The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Chapter 375: Feelings

“Majesty, dinner is being readied. If you would, please change attire and join, those are the wishes of The Emperor.”

“I shall be down shortly.” The door shut silently from being ajar. The maid, Stella, was a bit of a character – she was the first of whom Staxius took notice. Neither was she pretty nor ugly by society’s norm, a perfect example of being average. Her hair, her face, her mannerism, and her service, nothing, as in nothing, stood out. Such was the strange thing, her averageness felt fake. Words could but stare confusingly at her demeanor – in every way possible, she was average. Said averageness, said normalness; inhumane per what he thought, grabbed his attention. Sat facing a large window with the sky-night as the backdrop, a warm cup of coffee warmed from the inside. Gophy and Intherna were adamant on examining the premises by themselves – thus, what could have been mistaken for a shooting-star, was naught but Intherna flying around.

‘The mansion is very much eerie. Mark isn’t that normal himself, the emperor, young in age, is rather clueless when the matters of life and death are concerned. This may be the third occasion I’ve witnessed it. A man made to be the ideal and just ruler served by an average maid. Alphia might have more in store than expected. I best make sure it’s safe for Eira to stay. Solomon’s assassination attempt and his reaction to the incident – the unknowns are far too many.’

“Master,” soon came a gust of air with a lady dressed in a black-dress landing atop the window-frame. “The night feels young.”

“And yet I see thou art still old,” he refuted to which Gophy pouted.

“I’m not old,” she said with a childish voice, “-I’m very much mature,” her face didn’t match the words.

“Find anything of interest?”


“Yes,” she replied with a sudden change in voice, “-the crypt, I think there’s more hidden in there than the emperor would want us to know.”

“The thing about that demon,” interjected Intherna who hovered on inside, “-in no way would a high-tier demon listen to a mere human. Contracts mean more than words to those fiends, still, there’s no way a contract like that could obey humans.”

“There’s something crucial you’re missing,” said Staxius, “-the crest on the demon’s forehead, didn’t you see, the crest of the god of Kreston?”

“Again,” sighed Gophy, “-are we not done with the province, are they always going to have an advantage over us?”

“No, I think master is referring to another problem.”

“What might it be?” Gophy’s face lit with curiosity.

“Whether Kreston is involved or not doesn’t matter,” he said, “-the truth remains, the demon was indeed in Alphia with the crest, are you getting what I’m saying?”

“I see,” she stepped away, “-the answer is much clearer now.”

“Yeah,” nodded Intherna, “-tis thy problem now, master. Do what is must and call upon us for the fight.”

“I so want to sleep,” yawned Gophy who was first to vanish.


“Yes, Intherna, were you not going to sleep?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask this,” she coughed, “-what of the demon I was fighting the first time we met. I remember you capturing his soul,” her eyebrow rose, “-if demons are involved, I’m sure the service of another would better serve our purpose.”

“Now that you mention it, the last soul totally escaped my mind.”

“I thought so,” and thus they headed inside the shadow yet again.

‘Puppet army,’ he thought,’-with two goddesses on my side, I thought it would not need for anymore. Guess it wouldn’t be hard to recruit others – an army is meant to be made of many fighters. The demon should be a new experience.’

“Hey brother,” the door barged open.

“What is it?”

“I’m going out,” her face showed what needed to be said.

“Related to Phantom?”

“Yes, I got a call for Cake, Shadow is needed to help in calming a rivalry between two families.”

“Where, what continent?”

“Alphia, fondly enough,” the coincidence was more than laughable, “-it’s to the south, a contact should be waiting for my arrival.”

“What of transport, what are you going to do?”

“I’ll get a taxi or something,” her eyes rolled.

“Wait,” he stood, “-let’s go,” the steps were hard on the wooden floor.

“Go where?”

“To buy you a new bike,” he smiled, “-won’t look good if Shadow shows up in a yellow taxi with the driver screaming for you to pay.”

“How did you know I’d not pay.”

“It’s written all over your face,” a smirk flashed as the doorknob turned.

“What of dinner?” she skipped over as if a child going on a grocery trip.

“I’ll have the blood of someone later – Adete’s a bit over the yonder today,” a reference to she who dazedly sleep inside the front pocket. The corridors felt far emptier at night.

“Majesty,” came a sudden figure who stopped, “-will you be joining dinner?” asked the maid.

“No,” he nodded, “-I’ve business to attend, have the Emperor contact me for I’ll be staying inside Melmark tonight,” the clopping of shoes gradually faded as the maid watched.

“Won’t the trip last more than a few hours?” a gust blew cold with hairs standing up straight. Dried leaves came as swarm; the clean yard turned messy, ‘-strange.’

“No,” a click had the doors opened and the engine started, “-we’ll be there in three hours. Don’t forget,” hands on the wheels, “-she has the mana-processing unit.”

“I see,” followed Courtney, “-overdrive.”

Soon the asphalt flashed with the faint outline of a car. Overdrive had doubled the max-speed; if one didn’t have fast enough reaction, it would have ended in death. As for Staxius, he drove casually – a cavalier behavior as the road screamed from the echoes of the raging engine.

“You were right,” said Cake ending a phone call, “-it’s been two hours and were nearly there.”

“I told you,” he paid no heed to traffic-light, “-so, what was the call about?”

“Tis Cake,” she said, “-she got wind of guns being imported from Renaud’s warehouse. The families are resolute in having the fight end in bloodshed.”

