The Warmest Romance

Chapter 838

Chapter 838

She took a deep breath and asked first, "would you like something to drink?"

Song yean asked softly, "no, have you eaten well?"


"OK, I'll pay."

Soon, the waiter came over, looked at Song yean and said, "excuse me, sir. Another gentleman on the table has already bought the bill."

When song yean heard the speech, his face became cold again.

After that, he came out of the restaurant. Because the two kids had been playing all day, they were very tired. Ruan Shishi proposed to go home directly. Song yean didn't say anything, so he started the car and went to Xiqiao garden.

On the way back, maybe because they were tired of playing, Sensen and Shasha fell asleep in the car. Along the way, Ruan Shishi and song yean didn't say a few words, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

When they arrive at Xiqiao garden, Ruan Shishi holds Shasha and song yean holds Sensen. They walk into the house. Ms. Liu and Professor Ruan are not in. The house is quiet.

The two little guys will be carried into the room, placed on a small bed, they quietly out of the room.

When they come out of the room, Ruan Shishi and song yean go to the living room. Song yean goes to the wine cabinet, takes out a bottle of whisky, pours half a glass and drinks two mouthfuls.

The atmosphere in the room was a little heavy. Ruan Shishi went to the sofa and sat down. He took a deep breath, looked up at him and asked, "is the company busy today?"

"Well, something happened at the moment, so I didn't get a call." Song yean said, stepped to her side, sat down, and asked softly, "are you angry that I didn't arrive today?"

Ruan Shishi shook his head. "No, I know you're busy."

She owes song yean too much and shouldn't blame him for a trifle.

Song yean didn't speak for a long time. After a moment, he put down his glass and turned to look at the people beside him. "Shishi, actually, when I saw you with Yu Yimo today, I was very angry."

"Seeing the four of you together, I wonder if I didn't do well enough?"

Ruan Shishi, after hearing the speech, tightened her heart a little and said, "good night, don't think so. You've done enough for us. I'm very grateful. I don't know how to repay you..."

Before Ruan Shishi's words were heard, song yean suddenly held out his hand, held her hand, and said emotionally, "but you know clearly that what I want is not your gratitude, and I don't want your return."

Five years ago, he could help her go abroad without asking for any reward. In the past five years, he took care of her meticulously for the sake of her gratitude. All he wanted was her sincerity from beginning to end.

Song yean's voice was a little hoarse and said, "Shishi, you know what I want..."

As he said that, he approached her slowly and was about to kiss her on the lips

Ruan Shishi's body was stiff. He almost subconsciously reached out and pushed him away. He stood up in a panic and took a step back. "Good night, don't do that. I'm not ready yet..."

She is not ready to accept him.

Song yean was stunned. Looking at the woman's panic, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He is ready to accompany her, but she is not ready to accept him.

Five years, five years! Even if it's a warm iceberg, it's time to melt, isn't it?


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