The Warmest Romance

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

Along the way after that, they rarely had a tacit understanding, determined the direction, unified the pace, and maintained their final physical strength.

After helping each other for a while, Ruan found that the surrounding scenery seemed familiar to her. She even saw some marks she left on the trees during the day.

Just follow the sign she left, and they can go down the mountain pass!

Thinking about this, she unconsciously quickened her steps on her feet.

The dark night was boring and boring. After walking for a while, the distance was farther than she imagined. Moreover, the road was slippery in rainy days. They walked slowly with deep feet and shallow feet.

After a while, Ruan's hope faded away.

She took a deep breath and turned to look at the man beside her. In the dark, she could not see his expression. She moved her lips and asked, "Yu Yimo, why did you come to save me?"

Today, when she was alone in the mountains, when there was no hope, she did not expect that someone would come to save her.

It seems that he didn't expect that the woman would suddenly ask him this question. After two seconds, he said in a light tone, "this public welfare video has invested so much in the early stage. If you have an accident, those before you will be washed away."

Ruan Shishi was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and all his words were blocked in his throat.

Listen to him, he came to save her just for his own benefit.

Suddenly, her heart was cold.

Is she thinking too much?

But every time she was in danger and in trouble, he would come to her and help her.

If it's a coincidence once or twice, it's definitely not a coincidence if it's more than once.

Ruan Shishi bit his lip, "Yu Yimo, you lied to me."

Hearing the words, Yu Yimo pulled the corners of his lips, stopped for a few seconds, and said calmly, "what if I say I have a plan for you? I've saved you so many times, so it's reasonable that you should have promised me by yourself? "

As soon as he came out, it was blocked again. She couldn't speak.

Ruan Shishi was a little angry, so he simply shut up and didn't talk to him so much.

All of a sudden, far away sound came, and there was a faint light of fire.

Ruan Shishi's heart was tight. He subconsciously looked at the man beside him, and his eyes flashed a look of surprise, "are you looking for us?"

As she was saying this, the voice over there came closer. She heard her name and Yu Yimo's name vaguely.

It's really looking for them!

At the top of Daishan mountain, they had been drizzling around for several hours. At this moment, they were finally saved!

From the mountain down to the Daishan Hotel, she and Yu Yimo were directly sent to the hotel room. After changing their clothes, a doctor came to disinfect and bandage their wounds.

Unconsciously, nearly an hour has passed.

Ruan Shishi was lying on the sofa, not knowing when he had fallen asleep.

The doctor bandaged Yu Yimo's wound and was about to tell him something to pay attention to. The man raised his hand slightly. josei

Seeing this, the doctor took a look at the sleeping woman next to him. He immediately understood, nodded and quietly walked out of the room.

For a moment, there were only two of them left in the room.

Yu Yimo leans on the sofa, puts his arm on the edge of the sofa, looks up at the sleeping woman, and unconsciously hooks his lips.

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