The Warmest Romance

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Song yun'an at that end saw that there was no sound here for a long time, and continued, "hmm? What's up? Don't say you don't have time! I have just called Qi Ge and asked him. He said that you will finish work at 5:30. "

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, swallowed her saliva and asked, "where are you now?"

"Here in starlight square, right here in the center of the city."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and said, "well, you can send me a location. We'll go to find you."

When she hung up, before she could put away her cell phone, she felt a burning look coming towards her. She subconsciously raised her eyes, just to Yu Yimo's black and bright eyes.

The man lifted thin lip, tone is very light, "where are you going?"

Ruan Shishi opened her mouth. A few seconds later, she glanced out of the window and said, "stop in front. I'll take them to Xingguang square to find An'an."

Yu Yimo hears that he is going to find song Yunan. He tightens his eyebrows and then slowly stretches a little. action

He turned to Du Yue in front and said, "turn around at the intersection in front and go to Xingguang square."

Du Yue immediately responded, "yes."

Ruan Shishi was stunned for a moment, and was about to refuse. But who knows Du Yue had turned around, so she had to swallow the words back.

Yu Yimo never gave her a chance to refuse.

Forget it.

"Mom, where are we going?" Sen Sen raised his head, blinked and asked.

Ruan Shishi replied with a smile, "let's go to find my little aunt!"

On hearing this, Sensen immediately danced happily, "great!"

Sasha tilted her head, looked at Ruan Shishi and asked, "Uncle Shuai is going with us, too?"

Ruan Shi's throat was tight when he heard the speech. He didn't know how to answer.

Sasa saw that she didn't speak, then turned to look at Yu Yimo, stretched out her little hand and held his sleeve, "Uncle Shuai, are you going with us?"

Yu Yimo smelled the speech, raised his eyes to Ruan Shishi, looked at her with a smile, and said, "it depends on whether your mother is willing or not."

As soon as he finished, Sasha raised her eyes, looked at her with a small look of prayer and said, "Mom, take uncle Shuai with you."

For a moment, Ruan Shi couldn't get out of his mind.

I didn't expect that Yu Yimo was very clever and deliberately threw the problem to Sasha. As soon as Sasha opened her mouth, how could she refuse?

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and bit her teeth. Instead of looking at Sasha, she said, "Sasha, it's not my mother's treat. If you want to have dinner with Uncle Shuai, you can wait for next time."

Sasha's eyes flashed a glimmer of disappointment, "OK."

While talking, the car has arrived at Xingguang square. The car stops steadily on the side of the road. Ruan Shishi pushes the door to get off the car and holds Sensen Shasha down from the car. Then he looks at Yu Yimo in the car and says, "thank you today..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud female voice came, "poetry!"

Song yun'an, a woman like the wind, suddenly rushes over and grabs Ruan Shishi's arm. However, when she just stands still and sees the people in the car clearly, she suddenly looks silly and gapes in the same place.

Yu Yimo glanced at her, turned to Ruan Shishi, and said in a light voice, "if you really want to thank me, then you can make a good advertisement."

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