The Way of a Demon Lord

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: The Royal Palace

Though the frigid year came to an end and a bright year entered the circle, the lingering cold had yet to completely run away. Dense fog blurred the entire capital of the Kingdom of Nemphis.

But the Royal Palace at its centre was clear as any day on a regular bright year. The dozens of wind circlers of the Royal guardians were busy all night and dawn. After all, today was the day of the selection- the day their new ruler would be selected.

The whole city was lively. The commoners immersed themselves in a festival. But the case was not the same for the nobles. Almost all the nobles sent a delegation; every one of those were either led by the head of the families themselves or the first heirs. Almost all of them had solemn faces. Ultimately, the rise or fall of their families would depend on the selection- whether the candidate they have bet their all on would win or not.

The most luxurious inns of the city were booked from weeks, if not months ago. The incoming nobles station themselves in the luxury of the humongous capital until the selection begins. Carriages after carriages wheeled through the wide and smooth city- all heading for the wondrous castle at the centre.josei

One such carriage left the Academy. Inside, sat three beautiful women and a young man whose looks outshined them all.

*Click. Click.*


Mia was sitting on Adrian’s laps. Both of her hands sandwiched his head while her lips were locked with his. Their tongues swirled around each other as they sucked each other’s mouth. One of his hands was on her waist while the other was a little below, fondling her ass.

Sitting right beside Adrian was the princess’s guardian. Vanessa’s eyes were on the carpeted floor of the carriage- her face all red.

Meanwhile, the princess’s eyes, which were locked on the duo, betrayed nonchalance and a bit of envy. It was nothing compared to what he had done with her the past month. He did not take her virginity, or did not use his thing at all. All he used were his hands. But those were enough to drown her in her own juices.

The envy sparked due to one single reason- kiss. He had done many unspeakable things to her the past month, but not any one of them was a kiss or something along that line.

She moved her eyes from them and sighed.

Minutes later, their lips separated. But a connection still existed as a strand of saliva did it’s best to hold them together before collapsing down. Her face was still flushed as she opened her eyes.

“Enough?” He smiled.

She nodded in response. Though she wanted to go further, this was not the time nor place. She got down from his lap and sat down beside the princess.

Adrian turned towards the yellow haired protector. “It’s your turn.”


The palace gates. Every carriages were being screened by the guards but none dared to stop the princess’s carriage. It smoothly went on until it finally stopped in front of the massive palace itself. 

The carriage door and curtains opened. Vanessa, the royal guardian assigned to the princess, was the the first to step down. Her face was unusually red. Following her was the princess’s loyal maid, Mia. Princess Evelyn, who was wearing a beautiful light green dress, was the third to set foot on the ground.

Many maids and servants from the palace rushed to the scene, to welcome the third princess, one of the two candidates of this year’s selection. But instead of walking towards the entrance, she stepped aside- as if she were waiting for someone else to come out.

Some of the maids and servants frowned, but none dared to speak a word. Someone who could make the princess wait aside would definitely be someone extraordinary.

Finally, the creamy green curtains of the carriage opened again. A young man stepped out. A black long coat swayed with the wind along with his silky hair which was a shade blacker than the coat. The pants and shoes were black as well. But the blackest of them all were his eyes which darted around scanning through the welcoming party.

The maids gasped as they stared at the wonderful scene. Some of them even began to drool. On the other hand, the male servants drowned in envy, and admiration. One could tell at a glance that the black clad man was not just a pretty faced young master- his aura was oozing nobility, or maybe even royalty.

The princess nodded at Adrian. Adrian nodded back before walking towards the grand palace door. The princess was half a step behind him every time. Even though it irked the royal servants, especially the male ones- everyone stayed silent, just as they were trained.

Adrian stepped foot into the Royal place of the kingdom of Nemphis for the very first time. But the only thing written on his face was indifference- utter nonchalance. He scanned through the grand palace with the same blandness.

The grand hall was huge. There was about a hundred round tables divided into three segments. And there was a tall dining table on each of the three segments. The table clothes were pure white and the cutleries were made with pure silver, designed by expert craftsmen.

Dozens of chandeliers were moving above. They were circling around the gigantic and magnificent chandelier which was rotating in its own axis. The floor was made of gold tinted marbles and a functioning light magic circle made it that every step on the floor would make the surroundings of the foot glow.

But not any one of these was the most eye catching part of the hall. That honour would go to the tree- yes, a tree, a massive on at that- which grew all the way from the other end of the hall and pierced through the first floor balcony. A greenish umbrella was set upon the majestic dining table on the first floor.

It was an Edgarwood tree. A tree that was completely exclusive to the Royal family. The mildly sweet scent it was releasing was enough to clear everyone’s mind and even supply a bit of magical energy in the process.

Adrian stared at the tree for a few seconds before muttering something underneath his breath. A smirk formed on his face.

“Let’s go.” Evelyn said. “My family is waiting upstairs.”

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