The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 603

Chapter 603

Chapter 603: Empire’s Invasion [21]

“Right then adventurers, please make for the counter and register. We should have a few quests to get started,” the excitement of a new journey in a foreign town. Moments later, a notice board full of tasks showed lesser pay.

“Extermination quests, monster problems,” read Frost, “-they’re all offering cheap change. I knew this was a bad idea.”

“Don’t say so,” snickered Anna, “-let me guess, the mighty icicle cannot handle a job without reward?” inched closer, “-how about we do that thing as a prize?” a coy side-glance bamboozled the brute into worthlessness.

“Not fair,” exclaimed Rena, “-who does he think we are?”

“Chill,” returned multiple whispers. The team was divided into three. First was Ling, Goldie, Ella, Ellie and Kein. Next, Jen, Rena, Leonard and Lampard. Lastly, Anna, Frost, Cole, and Ila. The last two were more of an eight men unit, members switched around depending on the fight and task.

“Alright people,” gestured Ling, “-we’re heading out to the inn. See you later.”

“Understood,” returned Anna, “-see you girls later.”


“Lampard,” squinted Jen, “-what this about forcing your mother to accept our relation?”

“Oh yes, didn’t I explain this before? Igna used his standing as noble to pressure my family. I heard even the Queen reprimanded my mother’s action, thus our situation. Not that it matters now, he’s a young baron of the Blood-King’s Faction.”

“What of it?” inquired Lampard, “-he’s just another noble then.”

“Wrong,” he dismayed, “-being baron in a war-torn province is an effort, a lot of it. He’s not only responsible for his life but the life of the populous as well.”

“Which means,” said Rena, “-I don’t get the whole politic thing. Come on, Lampard, we’re going on a date,” no reservations, hands on the boy’s ears, the date seemed more of a mother scolding her child.

“We should get moving too,” proposed Leonard, “-we’ve already picked out the quests. Best get acquainted with the lay of the land,” the second party diffused to the wonder of the unknown.

Frost’s team remained sternly, “-What now?” inquired the blue-haired prodigy.

“You tell me,” said Anna, “-the man must take the lead.”

“It’s as my lady said,” glared Ila, “-show her the way to happiness, else I show you hell.”

“Now isn’t the time to fight,” whispered Cole.

“-Shut it!” fired the ladies.

“We’re doomed,” sighed Frost, “-I agree,” despaired Cole. Along the way, Ila suddenly asked Cole on a date. Things went from friendly to a relation. In search of strength, the academy students invited a romantic endeavor, an opportunity to find inner power. The importance of protection, fighting for a dream, or achieving greatness – emotions were strong.

New faces slipped in around the general populous. Time elapsed, work led Igna to scour along the town wall. The expansion was to be made towards the north; a suspended bridge would lead into the start of a craggy hill. Deforestation began as soon as offering to the dryads were made. Dubbed Svein’s hill, home of Vanesa’s cave – a purplish taint and minute miasmic particles of Aedric energy hovered.

‘I didn’t notice it before, maybe because of the forestry. The main entrance faces the bothersome hill of illness. Well, the bridge will span a long distance, the stream’s rather arduous to built upon. Undre reported the details earlier, the architects suggested using the hill as material and support to carve out a new district for Glenda. It’s going to take a few years to complete,’ a half-smile proved otherwise, ‘-we’ll get it done in two months. A new district for the refugees. This project’s my personal quest.’ Noon shifted into the afternoon; the brightly lit sky dimmed per greyish clouds. A side-glance showed a couple ambling along the walls.


‘Damn it,’ he snarled, “-hey.”

“There’s no need to look so disappointed,” remarked Leonard, “-you’re a landed noble now, quite remarkable for one of our same age group.”

“I suppose. What brings a couple here of all places?”

“Exploring,” they sat overlooking the town, “-Glenda’s an awesome place. They’re very much amiable, I can’t imagine this place being affected by the war.”

