The Warmest Romance

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Du Yue comes forward and hands the mobile phone to Cheng Lu.

When Cheng Lu saw it, it turned out to be a surveillance video. It was the one she poured mango juice into Ruan Shishi's cup!

For a moment, her back was cold, "Yu always I just want to remind her, because she hears about you all over the company, and I can't swallow it.... "

Without waiting for her to finish, Yu Yimo said in a cold voice and interrupted her, "finish these."

Cheng Lu followed Yu Yimo's eyes and looked at the big box of mangoes on the table. She couldn't help shaking her body. "General Yu, I don't dare to..."

Without blinking, Yu Yimo gave the order, "two choices, either leave or finish eating."

Hearing this, Cheng Lu's face turns pale. If she leaves, her efforts all these years are in vain. If she eats up this box of mangoes, how can she stand it?

On one side, an ran didn't know what Cheng Lu had done wrong. Looking at him, he didn't even dare to say anything.

"Mr. Yu, I'm really wrong. I just want to teach her a lesson for you. I'm thinking about you!"

Yu Yimo's face doesn't change, as if he didn't hear her at all. Du Yue next to him looks at Cheng Lu and reminds him, "Secretary Cheng, Yu's total time is limited."

Cheng Lu wants to cry without tears. Looking at the whole box of mangoes in front of her, she hesitates, but she is reluctant to give up her efforts in recent years. She grabs a mango and trembles.

Looking at the man's gloomy face, she made it clear that there was no room for negotiation. Cheng Lu had no choice but to peel and eat. The liquid of mango stuck to her hand. Now, she didn't care about her image and face. She peeled and ate the mango one by one.

Eat less than three, her tears gushed out, full hand full mouth is mango, embarrassed.

Yu Yimo glances at her coldly, but doesn't mean to stop her. Cheng Lu has no choice but to pick up mango and stuff it into her mouth one by one.

An ran, who was beside him, couldn't look any more. He stepped forward carefully and said, "Mr. Yu, what's the matter? Secretary Cheng is an old man who has been working in the CEO Office for several years. How can we say that... "

Yu Yimo glanced at her and said faintly, "if you want to plead for her, you can help her eat together."

With these words, an Ran's face suddenly changed color, and he quickly swallowed the unfinished words back to his stomach.

Hearing Yu Yimo's words, Cheng Lu realizes that at this point, there is no room to turn the world around, so she just stuffs her head and shoves mango into her stomach. action

I don't know how long later, Cheng Lu ate half of a box of mangoes, and the scene was a mess.

Yu Yimo glanced at the empty half of the carton. With a count in his heart, he told Anran in a deep voice, "watch her finish eating."

With that, he turned and walked out. Du Yue also followed him.

As soon as they came out of the office, Cheng Lu's vomit came from the room, as if to vomit out all the viscera.

Looking at Cheng Lu like this, an ran was afraid and worried. "Cheng Lu, you can't eat any more. If you eat any more, something will happen!"

Cheng Lu's shoulders shrugged and her eyes were full of tears because of nausea. She clenched her fist and bit her teeth. She hated and regretted.

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