The Warmest Romance

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

The man glanced at her and raised his chin at her. "What's the matter, please tell the owner."

Without waiting for Ruan Shishi to respond, the back door opened, and she was pushed directly in. She was shocked. When she turned her head and saw the people sitting next to her, she suddenly lost her eyes.

It turned out to be Jiang Huanchen! josei

Junyan, who appears on the advertising screens of shopping malls in Jiangzhou City, is very close at this moment.

Ruan Shishi was surprised, "how Is that you

With a smile, Jiang Huanchen's eyes seemed to contain the whole galaxy of stars. They were bright and charming. He asked with a smile, "it's not me. Who do you think it is?"

Then, without waiting for Ruan Shishi to speak, he approached her, winked at her and said, "long time no see, little assistant."

When Ruan Shishi heard the speech, something suddenly flashed in his mind. At that moment, immediately after that, something was right.

That's what she saw on the card in the bunch of sunflowers that day? At that time, she thought it was from Qi Ge, but she didn't expect

Ruan asked, "is it you?"

Jiang Huan Chen raised chin, smile on the face deepens, light hum a way, "otherwise? Who do you think it is? "

Ruan Shishi was stunned. After a moment, she turned to look out of the window at her car, and a trace of doubt passed through her mind.

She didn't believe that they were so predestined. She didn't meet them sooner or later, but she met them in this narrow alley.

"The car just now..."

Jiang Huan Chen hears speech, smile to come out a voice, Mou bottom flash a silk cunning, blunt her to blink an eye to say, "don't worry, I don't need you to compensate!"

Then he turned his head, looked at the bodyguard standing outside the door, and said, "you can drive her car to the 4S store to repair the scratch."

The bodyguard immediately nodded and closed the door with his hand.

Then, the driver in the front seat seemed to have been instructed to start the car and drive forward.

Ruan Shishi didn't expect it at all. She turned to look at Jiang Huanchen and asked, "where are you taking me?"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, so I'm going to have a good reminiscence."

Jianghuanchen toward her hook lips, eyes with a bit of meaning unknown.

I don't know why, but Ruan Shishi is still flustered. After five years, I didn't expect that people like Jiang Huanchen could still remember her.

Seeing the car speeding forward, Ruan Shishi was a little flustered. "Jiang Huanchen, are you crazy? If your fans see me, they won't tear me up?"

Jiang Huanchen didn't think so. He turned to her and said with a smile, "don't worry, I'll take you to a quiet place."

Watching him say such words with this expression, Ruan Shishi's body shakes and his arm gets goose bumps.

Why does she sound so awkward?

Soon, the car drove out of the alley and sped along the main road. Ruan Shishi knew that even if she was crying, it was too late to get off. After adjusting her mood, she slowly calmed down.

One side of Jiang Huan Chen see, but some surprised, he leaned back, staring at the woman's delicate side face, slightly squint, "in recent years, you have changed a lot."

Compared with the stubborn girl before, Ruan's poems at this moment are more elegant and calm, and more feminine.

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