“Oh, is that so,” he joined, “-Glenda seems free because of the pile of bodies I left,” leaned to stare Jen, “-I have a question.”

Her guard went up, the visage broke into a frown, “-go on.”

“You’re from Iqeavea. A saint of the Church,” he squinted, “-mind tell me more of that. The power you used in the dungeon, I found it weird,” index to the stone, crimson crystal dispersed to halt shy of her palm, “-tell me, are you a friend or foe?”

“F-friend,” she gulped.

“Good,” the scarlet crystal retracted, “-what church?”

“Temple of Dustina, Goddess of Destiny. My sister and I were humble followers of the church. We were trained to be protectors of the Empire. Due to circumstances, we fled to Hidros and began a new life. I attained the rank of Saint from the constant practice,” she pulled onto her turtle neck shirt, “-here’s the symbol of sainthood, a boon from goddess Dustina. Without this, I’d have never been able to survive.” josei

“As long as there’s no threat to the town and its people, the story doesn’t interest me.”

“Igna,” her expression dulled, “-how long are you going to keep us at arm’s length. Come on, it’s about time we clear the misunderstanding and move on, I don’t want to feel so miserable the rest of my life.”

“Miserable huh,” he stood, “-look over there,” he pointed, “-see those men and women, they’re survivors from the ex-lord’s treatment.”

“Yes, I remember them, they’re the kind folks who welcomed us into town.”

“Correct, they’ve been abused and treated like animals. The disparities between humans and demi-humans will never end. King Staxius vowed to promote an alliance and set differences aside. The dream was half accomplished – adventurers are free to mingle and garner deeper bonds. The Azure wall’s complete with our people. Goes to show the effort didn’t totally fail. The Empire’s tactic of divide and conquer has worked.”

“What then, what can the populous accomplish?” wondered Jen.

“No idea,” said he, a gust carried the hair, “-the decision is in the hands of the higher-ups.”

“What about you?” inquired Leonard, “-will the Haggard dynasty get involved?”

“We’re already involved,” he laughed, the aura darkened, “-information’s abundant. Trips to the inns and taverns should paint a better picture. My goal is simple,” spun to stare the imaginary wall, “-I’m going to protect what little semblance of safety we have.”

*Woosh,* a flash of white flames darted along the walls, “-POPS” screamed Draconis.

*POOF,* a violent cloud of smoke carried on after Igna. Parts of the stone cracked, he caught the ball stood with an arm stretched out, “-Draconis,” he mumbled, “-care to explain this interruption?”

“Let go of my head first,” struggled the boy, “-I just wanted to say hi.”

“A boy shouldn’t go around spearing another for the sake of saying hello.”

The fog of chaos dwindled, Jen and Leonard remained utterly silent. ‘Such power, I thought we were dead,’ gulped he. ‘-An explosion and then he stood with a kid in hand, what happened?’

“Igna... is that a demon?”

“No,” refuted he.

“Yes, like pops said,” out of the iron-clad hold, “-my name’s Draconis Haggard, age 2,” he stood with arms crossed and unzipped pants.

“Two years old?” they exchanged meaningless expressions.

“Don’t mind him,” said Igna, “-this little fellow here’s my son,” up and sat atop his shoulder, “-too much energy for such a tiny frame.” Tiny fingers began pinching the cheeks and nose into various contours.


Down below hailed Undre, “-I should get going.”


“Jen,” stopped on the edge, “-about the misery, tis thine insecurities. I care for one thing; results. Stay well and don’t die,” he jumped.

Back in the private quarters, “-Lord Igna, we have trouble,” pleaded the steward.

“The cave right?” commented he.

“How did yo- never mind, few locals were lost in forests. An aedric presence lingers.”

“What about the adventurers, I noticed a quest about investigating the area.”

*Knock, knock,* “-SIR UNDRE, THE INFIRMARY!”

“Gather yourself, man,” said he with much haste, “-what happened, explain?”

