The Warmest Romance

Chapter 990

Chapter 990

Chapter 990

Sure enough, the news headlines are all about Yu.

Some time ago, the problem of Yu Yimo's checking the accounts of its branches has evolved into a family feud. Yu Yimo and Yu Gubei have obviously become rivals in the face. Although the media and the public do not know what to say, they all know it.

Ruan Shishi frowned and flipped through several tweets, feeling a little uneasy.

Before, she always felt that Yu Gubei was a person who was indifferent to fame and wealth, who did not fight for it. In addition, he was disabled in both legs and used to be in a wheelchair all the year round. She never understood why Yu Yimo was always so harsh and hostile to him.

But now it seems that Yu Gubei is not a simple character.

The words that Yu Yimo said in the meeting room of Yu group last time flashed through her mind

At that time, she felt that Yu Yimo was talking nonsense and making excuses for her own ruthlessness. But now, how can a man who can fight against Yu Yimo be simple and pure?

"Poetry, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly, song yean's voice came to my ear. josei

Ruan's face flashed a little unnatural. He hooked his lips and laughed. He shook his head and didn't speak.

"Shishi, when I was on a business trip a few days ago, I thought about it. Next month, when you finish your work, let's go to relax and take sensensenshasha with you. How about that?"

Ruan Shishi's heart was full of emotion and he asked, "where are you going?"

Song ye'an raised his eyes, his brown eyes shining with a gentle light, "nanfa."

He wanted to take her for a long time, and it happened that the day when they got their marriage certificate would come next month. Although they were only superficial couples, he still wanted to spend their common holiday together.

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes and hesitated at the man's affectionate eyes.

"All right?"

Song yean reaches out her hand and gently holds her hand. Her eyes are full of expectation.

At the beginning, because Ruan Shishi cheated him and signed a contract with Yu Yimo for the public welfare short film, he was disheartened and went on a business trip for a few days. After calming down for a while, he found that her face was all in his mind. Only then did he realize that he loved her more than he thought.

He can not do without her, so he chose to forgive, choose silence, choose to continue to accompany her, choose to continue to wait until she melts that day.

Ruan Shishi's heart moved, looking at the man's affectionate eyes, he finally nodded, "OK, we'll leave next month."

It's time to leave Jiangzhou.

In the next two days, according to the original plan, Ruan Shishi will complete the task of shooting in Daishan.

Because she was injured, song yean directly pushed all the work of these two days, concentrating on her side.

Three days after the shooting of Daishan, Ruan Shishi and director Gao were satisfied with the work process. After that, the crew moved to the deep valley alley in the city center for the next shooting.

According to this process, by the end of this month, all the shooting tasks will be completed. As long as the editing and dubbing are in place, the film will be ready at the beginning of next month.

In this way, it seems that it is not far away from the agreement she made with Yu Yimo.

Ruan Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, but somehow, he felt a little depressed.

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