The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Chapter 581: Investment

“You drive a hard bargain.” The multitude of questions was yet to be answered. A plan to build a wall stretching from one end of Arda to the other. It would cross across countless forests, plains, meadows, hills, and much more. The task in of itself was impossible if not for Julius’s presence. Lack of material, lack of money, and lack of people. Before the Vorn incident, he would have rejected the offer without mercy and care. Witnessing the feat accomplished in mere hours spawned the will to follow, the will to see what amazing things Igna could accomplish. For the first time in ages, he witnessed the cunning of the man who founded the Federation. The schemes responsible for breaking the toughest of men, a negotiation style of which Serene inherited. Never go into a deal without aces. Always control the field from before the battle, start the war at one’s discretion and end it at one’s peril. Tis the way the world raised Igna. The newer generations didn’t understand how cruel war could be. Weapons and machines made the prospect of death more or less swallowable. The same couldn’t be said a few decades prior. The era where sword and magic tested one’s might. Death didn’t come easy, swords were dulled, uncleaned, the spells were slow and potent. The mere mention of battle would have shivers down anyone vaguely familiar with the idea.

With a heavy shoulder, the night went on till one in the morning. The star stuttered night flickered by approaching the jet. Another bus was readied at the airfield. Igna stood with arms closed whilst Julius dozed off inside. ‘A shooting star,’ he thought.

The jet landed without much trouble. It taxied to a hangar. Opened to a chilly outside. Dimly lit surroundings and distant footsteps were common and frightening. Massive iron gates gave way to the abyssal night.

“Where are we?” the interior sparked into a clean white and grey area.

“Ladies,” said the prior well-mannered man, “-we’ve arrived.” They exited one by one; each scanned the new location at their own pace. Some checked the ceiling, others the floor, and some didn’t care.

“Good,” leaned on the bus with arms crossed, “-welcome to Rotherham, member of Vorn.” The enigmatic man who left a great impression stood distantly.

“Young master,” bowed the butler, “-I’ve brought them as was instructed.”


“Thank you,” replied Igna, “-was there any incidents?”

“A few men were killed.”

“Our side?” he glared.

“No,” the butler returned, “-we exterminated the wretched pests.”

“Excellent. The services were most satisfactory.”

“Please, young master, you praise me too much.”

“Good job must be rewarded,” said he, “-please, ask of me anything you’d wish.”

A few meters away, “-Nola, any idea what’s happening?”

“He’s noble,” said Enna with mouth opened, “-I didn’t expect him...”

“What makes you say that?” wondered Sheiwai, “-looks the same to me,” voiced she.

“I can’t put it in words,” said she kindly moving a stray braided wisp behind her ear, “-there’s a familiar aura of grandeur, one inherits to a noble-born.”

“You saying he’s stuck up?” added Yuna in jest.

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-was the journey troubling?”

“N-no,” stuttered Enna.

Looking about, “-ok, everyone’s here. Tis rather late. I’ve arranged for lodging, follow me.” In the bus and towards the hotel, the streetlamps snuck through the windows and onto the sleeping idols. Igna sat at the back in the company of the slothful Julius. On the opposite side sat Nola, her head rested against his shoulder.

“Igna,” mumbled Enna, “-who are you, tell me the truth.”

“I’m the son of the Duchess of Rotherham. This here is my cousin, a member of royalty. I’ll explain the details later tomorrow, rest up for now.”

“No, I need to know,” argued she, “-else I won’t be able to sleep.”

“Fine, go ahead, ask away.”

“Were you responsible for the termination?”

“Yeah,” returned he nonchalantly, “-I won’t go into the details of how. Just know, I paid 2 million Exa for the freedom. The ball is in thy court, I’ve invested. Without a contract, idols are basically jobless.”

“I know,” she exhaled, “-well, as long as Nola doesn’t have to suffer, I’m fine with anything.”

“Say it with chest,” interjected Yuna, “-you know, Igna, Enna here was dead worried after hearing about Nola’s suicide attempts. We tried arguing against the leaders of Ansoft...” a chilling stare from Enna halted the flow.

“Don’t stop there, carry on,” urged he.

“-Fine,” ignoring the mother-like glare, “-they blackmailed us into staying silent. If we disobeyed, not only would Nola be hurt – the reputation of Vorn was at risk. They were adamant about treating us like shit. Faced before power, it’s better to kneel than fight.”

“A fair judgment,” nodded Igna, “-take the punishment face down. Endure to survive, I respect it. No one is in the wrong, don’t trouble yourself.”

“I have too,” argued Enna, “-I decided Vorn should run. We’re in god knows where and no options going forth.”

“Take a look around you,” said Igna, “-look at the buildings, look at the streets and scenery.” The dark outlook on life shook, words alone didn’t do Rotherham justice. The place was a scene straight out of a movie, peaceful and active, warm and chaotic, the perfect balance. One side lit the three towers and the other, the actual town. A calming blueish hue. As if by telepathy, the driver softly turned on the radio to a mixture of jazz and pop.

“Where are we?”

“I said it before. Rotherham” said he in proudly, “-everything around here is owned by the Haggard Dynasty. In Alphia, I was a guitarist trying to make a name. Once in Hidros, the responsibilities are more so troubling. Anyway, I have a habit of rambling. We’ve arrived at the hotel. The waiters should be courteous enough.” On his feet and out, “-I’ll see you tomorrow.” They parted ways on the stairs leading into the hotel lobby.

