The Warmest Romance

Chapter 914

Chapter 914

Yu Yimo twisted his eyebrows, his eyes were cold, and he didn't answer.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and forced down the tension in her heart. "I heard that you went to see Sasha. Yu Yimo, you have an intention, right?"

Without waiting for him to answer, Ruan Shishi turned her head, glanced at the sign of the identification department over there, sneered and continued, "I wanted to leave originally, but later I heard from the nurse that you came to the identification department, and I thought it was suspicious, so I followed him. Unexpectedly, president Tang Yu would do such a mean thing."

Yu Yimo sneers, but she does not panic. She says word by word, "I just want to know the truth. If you don't tell me, I can only test it myself."

Looking at the man's calm without any panic, a sense of annoyance rose to Ruan Shishi's heart. She gritted her teeth and glared at the people in front of her angrily, "Yu Yimo, you are shameless!"

"Am I shameless?" Yu Yimo leaned slightly over her and approached her for a while. "If the truth comes out, it's you who cheated me in the end. Is it me who is shameful?"

Ruan Shiqi couldn't say, "you..."

Now, Yu Yimo has almost confirmed the truth. What he is waiting for is an authoritative report that can prove that Sen Sen and Sha Sha are his flesh and blood.

This is what Ruan Shishi is afraid of most!

It seems to see through a woman's mind completely. It means that she squints her eyes in silence, and her voice is light to the extreme. "Ruan Shishi, what are you afraid of?"

In a word, it accurately hit Ruan's heart.

She inhaled deeply, and her hand clung to her side unconsciously, forced out a meaningless smile, "I'm not afraid, I'm afraid you'll be too shameful then!"

"That's good." Yu Yimo glanced at his watch and said, "there's still half an hour left. Let's wait for the result together."

Ruan's poems have nothing to say.

She knew that by this time she had no choice but to retire.

She can't leave, and she can't stop it. Now she can only wait for the countdown of the last half hour.

She sat in the cold chair, her hands clasped, trying not to tremble.

Such a moment is like a prisoner on death row who knows when he is on the road and lives in the last time.

Five minutes later, Ruan Shishi takes out her mobile phone and places her last hope on Song yean.

At this time, she had nothing else to ask for, and there was no other way to try. She had to try. Even if she was a dead horse, it was better to be a living horse doctor than to sit here waiting to die.

She edited a short message with the most concise and urgent words and sent it to song yean. She sent it several times and dialed song yean with the least obvious posture.

No one answered, no one answered the text message.

She knows that song yean is very busy, and he is still out of town now. Even if he sees a text message, it's too late to rush here.

But she didn't want to give up any chance.

Twenty minutes action

Fifteen minutes

Five minutes

Ruan Shishi was holding a cell phone that no one answered. The closer she approached the last moment, the more nervous she was.

At last, the moment when Yu Yimo's name appeared on the electronic screen at the door of the identification department, all her hopes were shattered.

Yu Yimo stands up, goes to the window where the report comes out, and takes an inspection report from it.

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