The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337: End of Student Exchange Program

“How’s the patient doing?” asked Staxius inside the trader’s guild. A few hours had passed, the sun seemed to be on its way to sleep.

“He’s ok, I think,” turned Haru with a not so inviting face. Slouched and without the energy to move, her eyes barely kept level with the body. The commotion of the accident earlier in the morning attracted a lot of attention. Nevertheless, as time continued, people grew tired of waiting and drawing conclusions. News of the victim out of danger had many breathe sighs of relief.

“May I ask why you’re here?”

“I came to pay a visit,” said without much thought. Boxes were loaded and unloaded behind the counter to add to her fatigue.

“I appreciate the sentiment, guild master. Class 2A, after the tour around town, was taken to the castle by the Sage. They sure kept me on my toe, especially that Anastasia girl, always bickering. I ended up duct-taping her face, the silence was blissful.”

“I doubt she’ll have a favorable response,” feeling the curious gaze of the mindless upon their exchange, “-I’ll get going for now. I suppose the supply will be readied for tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ve sent for more carriages to be brought from a stable to the East. Should be here at night.”


“Good work,” waved, he left to return at Roth. ‘What’s this about?’ walked up to the stairs, an elf in uniform stood, he seemed on edge and nervously peering up the spiral.

“May I help?” spoken, it startled the man into a gasp.

“Guild Master,” saluted, “-I’m here to ask a favor,’ the face lit with integrity. A uniquely shaped bow had piqued his interest.

“Which is?”

“It concerns the incident today. The carriages were taken to the junkyard. I came to deliver this,” guild-tags hung out a clenched fist.

“Now I remember,” taking the tags respectfully, “-are you not the Sergeant that saved the fellow merchant?”

“Yes, all happened so suddenly I never got time to introduce myself,” stepping back, the right arm laid across the chest diagonally, “-Sergeant Kelfir from the recon unit.”

“Sergeant Kelfir, tis was an amazing display of marksmanship. You hold the tradition of the elves proudly,” from top to bottom, Staxius watched closely, “-before I leave, where are the bodies of the men who died?”

“At the morgue,”

“Understood, as a reward for saving the life of a fellow guild comrade; I’ll have 30 silvers be readied.”

“N-no, t-there’s no need.”

“Bite thy tongue,” spun, Staxius hailed to the guild assistant. “Here you go,” a pouch was handed over, “-good actions must be repaid in kind. See you around, Sergeant.”

‘Can’t believe it,” the door to the office closed, ‘-we lost capable fighters on that supply quest.’ Toggling the Guild-Master Card, information such as the number of adventurers displayed;

Tier 1 – Platinum:

Tier 2 – Gold: 0

Tier 3 – Silver: 4

Tier 4 – Bronze: 0

Tier 5 – Ruby: 22

Tier 6 – Emerald: 6

Tier 7 – Sapphire: 62

Tier 8 – Steel: 123

Tier 9 – Obsidian: 480

Tier 10 – Porcelain: 1250

‘We lost the only two bronze we had. As for rubies, three perished, what a shame,’ sat in the office with confirmations for the upcoming quest, the sun moved further down east. Paid in full, the weapons sold were ordered to be taken to Roth. There, in the coming few weeks, would be given across numerous towns and villages. An act of generosity to help in the monster fighting. Privately owned by Phantom, the mine would continue to work without trouble.

‘That should be everything,’ stood with Serene already headed to the castle, Intherna snoozed on the couch with the puzzle yet solved.

“Wake up,” harsh, her eyes opened as if doors kicked in.

“I’m up,” she said with a yawn, “-are we going to sleep?” drowsy, the day had taken a lot out of the duo.

“Wrong,” reached for the coat-hangar, “-I need to return to Hidros, don’t you remember, the deal made with the head-maid?”

“Ahh, yes,” jumped, “-I’m ready to see where you lead me.”

“Quite hard to remember that thou art a goddess,” teleported across to the castle, upon exiting out the other end, she glared.

“I see the reason why you’d think that way,” glanced downwards, “-my chest is adequate. Given that I may be a little cheerful at times; it’s a force of habit,” giving a shrug, “-the same could be said to you, god of death. You seem more of an old wise sage than a young-looking man.”

“Did you have to emphasize on the Old part?”

“Listen, I emphasized on what was important,” smirked, throwing banter back and forth had a good relationship developed. Stopped suddenly inside the alchemic tower, “-Intherna, could I have a few minutes to think?”

“Sure, I’ll head down and exercise a bit, the sleepiness is getting to my head,”

“Don’t burn anything,’

“No promises,” laughed childishly, she skipped down the stairs.

‘I’m tired,’ forehead to the table, ‘-here I thought of casually letting everything fall into place naturally. There’s a mysterious man in the shadows, Intherna has turned into a teenager; a goddess that’s as unpredictable as the weather. I lied to Xula about her supposed cheating. The nobles might attack throughout all this ordeal. There’s the issue of Mont Blanc, Eira’s heading there. The ancient dragons are making a move. So much to think about, and so little time,’ sat upright, ‘-breathe, take it one at a time.’ Physically fatigued due to stress from the exorcism; auto-regeneration, and overall overworking of the mind – as desperately as one might have glared at the night, the darkness would always shadow all else around.

Stepped into the yard, the castle walls lit with many o’ lamps atop the battlements. Guards made their patrol, the night settled without notice. “Hello,” waved Intherna with an orangish colored wall behind. Fissures of lava dripped onto the darkened grass.

“You said no fire,” she laughed obnoxiously.