“What of the Godfather, did he not have anything to say?”

“As far as I know, Godfather Renaud isn’t going to move unless it hurts his business or the word from a certain someone,” a side-glance ended the sentence.

“Hey, don’t make it seem as if I’m the villain. I’d never say this aloud, but I do enjoy the presence of Godfather Renaud. We’re family, and he has my back in the underworld – in no way will I ever abandon him – loyalty and duty are the only rules we must follow.”

“Yeah, there’s no need to start again with the philosophies, I know quite well how fond thou art of him.”

‘The underground, the place where Phantom made and still makes a fortune. Bearing in mind we get a cut from the profits; I wonder how much God’s ale trade makes. Renaud has control over the whole continent of Iqeavea, Easel Run Gard, and a few countries unknown to me. Alphia’s a new venture – I can smell the treasure trove we’re standing on. Cake’s rather clever, if Shadow solves the issues without trouble – we’ll be viewed in respect by the ruling families, there might be the opportunity to have alliances made. I yet to heard of Cimier, the organization who handles the not-so-legit transactions of Alphia.’

Blinking lights flew overhead, tall-buildings radiating light to the point of the stars being hidden. The Capital City of Melmark was as active in day as it was at night, “-wake up, sister, we’re here.” The car came to a forced stop as traffic had the road jammed. Turned to the left after a few minutes of waiting, the drive inside was slow. People walked about as fully as at day – some were well dressed while others were weak on their feet. They drove past the Stellar Avenue where hosted cinemas as well as theaters. “Let’s go watch a movie,” said Courtney eyeing a tall-building with no apparent windows.

“And the task, forgotten about it already?”

“No, tis but a whim,” she pointed at a billboard, “-it’s Aceline, I never knew she made it big overseas.”

“From idol to movie-star, her career is full of surprises.”

“The tone you used seemed rather distant, are you not on good terms with her?”

“I couldn’t say,” the face remained on the road, “-we lost touch after the whole incident at Dorchester. 1st of December,” memories flooded, “-Julius, Autumn, my old companions. I had dreamed of a day where we would all gather around a table and have drinks with Julius’s kids running off and playing with mine progeny. I’d have loved to see what kind of mothers the battle-hardened Silver-guardians would have made. Lastly, Fenrir, she who has always wanted to be at my side – she who I neglected and gave the duties of guarding what I couldn’t bother to look at. I’m the definition of cruel no matter how you look at it,” neutral, a faint touch of woe escaped the otherwise blank expression.

“There’s nothing I can say about that.”

“I didn’t expect a reply, tis just how I feel,” the car came to a sudden stop. Speaking of what he thought had made the time go in a blink, Courtney was lost in an avalanche of deep-thoughts, though one of the same, the personality and way of thought differed.

“Why are we stopping?”

“Look outside,” a massive-showroom with a luxurious feel. *Denly,* was written in a beautiful calligraphic font. Clear transparent glass gave into podiums on which revolved bikes.

“Yes,” she gasped, “-let’s go right now!”

‘Guess she loves bikes as much as Cake,’ he followed. An eye-catching car with an imposing man. Many bystanders were left in shock – few were teenagers admiring the beauty of the sports bike from outside.

“Wow,” came a stunned remark, “-I’ve never seen that car,” pointed a boy in his sixteen. josei

“Hey, don’t speak so loudly, or he’ll here you,” voiced another shyly.

“You like the car?” asked Staxius stopped mid-way, the second-boy recoiled in fear whilst the first stared in awe.

“Y-yeah, obvious,” he laughed, “-it looks so pretty and menacing, very cool!”

“Sir, a-are you a c-celebrity?” asked the shy-boy.

“Why do you ask so?”

“B-because of the suit, i-its expensive, t-the car too, I s-so wish to become like you one day.” A guitar-case hosted over his back.

“An aspiring musician,” commented Staxius, “-good, dreams are what keep people motivated. And for the question, I’m not a celebrity, just an adventurer. Go ahead and take pictures of the car, I don’t mind – heck, come on, I’ll let you sit inside.”

“What are you doing?” asked Courtney who came out and laid eyes on the kids.

“Go on ahead and pick one, I’ll be back in a second,” to which he led the way to the car.

“WOOOW,” said the first boy floored by the experience, “-how beautiful, hey, mister, is it ok if we sit inside, it looks new.”

“Go ahead, cars are meant to be used, I don’t mind, just don’t scratch the paint, it’s going to be a pain.”


“So you,” he turned to the shy-boy, “-don’t you like cars?”


“No,” he whispered, “-I only came because he wanted to see bikes.”

“I see, a good friend, you guys are close right?”

“Yes,” from shy, a smile portraited, “-he’s always been head-first into action while I stand back. I admire the confidence he has, I want to be like him one day, to say my feelings out loud.”

“I think you’re good as is,” he said distantly, “-there are more ways to send a message than words. The guitar you carry, it’s a strong tool to relay feelings. There are things we can never copy from another; it’s better to embrace who we are. Take it however you wish, it might be the rambling from an old man – be yourself, and take care of what you treasure, happiness doesn’t come easy.”

“Sir, could you take a picture of us?” asked the overzealous teenager.

“Stop being rude,” said the other.

“Go on ahead,” he nodded, “-give me the phone.” Nervously he stood and walked to the car, the first threw peace-signs while the other gave an awkward smile.

“WOW, IT’S AWESOME! Thanks, sir.”

“My pleasure.”

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