The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Chapter 418: Phantom’s Armed Forces

Thuds came from the door. The day hadn’t fully settled. Still nude and barely awake, with a sudden push, Staxius headed for the door. Each step and the thudding grew faster to impatience.

“What do you need?” it clicked.

“You finally answered,” said Aceline holding her breath, “-I was being followed.”

“By what?” he turned the corner to see naught.

“Mosquitoes...” her face gave into a smirk, one’s kids often did after pranking a friend.

“Congratulation, at least there something who wants to suck your blood,” the motion of closing the door began.

“STOP,” she jammed her foot before it shut, “-I’m sorry, I have something to discuss.”


“Be my guest,” the grip lessened and soon, the door opened into an amazingly sharp penthouse. “I’m about to call room service, need anything?” asked he over the phone.

“No, I had breakfast a while back.”

“And who is it that’s going to pay?” covering the microphone of said phone, he frowned.

“You, isn’t that courtesy?” as familiar and as audacious as a cat, she lounged onto the warm cozy couch to watch the news.

“Courtesy also says to not abuse of a person’s good nature.”

“Whatever,” she gestured for him to shush, “-take responsibility, I’m Aceline, the pride of Hidros, after all.”

“Honestly...” unwilling to start a cat and mouse chase; the order for a light breakfast was given.

“What’s the topic of discussion?” sat on an opposite couch, they both stared at the screen.

“I heard from a helper that you came back pretty injured yesterday, what’s the deal with that?”

“Injured? Whoever it was must have been dreaming. Besides,” the tone froze, “-there’s no need for thee to know my whereabouts.”

“Fine, fine,” she ignored the threat, “-there’s nothing that can kill you.”

“I suppose you’re right,” *thud, thud.*

“Room service sure is quick,” commented Aceline.

“A bit too quick.” It hadn’t been five minutes. Doubt and suspicion filled the walk – no peephole meant opening the door was the only way of finding who stood on the other side.

“Mr. Haggard,” said a lady panting with no sleep on her face.

“Lady Mallie, what brings you here?” asked he confused.

The awkward exchange changed into silence, “-Master, I’m sorry, Lady Mallie wanted to meet thy on the topic of what to come of the Lerado,” said éclair.

‘This had to happen now?’ rolling his eyes, “-come on, get in.”

“Are you sure?” asked she visibly dirty.

“Yeah, come on, I’ve another pig laying on the couch.”

“I’M NOT FAT,” screamed across the corridor.

“Quite a lively penthouse, Mr. Haggard,” grinned she at the outburst.

“Sure...” the trio soon sat watching the same news. Both ladies had questions and he didn’t want to speak nor pay attention. The mind’s focus was on the coming war – what would happen to the underworld.

“Staxius, want to explain what’s happening?” asked the idol strongly.

“Why is the Pride of Hidros in thy apartment – is the king exchanging pleasure for fame?”

“Shut up, both of you,” *thud, thud,* the door knocked.

“Room service is here,” commented Aceline.

“I think thee should go answer the door,” said Mallie, their sights matched one another in a fight.

*Thud, thud,* the door knocked faster, ‘-why’s room service so impatient?’

*Click,* immediate and without rest, a figure jumped to push him on the floor. “-FATHER,” said it tightly embracing him.

“Julius,” dazzled by the fall, Scott and Emi were seen standing in the doorway with healthy smiles. ‘So adorable,’ was what came across.

“FATHER, I’m back,” said he laughing.

“Prince Julius,” stood without the trouble of the prince’s weight, “-it’s quite unsavory for royalty to meet in such a manner.”

“Father, you may be king, but we are father and son first,” he winked.

“I suppose you’re right. Still, do be careful next time,” quick to pat his head, “-welcome back to Alphia, Scott, Emi.”

“Thanks, can we come in, there’s something we need to discuss,” asked the manager.

“Sure, come on in.” For some ungodly reason – many essential figures made themselves known.

“Father, if mother hears of you being alone with two women, then I’m sure she’d bring about another Xenosious.”

“Fret not,” said he, “-one is a pig and the other a doormat – you needn’t worry.”

“Excuse me?” exclaimed the ladies. The spacious couches grew tight. Julius and Emi chose to stare out the balcony.

“Scott, Aceline, meet Lady Mallie Lerado. She’s a close contact in Alphia.”

“Well met,” went across the table.

“Lady Mallie, meet Scott, a very good friend, Aceline, the pride of Hidros. The two outside are Emi Muko and Julius Haggard. One an up and coming idol and the other, my son.”

“I know of them,” said Mallie, “-I remember Emi from the Feline Force. A heroine who but only showed her face on the many advertisements from the AHA. There’s also that incident...”

“That’s her alright,” interjected Scott.

“Mallie, I’d like us to have a tête-à-tête later.”

“Understood, I’ll be back in a few minutes, Mr. Haggard,” her silhouette soon vanished with a click.

“Aceline, Scott, care to explain why thee are here?”

“It’s Lady Elvira,” spoke Scott, “-she asked us to come to Alphia for a photoshoot. I heard Meldorino was going to model new products.”

“éclair,” hands-on the earring, “-care to explain?”

“Meldorino is ready to model the first line of watches named Frontier. Lady Aceline, Emi Muko, and prince Julius Haggard will be at the forefront of the publicity. Good exposure since the three are on the path to stardom. Of course, Lady Aceline will be an ambassador for the brand.”

“Frontier,” said he, “-when’s the photoshoot?”

“Later this afternoon.”


“Active Raven Pictures Film Studio.”

“That’s close to here. I see, there’s no need to go into details of the visit.”