“Congratulations,” a patronizing thumbs-up had her raised an eyebrow in anguish. Entered through the back, each step along the corridor inside had an eerie inkling attached. Unable to grasp the origin, Intherna’s face changed from joyful to alert. josei

“Majesty,” spoke a butler who waited at the front, “-the students are in the throne-room.” Blinked twice as a gesture to say ‘understood,’ they walked into a random door to be taken straight to the throne room.

“Majesty,” spoke Serene as if a teacher on a school trip, “-the plane has landed.”

“Good,” glancing the students with their bags packed and readied, “-I suppose the exchange program comes to an end today.” No response only looks of acknowledgment and curiosity. “Don’t worry about Eira, she’s undergoing a special training at the moment. I’ll have her back to the academy in about a week, is that sufficient, Ysmay?”

“H-how did you know?” taken aback, her mouth opened in awe.

“The look on thine face is one I’m very familiar with.”

“Thank you for everything, sire,” bowed the commoners, “-we learned so much from the guild leaders.”

“Thank you for the introduction to alchemy,” added Kim.

“I’m not alone in saying this,” interjected Timothy, “-Class 2A is very grateful for the hospitality. I have rekindled my motivation to learn and become a top-class researcher. I wish to help the world as best as I can.”

“The pleasure was mine,” he gave a faint smile, “-Anastasia,” called by name, the girl who had remained away from the group startled out her little world.

“What is it?” direct without respect, she quickly covered her mouth, “-I apologize.”

“I see that the not so admirable personality is there. Not that you’ll listen, but I think it’s a good trait to have. Direct and open about what you think; dropping the pointless sarcasm and provocation will reduce how many enemies you have.”

“Kim, you’re already talented as a student, though from what Ryul reported, the mana control is there but underwhelming.”

“Ysmay, I think you’re much more complete as a mage as the rest of thy peers. Work a little on being more social, the people aren’t going to bite you.”

“Mille, I don’t have words for thee, clumsy and a bit of an air-head, I suppose it comes with genes. Be mindful of where you shoot and how the team around you will react.”

“Christina, thou art the big sister of the class, a born leader, one who shows what the correct path is. Lacking in the spellcasting department, going over the basics should mediate the problem.”

“Timothy, thou art too strong-willed when it comes to the disparities between commoners and nobles. Given the difference is there, we’re but human in the end. Magic wise, it’s adequate for what thou wish to accomplish.”

“Fletcher, I heard the Guild Leader dropped the insulting nick-name on the last day. A bad sign – though, I think you’ll be great as a marksman, try shooting a rifle once in a while, that iron-clad focus might come in handy.”

“Harold, the clown of the class, you’re as funny as the next drunken down the dark-district. Still, it’s that humor that keeps the class from crumbling by the heavy pressure parents and the school have on you.”

“Simone, you’re too quick to jump in fights. Taking a break once in a while doesn’t hurt.”

“Lastly, Tony, I heard from Mieshre that you were the strongest fighter out of the bunch. Good instinct and resilience, the makings of someone who will be relied upon in the near future.” Walked from students to students, he gave his honest opinion. Not overly flattering and there to give a basic idea on what to work next – the students smiled genuinely. The king had kept a close eye, reporting, revising, and reviewing their progress for the challenge they were given. Overwhelmed, Serene took charge and guided the students up to the helipad.

There, under the shadow of the moonless night, Class 2A returned home with many lessons engrained in their heads. “There they go,” waved Serene at those who stared out the hublot.

“The exchange program is over,” from massive to as small as a fly, the TU-03 vanished in the abyssal night.

“I guess it’s time for me to get to work,” turned, “-Serene, call it a night, you need rest.”

“Are you certain, I can still assist if there’s more work to be done,” she urged.

“Tis an order, head home and rest,” resounding, she obeyed.

Maids and butlers under Rosetta’s command stood in a line leading into the royal chambers. Each stood with a bag in hand awaiting orders. At the door, “-is everything readied?”

“Yes, sire,” she bowed.

“Good,” opened, the bedsheets were crumbled with a lonesome figure sat in the middle. It seemed to have wrapped itself around a bundle of clothes. ‘The cradle’s empty,’ at the foot of the bed, “-Majesty, I’ve come to take my daughter.” No response came, “-Majesty,” with a sharp tug, Shanna sat exposed with numerous lashes across her body. Her face swell and battered, a singular smile directed at a peacefully sleeping babe.

“Please,” she painfully articulated, Staxius reached in without mercy to take Lizzie.

“Pathetic,” daughter in hand, he threw a disgusted look, “-are you saying that repenting through pain and sufferance is enough? Don’t be so idealistic, go on and meet with Ryul, is he not thy moral support.”

“BUT,” she reached out filled with tears, “-I’m innocent.”

“What my eyes saw was true. I already told thee that I have forgiven thy actions. I’m only taking what is precious to me.”


“Don’t forget your place,” an intimidating presence ooze, green hair turned red in anger. She dashed with a vicious killing intent, ‘-sorry.’ Burying his hands across her face, it killed her momentum to then be bashed into the floor that soon cracked.

“You’re the one who forgot who stands as the strongest, majesty,” knelt with one hand holding Lizzie, the Queen was knocked unconscious.

“WHY,” flew out Prophecy, “-WHY ARE YOU BEING CRUEL,” charged with daggers, the face screamed of wanting revenge. *Bap,* stood and held by the neck, Staxius halted her frivolous attack. Moved left and right to escape his grip resulted in naught as the stranglehold intensified. “Listen to me,” whispered, “-protect Xula no matter what. There’s more going on in Arda than it appears. Believe me, I love her, and I know she didn’t cheat,” dwindled, her arms lost strength by the revelation, “-this is for the best. Keep an eye on her, it’s a promise between you and me, Prophecy, keep my wife safe,” smashed onto the ground, the spirit exploded into dust.

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