The Warmest Romance

Chapter 802

Chapter 802

Chapter 802

Yu Yimo narrowed his eyes. He hesitated at the bottom of his eyes and said, "I'm four or five years old."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, pressed down his nervousness, and said, "it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

Yu Yimo raises her lips and glances at her with a smile. When she lowers her head, she sees song Yisha hiding behind Ruan Shishi, peeping out a small head and staring at him.

His heart inexplicably soft a few minutes, slightly bent over to look at her way, "who is your father?"

Song Yisha hesitated for a moment. Before she answered, song Yisen suddenly said, "my father's name is song yean! He's very good! "

Hearing the name, Yu Yimo's face suddenly sank, his eyes quickly flashed a wave, and his heart seemed to be pressed on a big stone, some of which could not breathe.

A few seconds later, his face slowly recovered as usual. Taking a deep breath, he stood up and looked at Ruan Shishi. His eyes were a little more ironic and he said with a smile, "it seems that President song has finally achieved his wish."

Five years ago, song yean had been around Ruan Shishi. Unexpectedly, Ruan Shishi left him after much effort, and finally he was with song yean. Besides, they had two four or five-year-old children.

I don't know why, Yu Yimo's heart shrinks, suddenly hurts twice, and then raises his eyes to see that Ruan's face is more and more gloomy.

Feeling the coldness of the man's eyes, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath. When his eyes passed his right hand, his eyes also gave a slight pause.

On the ring finger of a man's right hand, there is a unique ring. Ruan Shishi can see that it is a wedding ring.

She bit her lip, pretended to be calm, and just pulled out a smile, "isn't Yu always the same?"

When a woman laughs, she becomes more and more charming. It means that she is in a tight mood and a strange emotion surges into her heart.

Ruan Shishi is the same Ruan Shishi. She has stubborn eyes, strong character, and refuses to give up. But after five years, she seems to be reborn, more amazing and more dazzling. People can't ignore her light.

Yu Yimo sniffed at the speech and glanced down at the wedding ring between his fingers. His eyes darkened a little. He paused and finally said, "I should go. Take care of your child." josei

With that, he started to leave.

Suddenly, the corner of his clothes was tight, as if he had been grabbed by something. He looked down, and then he saw song Yisha standing at his leg and holding his hand.

Sasha's eyes are round, covered with water mist, and her face is a bit reluctant to give up. Looking at them, people can't help but feel pity.

Yu Yimo felt a little hesitant. He took a deep breath, paused, squatted down slowly, looked at her head in the eye, reached out his hand, gently touched her little cheek, and said in a low voice, "listen to mom, I'll take you to eat cake next time I'm free."

When song Yisha heard that, her face was a little more happy, "OK! Uncle Shuai

Ruan Shishi, standing on one side, saw that her heart almost jumped out of her throat. She didn't expect that Shasha, who always didn't like contact with strangers, would be so tacit!

Is this the legendary blood connection?

Ruan Shishi was more and more afraid. He quickly held out his hand, grabbed song Yisha, and said in a soft voice, "OK, Sasha, it's time for us to go."

With that, she looked at Yu Yimo and said coldly, "thank you for this time."

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