The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

Chapter 643: Fallen Heroes

Sun rose over the supposed land of dreams, the continent across the sea, a place of life in relative peace and comfort. Alas, as the morning’s ray befell the isle of monsters, what stood wasn’t a smoking castle, but a wreck of wooden ship parts. Binoculars were strapped outward the port, a nameless area without much consequence, as they’d leave soon. Four prominent figures gracefully landed on the harbor, waves crashed to sparkle as if gems, the droplets carried rainbow hues. The sea breeze hit; the coats flew; a single man led the charge with a grin.

“THEY ARE HERE!” cried a worker, “-NOTIFY THE GUARDS,” he tripped whilst in motion to run, “-mercy,” he rolled and begged. Yuria met his gaze with disgust and firmed the front.

‘Amazing,’ she thought, ‘-being in his shadow feels so natural. I don’t want this moment to end,’ a mutual line of thought carried into the other two, ‘-the respect I had as a priestess is but gone, I find myself standing as a true half-demon,’ her slim horns were beautiful and elegant, the facial features and part of the teeth sharpened.

‘Gratifying, the elation is greater than the good of humanity,’ thought Cora, ‘-I want to follow this man to the end of the earth.’

‘Fallen-heroes,’ thought Kaleem, ‘-the title inspires confidence and a sense of purpose. What else can a man want,’ they crossed into the harbor and made for a strangely lit portal. Bystanders watched in agony; a pain resemblant to an aching tooth.

“The fun is yet to come,” said Igna, “-initiations will be conducted by my closest confidants. Shouldn’t be much hassle as I’ve already given my approval.” The air around the blurry portal pulled, and seamlessly, Igna allowed his body to float.

Radiant white, brown, cream, many comforting colors exploded into sight. The tile floor made for a greater work of art. Statues, works of art, and precious memories from the previous rulers.


“Who stands there!”

“Death and his harbinger,” said Igna, the shoes clopped out the shadows. The Emperor watched from his high stature, besides were his heir, two men, and a young maiden.

“Demon-king,” he scowled, “-did our attack not work?” the footsteps were joined by three others.

“No it didn’t,” he stood defiantly, the heroes joined in a line.

“HEROES!” the princess darted down the stairs, “-what is the meaning of this?” her vulnerable pupils begged for answers. “-Cora, tell me, please, I want to know, why... why... why... we cared for-”

“Demon-king,” said the first son, “-what is the meaning of such insolence, I thought we disposed of the heroes for their failures.”

“No brother,” said the second son,”-they escaped using the priestess’s blessing.” Noble-blood of in-bred, their limbs were rather unsightly. The princess, a bastard to her father, was spared the grueling ritual of ‘keeping the bloodline pure’.

“Worthless,” fired the first son.

“Silence,” thundered Igna, “-my audience is with the ruling monarch, not small fries,” the grieving princess marred his voice, her cries were louder than death howls, “-princess,” he side-glared, “-it would befit thee to be silent. Else,” a spark flickered above the index.

“I understand,” she bowed to the corner.

The emperor switched posture and waited; servants were soon ordered to leave the area. A messenger arrived with the news, humanity’s last army was defeated mercilessly, none reached the island. Dragons of unimaginable proportions unleashed their fury, said the report. Humbled by the defeat, “-what is it?”

“The hard-headed emperor has finally seen the light,” he stepped forward.

“Take another step,” swords crossed, “-and tis thy head.”

“PROSTRATE THYSELF!” screamed Cora, a tremendous aura hammered the guards to kneel, “-don’t dare look at our ruler, weakling’s art but ants, bow and be crushed.”

Inconvenience out the way, he skipped up the stairs, “-last time we were this close, I nearly choked you out,” leaned obnoxiously close to his face, “-Hey, I’ve won.” *snap,*

