The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Chapter 467: Loron’s

“You’re a phenom in the kitchen,” said Joe casually checking the ingredients, “-I’m impressed Igna, the video wasn’t for show, the skills are legit. ”

“Igna,” approached the manager with a lifeless smile, “-I’m pleased you handled the Chef’s demands.”

“I came to learn,” he returned, “-I’ve got so much to study. Preparation of ingredients was the first thing I learned as well as tasting. As for cooking itself; the Alphian, Hidrosian, and Wracian techniques aren’t strangers, in theory, as for practice...” he pointed to a bowl, “-have a taste, the lack of flavor will be apparent.”

“Is that what I asked you to make earlier?” wondered Joe, “-a soup without meat, let’s see.” Spoon in hand, it plunged into the murkiness of the liquid. “I see,” said he breathing deep to capture the further taste, “-adequate but not extraordinary. We could serve this here no problem,” the spoon reached for another taste, “-yet, it feels lacking.”

“Yes, sir, my training isn’t complete, tis why I shall do what I can to get better.”

‘This kid,’ thought he, ‘-the drive for knowledge is insatiable,’ putting a hand on the manager’s shoulder, “-Lady Jola, I acknowledge the innate potential of Igna,” softly pulling her back, “-welcome to Loron, boy.”

“Thank you, sir,” they exchanged firm handshakes.


‘How is this possible,’ wondered the manager feeling humiliated, ‘-there’s no way someone like him can be understood by the pallets of our refined guest. I’m certain lady Yuki’s made a mistake. Joe... did you acknowledge him just to face my ire or?’

The brusque breeze carrying the odor of trash welded around the nostrils to burn the inside, “-lady Jola,” came a voice admit the plethora of sense breaking scents.

“What?” returned she with a vein bloating down her forehead – the smell incurred the passive frustration she held.

“Calm it with the attitude,” said he unbothered by the smells.

“Is that all?” her posture closed with arms crossed and a reclined back, “-if so, I’m heading home.”

“I see the scheming ways hasn’t forgotten you.”

“How dare you!”

“The truth is hard to swallow. The jealousy of not wanting people to intrude on our asylum is heart-breaking, honestly. The staff is joined by the strong-will of lady Yuki, adding another to the mix might break the synergy. That pathetic kind of thinking is the reason you’re still single. The boy is so talented a legend of the kitchen dared to make him an apprentice. Can’t you see? The new era is here at our door-step.”

“What if that’s the case, I can’t possibly acknowledge him from your perspective. That’s being subjective, I’m not interested. A stranger is a stranger no matter what one says.”

“A stray will often be the most loyal if taken care of properly. However,” he paused; “-it can also be the single factor that breaks the family. Think about it for a moment, I’ll go teach the boy a few tricks of the trade.”

“Who does he think he is?” her fist slammed the wall. *click,* the door shut over yonder, ‘-I’m not about to falter at the words of a wanna-be. There’s a reason I was made manager, and that’s to destroy the opposing businesses. The same can be done inwards too,” the clouds hid the sun’s ray. The atmosphere changed with her personality; the resting expression grew into a sadistic half-smile.

“Everything ok sir?” the quiet kitchen spurred to life.

“Yeah, just a little argument between staff. Anyway, want me to teach you the ways of Loron?”

“Yes please,” with a grin and the pleasure birthed by teaching another, Joe filled the gap of ignorance of Loron. The main dishes were explained and cooked expertly; the techniques were far complex than what Leko taught. A product of lack of time. Nonetheless, notepad in hand, he watched, wrote, and studied hard.

The essence of time became naught, the motions of going from a meal to another took precedence. At around 18:00, the synchronous cogs stopped by force. A lady in a chef’s outfit stood whilst juggling a key menacingly.

“Lady Yuki,” said Joe nodding respectfully.

“Chef Joe,” her eyes scanned the room thoroughly, “-where’s the boy?”