“The adventurers found the lost children. They were brought into the infirmary,” the skin paled in the rapid of breaths, “-p-plague, n-nurses w-w-were infected.”

“UNDRE,” he dashed out the room, “-I’m heading to the hospice. Gather the mages, we might have a serious situation on our hand.”

“Hey pops, what’s the matter?”

“Trouble,” said Igna sprinting down the stairs, “-the Aedric plague, also known as the monster plague.”

“Sounds fun,” he grinned, “-let me help.”

The crowd of people gathered, most were curious, the malignant energy crashed in waves. A few guardsmen blocked the entrance, “-what’s happening?” inquired Ling on her promenade. “The plague,” said a bystander, “-I heard they found the lost children.”

*Crack,* wings retracted, “-are they inside?”

“Lord Igna,” bowed the guard, “-the hospice is too dangerous to enter.”

“Doesn’t matter,” the door opened, “-the mage’s unit should be on their way. Have a perimeter of five meters summoned around the building. I don’t have to speak of the gravity of what it poses.”

“No sir.”

Support arrived soon after, the curious crowds were pushed behind a certain point.

“What happened?” inquired an annoying bystander, “-you’re blocking the road.”

“Silence,” fired the steward, “-we may be faced by a potential epidemic of the Aedric plague.”

“The plague...”

“Bad, we’ve been cursed,” panic ensued.

“RUN AWAY!” the street cried till a morgue-like silence. The story of Drine, a ghost village far to the west has always scared the populous. Until then, many took the monster curse lightly. The day a brazen fighter waltz with heavy injuries inflicted by the curse was also the last. The plague-infected the very mana in the atmosphere, creating a breeding ground for the victims, pain comes harshly and death arrives at a snail’s pace. In a matter of a week, the village grew into a dungeon. Even now, the place is taboo to wander into.

“Lord Igna,” nodded the nurses, “-why are you here?”

“I’ve come to check on the survivors. Where’s the children?”


“In the basement,” said they, “-the doctor’s performing the rite of cleansing.”

“What of the other patients?”

“We’ve already summoned anti-curse barriers around their rooms. The halls and basement are subject to the illness.”

“Fast response to the problem, good work.”

“My lord, I wish not to sound arrogant, but is it wise to wander in a potentially fatal environment.”

“I’ve had my fair share of experience dealing with such curses. Did they have lesions on the faces or hands?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Yes, one of them had crinkly skin.”

“Bad, lock the hallway and don’t allow anyone in or out.”

Entrance to the basement locked to a deep ‘boom’. Screams and chants wandered, the energy intensified. ‘-A lesion means the plague has already affected the child’s element. The body’s next to follow.’

*Rite of cleansing, final form!* skin marred in purple, shattered round glasses gripped the nose. A broken right arm and slumped figure.


“I’m not letting you die!” cried the doctor, “-I’LL SAVE YOU!”

*Woosh,* a possessed figure leaped lifelessly to end the misery. *Death Element: Magical Barrier.* It missed to perry and slice the legs.

‘Damn, I’m late,’ the cursed dagger infected the doctor, the body soon changed to resemble the possessed child. Dark skins, purple eyes, tiny protruding horns, and vile grins. ‘The other three seem to be hanging on, the plague’s yet to reach its final form. Well then,’ the sleeves rolled, ‘-time to get serious.’ The thumb split, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads – Crystal Prison,* cross-shaped lances dug to bind the possessed figures.

‘The plague can be cured by cleansing, death, or entrapment. Death isn’t much help since the bodies infect what’s around. Cleansing’s out the question, don’t have enough mana to slowly clear the infection. The only option, entrapment.’ *I call on thee, Box of Alche.* the chest opened, brownish parchments circled atop the tapped zombies

*I am he who slays without fear, I am he who shall be the last of what thee see. Heed mine call, thou whomst dared to fight the natural order, tis the day thou ought to be destroyed, Ancient Magic – Astral Binding.*

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