‘Meldorino and Apexi are collaborating to boost one another up. Cake’s seeing into the future. Old man Dorino must have had a shock to get a phone call from Elvira. She’s very strong-minded when it comes to business. Guess that leaves me to handle the strenuous situation of the Lerado’s.’

“I think it’s time we get going,” added Scott.

“This early?” asked he.

“Majesty, I’m sure there’s another matter that takes precedence. We bid thee goodbye.” One by one, the penthouse emptied. “Have a good day, father,” smiled Julius.

“You too, have a great day,” the door shut in silence.

‘A very eventful morning,’ thought he sat on the kitchen counter. *Thud, thud.*

“Room service,” cried he finally able to have some food.

Time showed 08:30. Mallie returned from her long walk.

“Mr. Haggard,” the television froze on a particular frame, ‘200 men slaughtered.’

“The forces who came to attack Lerado last night, why, is something bothering you?”

“What of my men?” asked she, “-what happened to them?” josei

“I gave them a proper send-off via cremation.” The memory was of a pile of corpses burning into the full-moon night. The AN-U forces were all turned into ghouls. Authorities reported their death, and no corpse was returned to the family.

Till now, the ability to turn dead into ghouls was there but never used. Only after being granted the powers of Time did the ability fully manifest. From a few souls to now soulless fighters with strength rivaling Tier 6 Emerald Adventurers – the climb to being the strongest leaped.

“What next?”

“Simple,” smiled he, “-the Lerado will be under Haggard’s control. Of course, we’ll fight under the Godfather’s name. That way, we can minimize any potential backlash and keep the involvement hidden. The goal has always been to have a strong foot in Alphia. This might be the chance.”

“Do you mean that thee wants to join in the drugs trade?”


“No, no, far from that. I wish to join as Phantom, the arm’s dealer – not as an underworld organization. Lerado will fulfill that part of the coin for us; do you understand?”

“The Lerado will become the hidden puppets of Phantom?”

“No puppets, but allies. Similar to other companies having ties with Cimier; I’ll have my company tied with Lerado.”

“I understood that part,” said she taking a breather, “-what I don’t get is where does the Haggard fall into the equation?”

“Simple, the Haggard name, not to confuse with royalty of Hidros, is and always be close allies to Godfather Renaud. As allies, we’ll jump into the fight.”

“I see, using Godfather Renaud’s name as a reason to fight those who might get in thy way.”

“You catch on quick,” grinned he, “-Lady Mallie; I promise to have revenge for the fallen. What I want in return is thy pledge to my name, pledge to Phantom, pledge to the Haggard’s.”

“Please destroy them,” knelt she, “-I’ll do what you want for a chance at retribution.”

“Henceforth, Lady Mallie, welcome to the family.”

On that, the coming of war stood ever so close. Minutes turned to hours – Staxius took to the skies whilst Mallie waited for the train. The destination was Tole – the mountain sure was tall. Curious to the actual height, Staxius flapped until the snowy peak – the air was barely breathable as for below, naught but dots.

16:00 came in haste. Multiple bystanders wandered about the mansion. Some in hooded cloaks, others in suits, and some in sport’s wear. The curiosity of what happened last night had risen many brows. The mansion would have been seized if not for a phone call to some high placed officers. Thus, the incident was brushed under the rug.

It was hard to see at night, but the yard was very expansive. The Lerado were also rich once upon a time and it showed.

‘It’s almost as if nothing happened,’ thought he stood on the roof. Over yonder, an outline of a plane approached. The TU-03, Phantom was here. Switched to vertical, the plane landed to only take half of the yard. Soon, another similar outline approached. The TU-03 Cargo Variant. Deafening and fear-inducing – those roaming around could but run away.

“Greetings Boss,” saluted a man in jet-black uniform.

“Greetings Thempa. I guess the Black Unit came to aid in the war?”

“No sir, we’re here with the Subjugation Platoon 05.”

“Where’s the leader of the SBGA-05?”

“Platoon leader Kendy is on board leading his troupes in transporting supplies.”

“Good, how many members do we have at the moment?”

“Black Unit has 10 members I included. SBGA-05 has 50 members. It’s only the initial numbers sir, we have more coming later tomorrow.”

“What about air-support?”

“Only after the airfield 025 is secured.”

“What Squadron will she be sending?”

“The VT10-BSQD, Sir.”

“Good, coordinate with SBGA-05 and have the insides turned into a base of operation. I estimate a week before Jefferson’s make a move.”

Supplies, guns, ammo, provision, people dressed in uniform were quick to secure the mansion. The gates were immediately barricaded off. A temporary patrol began to walk as to send a threatening message. Phantom’s private military was called on duty.

‘She’s sending over the VT10-BSQD. I suppose we must take the war seriously. Sending them means utter destruction. The unfamed squadron of elite pilots of Sotepios. Their specialty, air-strikes, and undercover operations. Let’s see how the underworld reacts.’

Emperor Sultria knew of the plans mildly, else, having so many troupes and weapons moved into Alphia be a declaration of war. The response to it was, ‘-Father-in-law, I know not of thy involvement with the Underworld. Since I, myself have ties to some unruly factions, I have no right to pass judgment. Cimier might not take lightly to the act of aggression. Please, I have but a humble request to make. If war is to happen, then take it to the South. I wish not for innocent people to be hurt.’

Amidst the people who surveyed the mansion, few spies lurked about. They were tied to factions allied to the Jefferson’s and ultimately, Cimier. An uninvited entity made a move onto the Alphian soil. Those who controlled the town weren’t happy and it showed.

20:00; countless vehicles pulled to the entrance. Their leader, a broad man in a white suit wanted to speak to the Shadow. Cigar in mouth and accompanied by armed guards; it began.

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