The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Krestonian’s Holy Invasion

‘It’s a shame,’ the wind blew sadly, the weather frowned, the sky cried. Darkness hailing from the darkened clouds as the weather grew worst. Four figures stood before a grave near to Claireville Academy’s hospital. The trees were few and scattered. A lady with a parasol stood with her head to the floor. ‘Five years,’ thought the man with a breath. ‘I can’t believe you’re all dead,’ a shook of dismissal had the others shuffle to the side.

“Let’s go, Eira, Viola,” said Staxius now faced away. “They need to rest, I want them to rest. No more mourning, tis time to move on,” the tone came across cold and distant. Eira, now taller and bigger, was more mature. Her feisty persona was replaced for one nonchalantish. One that resembled her father.

“Papa, papa,” called an innocent voice, “-why is big sis crying?”

“Oh Lizzie,” they walked hand in hand, “-I’ll tell you all about it when the time comes. What do you say we have something to eat.”

“Ok, papa, I want to taste auntie Rosetta’s cake.”

“Cake it is my dear,” he returned with a smile, “-cake it is.”

Nine months had passed since the fight of castle Garsley. The last to end the war, the one that decided all. The initial exchange felt one-sided, the Krestonian’s held the advantage. An advantage of which they failed to grasp. Archangel Erna died by King Staxius’s hand. The others were killed and annihilated by Gophy and Intherna. Two of which decided to rest for the coming months as the battle took more than due. The Pope, upon the continent being breached by the winning force, surrendered. The villagers watched with agony, anger, hopelessness, and more. They were more conflicted than any other. It seemed a dream; a dream shattered when faced with reality. The mob mentality of their god being righteous was dismantled from the top down. The fall of their angel, the escape of their apostle, and their Pope holding his hand. They were confused and shamed. Deep emotional scars were left, many sought repentance by death, and death came in the end. josei


Few days before the Pope surrendering, the mothership of the Wracia Empire named Von returned. An order to evacuate every force affiliated with the Wracia Empire came. That alone had the province exposed.

Surprised, the Pope demanded an answer from he who he baptized. The seldom response was but a dismissal. The Wracia Empire formally withdrew their alliance with Kreston. From being well-connected to suddenly on the rope, the hope of the Syndicate pulling through kept the Pope alive. Sadly, Phantom’s reach in the underworld with Cake as the head made sure they were silenced. A grudging collaboration from the Assassination Sect. Godfather Stanley wasn’t keen but did so for Shadow had helped in the past. Thus, the tyranny of their rule, their pressure, and their threat, was carefully picked apart. All from the efforts of a single man, not that many knew the truth. A master scheme that went into play long ago. Staxius Haggard, as most knew him for being the Hero-King of Arda, moved according to his vision. A vision to take everything from the Pope. Archangel Erna’s defeat had yet to qualm the throbbing heart.

The War between Kreston and the Argashield Federation was named the Krestonian’s holy invasion. Holy as to pay homage to the people who died, the people who followed the senseless ideals of right and wrong.

Thus when the King of Arda arrived at the cathedral of Munch, the Pope stood outside in holy-clothes. The head bowed with a book and a staff. Many o’ devotees stood in a line behind. Giving a once over, the truth came to pass. The Pope’s wrinkled face, the hunched posture, black spots, and white hair, time did more damage. He was but a shell of a former man. Beside him stood another, a lady familiar to the sight. The hair shorter and the garment of which nun’s wore, the glare remained vivid. Elsa, ex-member of Desmond’s team as well as a friend to Aiden. She swore to have revenge hence the result. Arda’s turning of the council, the insinuation, the day the council broke, a clever concealment spell changed her visage. ‘How could I have forgotten,’ thought the King upon remembering the glare, “-it was you,” he said in astonishment.

“Yes,” she walked, “-it was I, it was I who swore to have my revenge.”

“I suppose that’s correct.”

“You suppose?” she paused, “-you suppose?” she gave a once over with a look of disbelief, “-have you the idea of how much I had to work to make all this happen?”

“Are you expecting a reward?” he asked with the stare turned cold, “-my companions were killed, and I’m to blame, I’ve acknowledged said fact. Nevertheless, death came one way or the other.”

“I did it,” she laughed, “-I made you angry,” insanity soon took over her mind, she crouched and rambled. The pope, an empty casket stood emptily.

“Yeah you did it,” he said in a muffle, “-you took care of my loose ties,” he gestured. A barrage of bullets soon riddled they who stood, no-mercy nor compassion. He walked away with a cigar in mouth. ‘I dreaded the day when I would have to cut ties with my old comrades. I hoped that them being married off and living peaceful lives would have sufficed. Suppose fate is cruel, they paid the ultimate price. My curse of misfortune, that was the reason for their death.

“What do we do with the bodies?” asked a suit-wearing man with a peculiar accent.

“Burn ’em,” replied Staxius, “-we don’t need evidence, the war is over.” Kreston came to an end.

The greyish skyscape brightened a little. A monument carved in Ardanian craftmanship had names engraved at the bottom. *In remembrance of those who died: Adelana Geua, Ayleth Venus, Ancret Geua, Alyson Geua, Annet Geua, Millicent Parcyvell, Duke Julius Garnet, and Autumn Garnet.* The list was followed by many others. None survived the attack, Erna made sure death came.

