city of Jiangzhou upside down, but there was still no news about Ruan's poetry.

Yu group president office.

Du more push open the door of the office, looking at sitting at the desk, tired man, some surprised.

He has never seen his own president like this.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yu Yimo raised his head. When he saw Du Yue, a faint light flashed at the bottom of his eyes and asked, "is there any news?"

Du more pause, shake his head, "not yet."

The glimmer of light in the fundus of his eyes darkened for a moment. Yu Yimo's face was cold again. He raised his hand, pressed his eyebrows and didn't speak any more.

Du took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Yu, the front desk calls, saying that the artist Jiang Huanchen and his agent are here. They have already got on the elevator and will arrive soon."

Yu Yimo frowned, "what is he doing here?"

"It's said that I'm here to talk about the details of the cooperation. Do you want to push it and let redeur receive it?"

"No Yu Yimo said faintly, "you go to the reception room and arrange for them to be in the reception room. I'll go there later."


Du Yue turned and left. The moment the door closed, he was the only one left in the room.

Yu Yimo was a little depressed. He inhaled deeply. When he thought of Ruan Shishi, who had no news at all, he felt restless.


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