“Headed to the toilet,” said he returning to the pan.

“Everything’s prepped. We have six tables booked tonight, where are the other staff?” josei

“They’ll be here soon,” and as those words rolled off the tongue, three strongly dressed individuals arrived.

“Good afternoon chef,” said the leader of the group – an older man with grey slicked back hair, rounded nose, wrinkled forehead from the years of straining and mellow eyes. Two beautiful ladies gracefully approached, twins, one held blue hair and the other pink. The sharp noses, ever-youthful fragrance, pointy ears, and well-maintained figures hid the age nicely.

‘Took longer than I thought,’ the return into the more populated kitchen felt as if drowning. Joe’s attitude changed into the description of seriousness.

“There you are,” voiced Lady Yuki nonchalantly hugging the boy.

“Good afternoon, lady Lordon,” said he respectfully.

“Ok,” facing the confused crowd, “-might I have thine attention.” They obeyed without a moment wasted. “I’d like to introduce our new-recruit, Lyoko Igna. I’m sure you’ve seen the video of us battling already. He’ll be my assistant and disciple from today forth. Do help him in whatever he needs – mistakes will be made. Tis where you come on,” she pointed at each and everyone, “-do you understand?”

“Yes chef,” said they in tandem.

“I’ll go check on the front, please introduce yourself,” she skipped into the main restaurant.

“Good evening, young Igna,” approached the angered man, “-I’m Chef Igona, head of the meat-section,” they shook hands.

“Hello Igna,” approached the ladies, “-I’m Emma Lymsey,” said she with a beauty mark to the right under her lips.

“I’m Emmy Lymsey,” said the other with a more fearsome voice, her pink hair and beauty mark to the left didn’t reflect the mannerism at all. “-a guild tag, brings back memories,” soon to face away, “-look, sister, a guild tag.”

“Yes, sister, it does bring back memories.”

“Alright you two,” interjected Joe, “-go back to your stations. Orders will come soon.”

“Should I wash the dishes?”

“No,” came a playful voice, “-you’ll be assisting the Viper of the kitchen.”

Her return changed the mood into utter silence. Each knew their role. The manager would go back and forth saying which table arrived and what meals were ordered. The serving was a three-course dinner – the pace at which the people moved couldn’t compare to the restaurant at the academy. ‘This is hard,’ orders came from left and right, no tact towards the recruit. Yuki’s reprimanding didn’t leave much room for confidence. Any slight mistakes would have him be graced with an earful.

“Look at this fucking mess,” her personality changed,”-do it again, Emma, come in and cover his ass. Tell table four that the meat is four minutes behind.” The side-glances were heart-breaking.

‘I can’t take this pressure,’ thought he stuck in place, the room’s motion stopped. A time-warp, only he could move normally, the others were at a snail’s pace. *Thud,* ‘no, not now,’ the canine manifested, the nails sharpened, ‘-this is bad.’ Biting his inner-cheeks, the blood sufficed to calm the thirst but not the killing intent. ‘The enhancement,’ thought he, ‘-it’s returning. I feel lighter, stronger, and sharper. I get it now, it’s my flight or fight response. Each time I feel in danger it comes from within.’

“Where’s the FISH?” screamed Igona.

“Here,” said a monotonous voice.

‘What the hell?’

“Slice the carrots,” voiced Emma.


“Where’s the sauce?” inquired Emmy.


“Table four and five are waiting for their meal. What’s happening?” wondered a pressured Jola. ‘I knew it, the addition of a new member broke our harmony, it’s in disarray.’ A moment of doubt flashed across the thoughts, ‘-was it a mistake to employ a rookie?’

“Igna, do you remember the recipe?” asked an unbothered Joe.

“Yeah,” the silent reply was fearsome. Lady Yuki didn’t care as her focus was on table one, a food critic.

