The Warmest Romance

Chapter 973

Chapter 973

Chapter 973

"Director he, tell me what's going on."

The man's eyes turned flexibly, swept the Yugu North beside him, looked at yuyimo and said, "Yuzong, is it the problem of accounts?"

Yu Yimo is silent and does not answer, his eyes are fixed on him.

Director he touched his nose and stepped forward. When he saw the account book, his face turned a little white.

Next to the computer screen display, is the account has been checked, all the holes, the difference, at a glance.

Director he stood there, his nose sweating.

At this time, even if he has ten mouths, I'm afraid he can't tell.

These data are real things on the surface. He can't fake them, and he can't escape the charge.

Yu Yimo stares at him and spits out two words coldly, "say it."

Director he shivered slightly, his face turned white, but he could not speak.

Yu Yimo stares at him, frowns tightly, and all his patience is running out.

At this moment, he has no patience.

After waiting for another two minutes, he frowned and looked at his subordinate Hong Tian.

He Guangming, if I remember correctly, your son just passed his fifth birthday half a month ago, right

At the mention of his son, he Guangming's face suddenly changed Yes

Hongtian said word by word, "I'm only five years old, so young, I haven't had a good look at the world..."

"What do you want to do?"

He Guangming immediately became excited and looked at others on guard. josei

He's in his forties. He's an old boy. He's such a precious son, but now "What do we want to do? You has the final say,"

hung Tian smiled.

The next Yu Gu Bei frowned, looked at Yu Yimo and said in a cold voice, "brother, what do you mean?"

Yu Yimo asked coldly, "don't you know?"

He just learned what he did.

Next to him, Hongtian takes out a mobile phone and throws it directly in front of he Guangming. There is a video playing on it. He can vaguely hear the baby's voice calling "Dad".

Sitting in the inner room, Ruan Shishi saw the scene and felt a chill in his heart.

Her back, however, was already sweating.

She did not expect that Yu Yimo would threaten he Guangming with her children!

"What do you want to do?" He Guangming a little flustered, "how can my son be in your hands!"

Yu Yimo said calmly, "when you made false accounts, you should have thought that one day, if your son is really gone, blame yourself."

His words were heartless enough, and his voice seemed to be filled with ice dregs, which pierced into he Guangming's heart and Ruan Shishi's heart.

It's just a five-year-old child. She's as old as Sam Sam. even if her parents do something wrong, they are innocent after all.

For a moment, Ruan's heart was full of bitterness, which made Yu Yimo's eyes more cold.

This man is really more cruel than she imagined!

Over there in the conference room, he Guangming is in a mess. He often looks at Yu Gubei, but he doesn't get any response.

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