The Warmest Romance

Chapter 826

Chapter 826

Unexpectedly, for the first time, it was used on a maid.

She looked at Xiao He and hummed coldly, "it's cheaper for you."

Xiao He felt more and more uneasy. After a while, her forehead began to sweat, and even her breath became urgent unconsciously.

Three minutes later, she was a little feverish. She looked at ye Wan'er sitting on the sofa and asked, "Madam I'm a little hot. What kind of medicine is this

Ye Wan'er hummed coldly, "a kind of medicine that makes you want to be immortal and die."

Xiaohe was frightened. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but the sweat was like tap water. It rubbed here, and it was emitting there.

"It's so hot How hot it is

Xiaohe pulled her clothes and fanned quickly, but the more she moved, the faster the blood circulation, and the faster the medicine came.

"It's hard..." Xiao he knelt on the ground, his whole face turned red.

Ye Wan'er raised her eyes and glanced at the clock. Only five minutes later, the effect of the medicine had risen. It seemed that it really worked!

Soon, ten minutes later, Xiaohe almost lost her mind. Her servant's shirt had been untied by herself, revealing an old white vest inside.

Ye Wan'er looked at her with a little more disdain and asked coldly, "what's up? Does it taste good? "

Xiao He lay on the ground and tried his best to stick his skin on the cold floor. He rubbed back and forth with his eyes closed and murmured vaguely, "hot Hot... "

Looking at the girl who has lost her mind and started to take off her pants, ye Wan'er's face looks more and more disgusted, "what a cheap hoof! I always pretend to be so honest. I didn't expect to be so coquettish behind my back! "

She picked up the phone next to her and dialed directly, "come upstairs, come to my bedroom."

Soon, there was a knock at the door, and ye Wan'er answered. The door opened, and a dark middle-aged man appeared at the door.

When the man saw the little lotus on the ground, he was obviously stunned.

"Ma'am, she is..."

Ye Wan'er raised her chin and glanced at Xiao he coldly. "Driver Luo, haven't you been playing bachelor all the time? This time, you can help solve it. "

Luo driver smell speech, see to small lotus, the eye ground immediately flashed a few cent greedy essence, he hurriedly nodded, "thank madam, thank madam!"

Ye Wan'er opened her mouth and ordered, "drag her to the basement. Keep it down. Do you hear me?"

Luo driver repeatedly nodded and couldn't wait to extend a salty pig's hand to Xiao He, "I understand, I understand!"

When he dragged Xiaohe away, the door slammed shut, and the room was calm again.

Ye Wan'er sat on the sofa, and when she thought of what would happen next, she was even more disgusted.

Although I have dealt with Xiao He, I can't get rid of her anger.

She and Yu Yimo must not go on like this, or sooner or later, she will completely lose her brother Mo! action

So, she must think of a way as soon as possible!

And Ruan Shishi, she would never allow her to re-enter her life with Yu Yimo, otherwise her chances of winning would be even smaller!

Besides, had it not been for Ruan's poems, she would not have been estranged from Yu Yimo, nor would she have lived such a life of being a widow!

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