The 4th of April, time 06:00. The alarm rang, sleep broke with a carefree arm sprawled onto the face and chest. “-Cousin,” mumbled Igna, “-wake up.” They laid on the living-room carpeted floor.

“What a great night’s sleep,” yawned he.


“Why so grumpy in the morning?” asked he utterly clueless to the situation. josei

“You’re strangling me, get off.”

Apparently, they passed out on the floor right after arriving. The strain of the day prior caught up. Time showed 09:30, the hotel lobby sprawled in activity by the leaving guests. Vorn was still asleep, to which, Igna took the time to handle a few things on the exchange of yesterday. Julius made for the capital, preparation for their arrival.

“Young master,” called the receptionist, “-the ladies will be down at any minute.”

“Thank you,” he nodded. The restaurant opened to the pampered streets and walkways of Rotherham was a treat unlike any other. The more attention one paid, the greater became the attention to detail. Many took it for granted, those in the know of reality, were most often stunned by what the town offered. The food was very delicious for a moderate price. Igna wasn’t one to forget favors. Sai of the Eiko Dynasty, the stagier that worked at the Guild in the capital was offered a job here, at the hotel, a prestigious and sought-after place of work. There was no greater honor than working besides legends of the culinary world.

One after the other, the six ladies ambled into the relatively full restaurant. Once at the table, half of them laid their head without care for tact. “May I take your order?” asked a friendly waiter. “Yes.” A few moments later, the aroma watered their pallets.

“Is the farce over?”

“What?” shrugged Morgaria in a forced squint, her choice of clothes risqué to say the least. As a model, her curvy physic and natural beauty would have men flocking with a single snap, “-I don’t understand.”

“Ladies,” he breathed, “-there’s a limit to patience. Would it so much to ask than to properly act in public. This isn’t some lowly bar, there are guests. Please, be respectful to them if there’s any shred of decency. I don’t know and frankly don’t care about the lifestyle in Alphia, this is Rotherham. Idols should lead by example, and I don’t mean learn proper ethics, or fake your persona, at least behave like humans. Do we have a deal?”

“Sorry,” she laid back to straightened the posture.

“We’re still tired from last night,” added Nola.

“Excuse us,” bowed Enna, “-won’t happen again.”

Breakfast arrived, “-I do apologize for my harsh tone earlier,” said Igna.

“Don’t fret it,” smiled Yuna, “-the scrumptious meal makes up for it.”



“Have you decided?”

“About what?”

“The future of Vorn,” said he in a brazen tone.

“Care to explain?” inquired Yuna, “-We came here under the assumption that you had a job for us.”

“That I do,” said he, “-still, forcing my will doesn’t seem right. Being bound to another contract wouldn’t be fair. It’s the same as escaping prison to be locked in house arrest. The scenery might be better – freedom is still forgone.”

“Well,” spoke Nola,”-anything is better than the damned freaks of Alphia. The town, the people, the overall atmosphere is so much better. I feel like I’m at home. They’re people who believe in me, I want to play the guitar and sing without constraint. I want to join Apexi, Suga of Xius is the guitarist I aspire to meet.”

“I’m joining Apexi too,” firmed Morgaria, “-Nola’s too explosive, she needs her limiter,” with a coy smirk, “-besides, I’m empty inside. People see me for what’s on the outside and never for what my heart holds. Depressing, I know. I want to learn more about myself, which is why I want to experience the climb to the top again.”

“I don’t normally fit in,” said Yuna, “-my outfits and style are darker than what people expect. Still, I started this journey because of friends. Leaving those two alone is a ticking bomb.”

“You granted us a miracle,” proclaimed Enna, “-I don’t want to fail the expectation. My doubts are cleared, I’ll willingly join Apexi.”

“Where ever Enna goes, I’m following,” mumbled Nerilina.

“Guess it’s my turn,” said Sheiwai, “-I failed as a friend. I should have stood up for Nola. Nothing like the present. I’ll work twice as hard from now on.”

“I see,” he nodded, “-the mind is made up. Guess I was worried for nothing. Welcome to Hidros once again. Vorn will step into a new age from today forth.”

“What next?” asked Enna, “-do you have a plan?”

“Obviously not,” he smirked, “-all I promised was to invest in Vorn. My job is done, what comes next is up to my cousin, Julius. He’ll handle matters going forward.”

“You’re not going to be our manager?” inquired Nola.

“What gave that idea?”

“...” silence went about the table, “-I mean,” said Yuna, “-going through all that trouble just to leave?”

“Ahh,” he pouted mockingly, “-you girls are going to miss me?”

“Shut it,” fired Sheiwai, “-don’t make me puke.”

“Jokes aside, I’m not competent to have six lives entrusted to me. I’ll help in whatever way I can. The rest is up to Apexi. Make me proud.”

Five hours later, they arrived at the capital, the headquarters of Apexi. The second time he had been there. A massive compound of various buildings and workers. A radio station to a studio and even equipment for broadcasting across the continent. Not only was it a place for Apexi, but others could also rent the massive infrastructure and shoot their own shows. Alongside the brick wall stood a gymnasium. Most game shows were filmed here. Talk shows about upcoming idols and such were in a separate area.

“Julius, is it true Igna’s coming?” wondered Alicia.

“Yeah, he’s escorting Vorn.”


‘Vorn’s coming to Apexi. I never expected such a move. Six highly competent world-class idols. The agency’s going to grow even farther.’

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