The Warmest Romance

Chapter 940

Chapter 940


Hearing the speech, Ruan's heart was tight, and a sense of bitterness rose to his heart in an instant.

She reluctantly chuckled and said nothing. After chatting with director Gao casually, she thought about the public welfare short film and asked, "director Gao, has Yu always told you about the public welfare short film?"

"Yes, but the details of the shooting are not yet determined. Let's wait for the notice."

Director Gao said, reaching out to Ruan Shishi, "I wish us a happy cooperation first."

Ruan Shishi smiles, shakes hands with him absently, chats casually for a while, and then leaves the studio.

After two days of waiting at home, Yu Yimo still has no news or notice.

Ruan Shishi took the time to take a swimming class for Sensen and Shasha, but he had nothing to do at home.

On the morning of the third day, seeing the little guy off to class, Ruan Shishi sat in the car, thought about it, took a deep breath, and drove the car to Yu group.

Looking at the familiar and strange road, the memories of the past come to her mind unconsciously. Five years ago, the day when she went to work by subway appeared in front of her eyes.

Yu's mansion is still standing in the most prosperous area of the city center, which can be seen at a glance.

Ruan Shishi stops the car at the gate of Yu's group. For a moment, she unconsciously pushes the door open, gets off and walks towards the gate.

There was a security guard at the gate, and the staff came and went in and out from the gate. Looking at the work card on their chest, Ruan Shishi felt a little sad.

Who would have thought that when she came back, she had changed from a green girl to a mother of two children?

For a moment, she had a sour nose and tears in her eyes. Before she could see the door clearly, a group of people came out from the door, including a familiar face.

Ruan Shishi blinked, fixed his eyes, and suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

It's Han! Her hair grew longer, she had more temperament, and she looked radiant.

Ruan Shishi was both surprised and happy, but she was afraid of being recognized by her. Suddenly, she became nervous. She inhaled deeply and quickly turned around and walked back with her head down.

Who knows has not gone a few steps, the whole person suddenly hit a wall.

"Bang!" She felt a sharp pain in her forehead. Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and rubbed it. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw a cold face.

It's a metaphor for silence!

She How come I met him here!

Without waiting for her to recover, the man's eyes had passed her and looked at the gate over there.

Two seconds later, he took back his eyes, pulled his lips, and asked in a low voice, "what have you done?"

Ruan Shishi shakes his head subconsciously Just passing by. Come and have a look... "

"Is it?" Yu Yimo doesn't believe, "why do I think you came to me specially?"

Ruan's poetry seemed to have been poked into a soft spot and suddenly exploded, "who said that? It's not

"It's OK, just accompany me to a place."

With that, Yu Yimo reaches out her hand, holds her hand and pulls her to turn her head toward the direction of the car.

Before she could react, she was forced into the car.

When the door is closed, the car will start and enter the main road without waiting for a silent answer.

When the door was locked, Ruan Shishi couldn't open it. He was in a hurry. "Where are you taking me?"

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