The rule of Dorchester was given to Goldberg’s. Queen Gallienne wanted to have it given to Staxius but he refused. Arda was sufficient, he didn’t want to cause undue harm to those wishing peace. The Argashield Federation remained strong even after the war. An alliance made to fight, turn to sovereignty. Kreston would divide into two parts, one given to Easel Run Gard and the other to the Queen of Elendor. Railway lines connected the whole province, nine-months sufficed to have the continent evolve. The technology was soon to merge with people’s lives. A new generation, a new world, a new life.

Later that day after the visit to the grave, a private party was hosted in Rosespire. The train took but 1 hour to travel the distance that was 2 days’ worth at a time.

“King Staxius,” welcomed one of the attending butlers, “-her majesty is waiting in the ball-room.”

A tall ceiling with a circular chandelier glittering with diamonds and precious stones hung. Songs played, songs that came from a guitar. Each note fretted had the body light with a different hue. “I see that Aceline’s here too,” he moved across the shiny floor.

“Of course, I am,” she stopped with a smile, “-my friend called me after all,” the two rejoined in the middle of the hall.

“Auntie Acy,” said the angelic voice, her puffy cheeks flushed readily.

“Awhh, Lizzie,” she knelt and picked the girl, “-you’re so sweeth.”

“Calm it with the baby talk,” refuted her father, “-she’s grown.”

“Whatever, Hero King,” the idol now super-star, turned defiantly.

“They sure are lively,” said Gallienne with a smile.

“I know, where’s Piers?”

“Running some errands.”

“You still put the man through so much strain.”

“What do you expect,” she pointed at her belly, “-I’m carrying his child. The least he can do is fetch me something to eat,’ her eyes screamed of mischievousness.

“Here I thought the reason where servants are employed.”

“It matters not,” she rolled her eyes, “-food tastes better when brought by a loved one.”

“I see,” a chuckle escaped, “-why did you call for me?”

“Nothing much,” she sighed and walked to the parted curtains, “-I wanted to see you that’s all.”

“Is something the matter?” he followed.

“I guess,” she stared outside as if a heart-broken teenager, “-I’m worried about you.”

“Oh please,” he cried, “-don’t you dare speak about what is good or bad. I’ve had enough, my job is to have the people live a better life.”

“Isn’t that just running away?” she turned brusquely, “-look at you,” she said in an unfriendly manner, “-you’re the Hero -King, the one who saved Hidros and Arda against Kreston. You saved the people, you did so much behind the scene, assassination, schemes, and lord know what else to get here. Was it worth it?” she asked rather abruptly, “-was it worth it?”

“What do you mean,” he paused, “-don’t you see the change that happened. Hidros is advancing at a rapid pace, we’re becoming independent. Our military might is on par with the Cobalt Unit. The Federation has strong allies and connections around the globe. If you ask me, it was well worth all the effort.”

“What about you?” her eyes darted around, “-what about Queen Shanna, what of Eira, what of them? Are you saying that you’re willing to lose that for the chance at a better country?”

“Yes,” the response was immediate, “-I did what was needed. Shanna is my wife, and I admire her, Eira is my child yet she belongs to another. My focus is on what I can do. There’s a secret I haven’t told anyone yet. Kreston isn’t the real enemy,” he approached, “-it was Paradus all along. We knew he was involved, however, the religion, the pope, the saints, they were all under his command. I’ve done my research; sources have picked up on various records of a certain man. One who took up command and led the era’s into revolution. A spearhead of human existence. The details fit that of Paradus, it struck me as weird that the Wracia empire didn’t fall no matter the pressure.”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“What I mean is that the road ahead is still harsh.”

“What did I miss?” came a man with two-wine glasses.

“Piers,” smiled Staxius to which they shook hands, “-nothing much, thy wife was bickering of the assortment of fruit you gave her yesterday.”

“Really?” he turned in astonishment.

“Yes, really,” laughed Gallienne.

“My bad,” he apologized adorably.

“Apologies accepted,” smiled the Queen, the exchange felt heartwarming.

“It’s accomplished,” mumbled Staxius.

“What did you say?”

“I said it’s done,” he smiled to face away, “-the will of King Blaine Riverty is complete. The will of my father’s best friend, Hidros has been united. May the king find solace in what his daughter accomplished,” cries came from afar.

“Yeah, he would be proud,” added Piers.

“I’m sure Uncle Tempest would be just as proud,” the voice trailed off as he gave the signature wave.

‘I’m not sure father would be proud. My methods are more underhanded and go against his teachings,’ the cries grew close, ‘-I’m not sure he’d be proud.’ The swollen puffy cries stopped the moment he arrived, “-what happened?”

“Auntie Acy bit my cheeks,” she sniffled.

“Seriously,” sighed Staxius, “-why are you biting a child?”

“She looked so adorable I couldn’t resist,” her eyes watered as if a puppy.

“Come here,” hand in hand, “-I’ll be leaving. See you around, the pride of Hidros, the people are waiting,” the massive doors to the ballroom shut. Eira and Viola stood waiting for him to arrive.

“Cake, it’s me, we’re ready to leave,” Staxius said through a watch. The cutting of wind came a few moments later, a helicopter hovered to land.

“Very excessive,” said Undrar with a laugh.

“The showmanship must always go on,” he turned to Eira, “-come on, we’re going home,” a hand was held out.

“Y-yeah,” she grabbed and followed by the engine powering-up.

A new era, new obstacles, a new age, a new form of warfare, and a new threat. The world is never-ending, the change is ever perpetual. Five years went in a flash. The Argashield Federation walked hand in hand into the future.

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