The Warmest Romance

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Looking at Xiaohe nodding like a chicken, ye Wan'er quickly walked out of the kitchen, went back to her bedroom and continued to massage Yu Yimo.

Pressing, her hand slowly glides down Yu Yimo's shoulder, passing his chest intentionally or unintentionally.

"Brother Mo, grandma's birthday is coming next month. I think it should be a big one this time. Do you have any ideas?"

Yu Yimo said in a low voice, "this matter needs to be discussed with my father."

Ye Wan'er said with a smile, "we really should discuss it. How about going back to see our parents this weekend?"

As she said this, her hand slowly went down Yu Yimo's chest and stroked the man's solid abdominal muscles, which made her more excited.

She has imagined countless times that she can turn the clouds and rain together with Yu Yimo, but every time her fantasy fails, and this time, as long as Yu Yimo drinks that bowl of wake-up wine soup, her fantasy can become a reality!

When ye Wan'er thinks about it, she is more and more daring. Unconsciously, she has more small movements on her hands.

Suddenly, a big hand grabbed her hand, a huge force around her wrist, almost crushed her bones.

Ye Wan'er cried out in pain, "ah! Brother murmur action

Yu Yimo pulled hard and pulled her around the sofa, half lying on the sofa.

Ye Wan'er raised her eyes and shivered unconsciously to the man's cold eyes.

The man's voice with a strong anger, "Wan'er, I told you before marriage, after marriage we make three rules, no one is allowed to cross the border!"

Ye Wan'er's eyes were full of tears. She didn't know whether it was painful or frightened. "Brother mo But I am your wife after all

"Is it?" Yu Yimo hums coldly, "you were the one who had to marry me at the beginning, and you don't know why I am like this?"

Ye Wan'er felt cold and opened her mouth. She couldn't say a word.

At this moment, she hated her stupid brother a little more.

If it wasn't for ye Zeyu, Yu Yimo would never have known that the leakage of Yu's group's business plan had something to do with her! It is precisely because of this that there is an irresistible gap between her and Yu Yimo.

"Brother mo I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I've never said anything about how you treated me in the past two years, but I'm also your wife after all! We can't do this all our lives... "

Looking at the woman crying in front of her, Yu Yimo's heart is filled with coldness, and no pity and sympathy can be aroused.

He felt more and more that he and ye Wan'er had gone farther and farther, and there was no way to go back to the past.

"Brother Mo, I really know I'm wrong. I leaked the plan because I love you so much..." Ye Wan'er reaches for Yu Yimo's clothes and tears like rain.

Yu Yimo frowned and looked gloomy. "There's more than one business plan between us. Don't you understand?"

With that, he got up directly, pulled the corner of his clothes out of Ye Wan'er's hands and walked out quickly.

The door slammed shut, and men's footsteps went farther and farther away.

Ye Wan'er kneels down on the ground and tries her best to hold the blanket on the sofa, hoping to explode in place.

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