“Then help me out,” said he momentarily giving a high-five, “-assist me, I’ll make it so they won’t care about the wasted time.” The stove burst into flames, the pans went from hand to hand, the ingredients were readied without a word exchanged. Igna’s ambidextrous trait came when matters grew out of hand. Both sink into the zone; a completed synergy of talents. *snap, snap, snap,* “-take them to table four and five,” said Joe sharply.

“Table three wants more meat.”

“On it,” nodded Igna quick to ready the next batch.

‘What’s with them?” Igona and the twins came to a standstill.

“Take this to table one,” smiled Lady Yuki turning to the duo of Joe and Igna.

“We’re late on the desserts,” said the manager before leaving with the food-tray.

“Alright boys,” said she nonchalantly stepping into their area, “-let’s do this.” The puzzle pieces fit; a team of unrivaled talent burst into ‘overdrive’. The other three could but stand and stare “-Emma, Emmy, take care of table four. Igona take care of table five,” ordered she sensing the limits of their rush, “-we’ll handle the rest.”

‘We’ve done it,’ he stopped with hands on the stove, ‘-I feel lightheaded. Everything is going in circles, my legs feel numb, I can barely raise a hand. What is this feeling, am I tired?’ the hand gave to exhaustion, *smack,* he fell headfirst against the sharp edge and then hit the ground.

“The food was succulent,” said the leaving guests, “-lady Yuki, there’s no arguing your talents.”

“I must say, even a critic can but tip his hat at the talent of Loron. It’s a shame the restaurant only serves on reservation, even that much has a waiting line. Well, good evening, my lady – be on the lookout for the excellent review.”

“Thank you,” said she softly without any harsher movements.

“That was tough,” said Emmy cracking her knuckles, “-how was our performance today?”

“Good,” smiled lady Lordon, “-a rough start to then the rush of adrenaline. I’ve never felt so alive in the kitchen before.”

“I get it,” they now stood inside under a well-lit room, “-that was awesome.”

“I don’t,” voiced Igona, “-how did you know the boy would become so fast under such pressure?”

“It’s my fault,” said him softly, “-I overworked him earlier, he hasn’t taken a break since this afternoon.”

“Are you insane?” facepalmed Yuki, “-why didn’t say he couldn’t continue. Even trained cooks known not to be overworked.”

“He didn’t look tired though,” shrugged Emma, “-I’m envious of him using both hands so skillfully.”

“There’s room for improvement, sister. He definitely has talent.”

“Speaking of Igna, where is he?” wondered Jola, “-I’m sure he was here a few minutes ago.”

“Take a break,” said Yuki, “-I’ll go check.”

“And off she goes,” mumbled Jola with a hint of jealousy.

“Can’t believe he kept pace with Joe and Lady Yuki in that last hour. From confused to the driving force, that Igna is something,” complimented Igona with a coffee in hand.

‘Where did he go?’ wondered she stepping into the kitchen, ‘-Joe overworked him and I only added onto the pressure. How did he cope under all that? I’d have broken with my abuse – there were trained professionals who quit after working at my side. Viper didn’t come from a good background, it’s a slow poison of my abusive nature strangling the workers into giving to desperation,’ along the side and to the back, ‘-look at him, he passed out on the floor,’ with a smile, “-Hey, wake up Igna,” gently tugging his shoulder. “JOE!”

“What happened?” the comfortable chatter shattered.


“Don’t know and don’t care,” said he rushing into the kitchen, “-my lady, what happened?” the group arrived at a mess of blood. Yuki held his head over her lap, the large wound kept on spouting blood.


“Don’t know,” her mind turned empty, ‘-we’re responsible for how tired he got.’

“Call an ambulance right-away,” voiced Igona, “-lady Yuki, Joe, the boy slipped and fell, ok?”

“Master Igona, what are you saying?” wondered Emma shocked at the dishonesty.

“He’s right,” added Jola, “-the boy trip and fell. That wound is fatal,” she leaned to unbutton the shirt, “-look, he fell onto his knife.”

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