The Warmest Romance

Chapter 967

Chapter 967

Du Yue, like a report, said everything at one go.

Song yun'an stood in the same place, looking at the man's serious look, she was half convinced, did not know what to say.

Five years ago, when she saw him and a girl come out of his corridor, her mind was in a mess. In the past five years, she always thought that he had betrayed her. Now, listening to his explanation, she doesn't know whether to believe it or not.

"An'an!" Du more anxious to step forward, stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, word by word said, "I never said half a lie to you!"

"Ann, you have me in your heart, and I have you in my heart. Why should we torture each other?"


Song yun'an was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to do for a moment.

A moment later, Du took a deep breath and said seriously, "Ann, let's start again."

Song yun'an's heart moved, his lips moved, and he hesitated.

Seeing her hesitation, Du stepped forward, took her shoulder gently, and said with a smile, "give me this chance. What's more, I know so many of your secrets. At least because of you, I always keep those secrets."

Yu Yimo is his boss, but for the sake of song Yunan, he has selfishness for the first time and conceals it from him.

Hearing the sound, song yun'an's eyes moved. He raised his eyes to Du Yue and said, "will you tell me that?"

In any case, she has to keep a secret for Ruan Shishi about her life experience.

Seeing that the woman's mood had changed a little, Du Yue raised the corner of his lips, intended to amuse her and said in a soft voice, "look at your performance. If you promise to start over with me, I will keep a secret. If you..."

Hearing the speech, song yun'an's face changed. He immediately put out his hand to push him away and said angrily, "Du Yue, you dare to threaten me!"

Du chuckled more and more when he saw her face vividly because she was angry.

Compared with song yun'an's coldness to him, he is more willing to see her angry.

Song yun'an didn't see that he was deliberately teasing her. His angry face turned blue. He couldn't help scolding, "Du Yue, you bastard!"

With that, her fists hit the man's chest like raindrops. The next second, Du Yue stretched out his hand and wrapped the woman's little fist in his palm.

Song yun'an's body is hot and dry, and his cheeks are red. He asks seriously, "do you really want to tell Yu Yimo?"

Du Yue hooked the corner of his lips and nodded, "if you don't agree, just tell me."

"You dare!"

Du Yue's smile deepened at the bottom of his eyes, and his mind moved. He let go of her hand and actually opened the door and went out.

Song yun'an was surprised, but she didn't expect him to be serious. She was in a panic, and immediately followed her out of the bathroom and ran after her.

The man has long legs and big steps. She is anxious and flustered. She barely catches up with him and asks in a low voice, "Du Yue, what do you want to do?" action

Du Yue turned a deaf ear and walked directly to Yu Yimo and Ruan Shi.

Song yun'an completely disordered feet, see more and more close, her heart instantly mentioned the throat.

Du Yue went to the card seat and stopped. He looked straight at Yu Yimo, "president, I have something to tell you."

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