The Warmest Romance

Chapter 852

Chapter 852

Ruan Shishi's heart tightened and immediately stepped on the brake.

The car suddenly shrugged, and the two little guys in the back row screamed.

Ruan Shishi raised his head and felt more angry.

Now she really doesn't know what Yu Yimo wants to do!

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and immediately turned to the back row of Sen Sen and Sha Sha, "you don't go down, wait for me in the car."

She unfastened her seat belt, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

Yu Yimo, standing in front of her, seemed to have expected that she would come down. Looking at the woman's angry appearance, he picked his eyebrows and said in a light voice, "who provoked you early in the morning?"

In a word, Ruan Shishi was even more angry, "what do you say? Yu Yimo, are you interesting? You did it on purpose, didn't you? "

Smell speech, metaphor with silent hook lip smile, but smile of light.

It's true that he is selfish about the sample film, but he also wants to pursue higher quality. Only by forcing her can she give full play to her true level.

Seeing the man looking at her with a smile but no words, Ruan Shishi was even more ashamed. She bit her teeth and her eyes were firm and black. "Yu Yimo, what do you want to do?"

Smell speech, Yu Yimo slightly convergence complexion, serious a few minutes, mouth way, "I want a truth."

Ruan Shishi frowned, "what truth?"

As soon as her voice fell, the man opposite suddenly stepped forward and approached her directly.

He was tall and tall. As soon as he lowered his head, the whole shadow covered Ruan Shishi's small figure.

Virtually, the momentum of Ruan's poems is weak.

Yu Yimo's eyebrows moved and his eyes were deep. "I want to know what's the relationship between you and song yean?"

Ruan Shishi took a cool breath and pretended to reply calmly, "do you still need to ask? We are husband and wife

Smell speech, Yu Yimo sneer out a voice, "is it?"

The man leaned over and got close to two points. "Since he is a husband and wife, why do he have to sleep in separate rooms?"

This sentence, like thunder and lightning, "brush", let Ruan poetry brain a blank, she opened her mouth, suddenly unable to speak. action

Two seconds later, she looked up and a little flustered appeared on her face What nonsense? "

Yu Yimo's eyes were a little cold, and he said word by word, "what Sasha told me personally is nonsense?"

Ruan's poems were dumb and speechless.

In the United States, she and song yean did sleep in separate rooms, but she did not expect that Shasha would tell Yu Yimo about these things!

Originally, Yu Yimo had doubts about her. If you let him know that she and song yean are not married, I'm afraid there's no way to hide the children's affairs.

She clenched her teeth, summoned up courage, raised her eyes to the man's inquiring eyes, and said, "how I sleep with yean has nothing to do with you."

The moment the words blurted out, Yu Yimo's face suddenly sank.

Just now she said that sentence, already let him can't help but think Skewly, in the mind a thought of her and other men together scene, his heart fire whizzing up.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Sensen and Shasha, who were looking at them curiously in the car not far away. He tightened his heart, stretched out his hand, grasped Ruan Shishi's wrist without hesitation, opened the car door and pulled her in directly.

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