The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

Chapter 83 Worth

Chapter 83 Worth

Chris himself was thinking of selling the tickets back to Kiara, after all, who wouldn't like free money? But, he wasn't desperate enough to grovel before her and get his self respect crushed in front of that arrogant bitch.

The young couple had same thoughts as Chris, thus plastering a nasty glare in their eyes.

Yet, all that took to wash away that glare was a single word from Kiara… "Triple." she scoffed, staring at the couple.

"T-Triple?" Jack asked back in disbelief, while his girlfriend, Tilly, reflected the same expressions as his.

Maybe this was their trick to gain viewers, the perfect symphony between them. Viewers loved that and also loved to donate some tips to give weird tasks to Jack and Tilly.

"Yes, triple. You poor bastards must be gloating at such an offer, right?" Kiara laughed and took out another bundle of cash, which this time was a little thicker than last, "Now don't waste my time and give the ticket. I am a busy person unlike you."

Hearing her venomous words, Jack curled his fists in rage. Luckily, he had Tilly to smoothen things along…

"Yeah yeah, we will give you the ticket." Tilly took the bundle of cash from Kiara and gave her the tickets while murmuring, "You surely are richer than us, but you are also much stupider than us. Hah! It was fun scamming you!"

"Stupider? Hey kid, you think what I did was stupid?" Kiara asked abruptly, all the eyes locking themselves on her bombastic body, waiting to hear hear her answer.

Chris also sipped his cola and looked at her with a weird look in his eyes. He had an inkling of what Kiara was going to say… and he must say, he was quite interested to hear that.

"Yes. What else?" Tilly turned around and spoke without hesitation.

"Hmm, well maybe it was stupid in your eyes." Kiara shrugged, "You poor middle class people must have thought it was dumb to pay thrice for a mere ticket. And if you do think that, you will stay as you are. Poor and pathetic for your whole life."

Her words hit hard in Chris's brain whose eyes widened hearing those words. The words she said were simple yet had deep meaning behind them.

Reason behind her desire to obtain those tickets was simple. It was ego, her pride. The issue or topic wasn't something as superficial as money.

She didn't want to go back on her words even if she had to pay astronomical amounts of money for the tickets. She said she will acquire the tickets, which means she WILL acquire them. Backing out was not an option.

Not many were able to understand the reason behind Kiara's actions, since according to them money was the most important. Something like pride wasn't worth mentioning.

But not for Chris. He fully understood each and every word spoken by Kiara.

"Is that so? Well, whatever." Tilly, as expected, was among the majority. She shrugged carelessly at Kiara's words and left the theater along with middle-aged man and Jack.

"Hah! As expected." Kiara scoffed and turned back to the crowd, "Well now that we got rid of some vermin, where are more hiding around?"

"I will give you triple the money you paid for tickets. Be a good little pet and come return the tickets." Kiara waved her cash in the air, giving Chris an urge to punch her face in.

Even after the call, no one stepped forward to claim the money while Chris walked towards the couch where Cathy and Cassie were sitting.

"Took you long enough." Cathy flicked her hairs and took the chilled cola in her hands while looking at Chris, "What are you thinking? Let's cash in the tickets and watch some different films."

"Cash in? Didn't you hear what she said?" Chris said with a frown.

"Oh I did. I sure did." a smirk plastered on Cathy's beautiful face as she stood up, "Give me the tickets." she demanded.

"Wha- No! I won't let you sell your pride to that arrogant bitch!"

"Shut up, Chris. I know what I am doing." Cathy rolled her eyes and snatched the four tickets from Chris and walked towards the crowd.

The ticket's silver glow instantly attracted the attention of the crowd as they watched a young elegant lady holding four of them in her hands.

"Showing up late now? Think you are some queen?" Kiara scoffed in a bit of jealousy seeing Cathy's elegant outlook. Her skin was even glossier than her own while her clothing screamed of elegance even when it was just a regular dress.

Cathy didn't even reply to Kiara's words and stared at her blankly.

"Are you dumb? Didn't you hear what I said?" Kiara glared at her.

"I did." Cathy gave a short reply and went back to silent. josei

"..." Kiara was at a loss for words, this elegant bitch was even more annoying than that righteous old man or those self sufficient kids! And especially her poker face was even more infuriating!

"Kia, we only need two more, just calm down and don't lose your patience." Kiara's friend quickly whispered in her ears after seeing that Kiara was showing some signs of getting pissed.

"Anyways, whoever you are, hand over your tickets and we will give you triple the price for them. Be glad for such an amazing offer." Kiara's other friend glared at Cathy and scoffed.

"Nope. Don't want to." Cathy gave a sweet smile and rejected Kiara's friend with a straight face.

"You bitch! Who are you to decline?! Be glad we are even giving you money for the tickets!" the friend seemed to have lost her cool as she shouted loudly without a care for her reputation.

"Cool down Sally!" one other friend tried to assist the hot headed girl, alas she was beyond pissed.

'Hah, first time being rejected? How pitiful.' a small smile creeped up Cathy's lips as she looked at Sally losing her cool. A smile that would usually look creepy to others, but luckily no one noticed since they were more focused on Sally.

"Oh? I should be glad you are even giving me money for the tickets? What will you do if I won't give, huh?" Cathy flicked her hair and sipped her cola while staring right into Sally's eyes. There was not an ounce of fear in her blue eyes.

"W-We will make your life like shit!" Sally took a quick glance at Kiara and quickly shot back to Cathy.

"We, huh? You mean to say you are worth nothing by yourself?" Cathy inquired with a tilt of her head, putting an end to all the murmurs that were raging in the room. It got as silent as a graveyard as Cathy's voice lingered.

"Say na, I am very curious to know. You are worth nothing alone? Then who the fuck are you to throw your weight around on her name?" Cathy continued after getting no reply from Sally.

Everyone had grown completely silent, their eyes locked at Sally to hear her answer, after all, since the start she was the one throwing her weight alongside Kiara.

They must accept that Kiara was a big shot, her Faust family was famous around the world for their oppressing strength and power.

As the heir of the Faust family, it was normal for Kiara to be spoiled rotten. But, who the hell was this unknown bitch who threw her weight around just because she was a friend of Kiara?

"What if she isn't? I am there to make your life shit in her stead." Kiara supported her cornered friend with a protective intention.

Alas, she had just worsened it more…

"What do you mean 'if she isn't', Kia? Is that what you think of me? Someone beneath you?!" Sally's suppressed emotions came bursting out while Cathy just kept enjoying the show with her chilled cola.

"No, Sal, that's not what I meant-"

"Of course you didn't! Of course you didn't mean that, Kia! But isn't that what is the truth? Isn't that what you think deep in your heart? That I am not worthy to be friend of you?" beads of tears trickled down Sally's face as she stared at Kiara and cried her heart out.

'Wow, shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick!' Chris was dumbstruck by the following development!

Since when was Cathy this good at playing with people's emotions?! She easily instigated a fight between them like it was some child's play!

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