“Princes and princess,” he blinked back to where he stood, “-here we are, at the end of the war. The monsters have won, what remains of humanity is naught but farmworkers and nobles. The other countries were smart to keep casualties to a minimum. I’m afraid your father is the worst ruler a country could have. Not to waste time, these three here are fallen heroes, chosen ones you rejected and ousted. Despite our first bout, I made my point clear, I don’t want the world to end, I just need my people to fight and grow strong. Humans fight against one another, does that ever strike as wrong? no, of course, it does not. Sadly, add a stronger foe into the mix, and human’s frail sense of pride is tipped, thus where we are. What I offered were the monster isles to be recognized as their own kingdom. Yes, humans will kill monsters, and vice-versa, the experience is needed for both. Ultimately, the chance at revenge was swapped, the defeated had to be accounted for, the nobles and families needed answers, and the heroes were an easy target. Wipe hands and forget those who gave their home and lives to serve this damned country. I pity your people,” the head shook, rage flamed in the trio. Flash-backs to those memories infuriated their very core. “-Mark my surprise with the fifteen washed ashore. These three wanted revenge, then and there, I gave the ultimate choice, death. Survival of the fittest, they outwitted and outfought the other heroes, a dampened spirit is worthless. See, emperor, I rejected their advances, true, I won’t deny so. Instead, what I granted was a way forward, a simple and clear goal. Survive for two weeks and meet me, thus, the three fallen heroes emerged from below the sea of corpses. Three I’m glad to have by my side, they’ll be great assets. If only you knew how to train and motivate your fighters. One thing is for sure, the 300,000 were no match for my 3,” on that, he tapped their shoulders and stepped back, “-go on, don’t be afraid, speak your mind, I’ll wait.”

“Emperor, you’re the worst person I’ve ever met,” said Cora, “-goes for the whole nobility. I wanted to use my station as a hero to help the poor, help establish a place where warriors of the common station would train and join the army. I never fulfilled the goal; noble sons blocked the project from ever moving forth. Don’t get me started on Clia and Mpeh, they were killed almost immediately after our return. If not for Set blocking the way, we’d have been doused in acid. I truly despise this kingdom,” he glared to the princess, “-you too, highness, crocodile tears do thee no good. I went along your advances – the hatred for being shunned as a bastard fueled the scheming personality. I’m glad Yuria stopped me, else, I’d have been your puppet.”

“Don’t strain too much,” added Yuria, “-Cora speaks for all of us, this country deserves to be burnt and destroyed. I don’t care about the people; tainted land must be cleansed.”

“I personally don’t care,” fired Kaleem, “-die, rot, or be saved, who gives a crap. I always hated how righteous we had to be, setting examples whilst the real leaders do what they wanted. If I was ever granted a single wish, I’d ask for heroes to never be summoned from other realms again.”

“How very poetic,” chuckled the first son, “-a demon-king and fallen heroes. What now, will you leave after wreaking havoc. I see the heroes are as two-faced as us nobles are. Running to the man who caused this ordeal in the first place, what does it say about the loyalty. I’m sure the demon-king thinks the same; those who turned their backs once can never be loyal again.”

“Don’t try it,” glared Cora, “-the first prince, say what you wish about us, I’ll never allow my master’s name to be soiled by the likes of you.

“What’s so great about a demon?” interjected the second-prince, “-they’re ugly, always wanting to kill, and in general, are pests. The mere sight repulses me.”

“Cora, Cora, Cora, Cora,” her attitude shifted, “-why, why, why... I always loved you, and always will, why can’t you accept my love, why don’t you accept it. I’ll do what you say, kill who you want, and be subjected to any hardships... love me, love me, love me,” she crawled to his feet, “-please, I don’t want to be rejected,” her hair untied, “-if I can’t have you, then we’ll die together,” the smile turned murderous, “-LET’S DIE!”

*Smack,* her head bobbed, the knife fell, “-how daft can a lady be?” sighed Igna, “-girl, tell me, is the dagger meant for the hero or yourself.”

“Myself,” down on all fours, “-I wanted the demons to win for the longest time. None suspected me, none... until you showed up. The sight of Cora being turned demon made me so happy I couldn’t hold my tears.”

“By the might of Thor,” exclaimed Yuria, “-this girl is twisted to her core...”

“What now?” glared the emperor, “-the demon-king has won the war, what is the fate for our people?”

“Forgiveness. Don’t misinterpret, the monsters will rule over the empire from today forth. The Imperial family is to become a puppet for our cause. If not acceptable, I can always conjure a world-ending spell.”

“What about their revenge?” cried the first son, “-what happened to the elated quest to find oneself.”

“Oh,” he bit his thumb, “-it starts now, actually,” *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* a dark-shaped crimson crystal punctured their hearts, “-to conquer a kingdom by force, one must either take the nobility or end the current bloodline. I choose the latter. The fate of the empire relies on the empress,” a lovely vested lady escaped from the shadows.

“Why are you here!” cried the emperor, “-I said you to never step foot in the throne room.”

“My, my,” her seductive tone had the men gasp, “-our sons have collapsed and there’s no shed of worry.”

“Empress?” inquired the princess clung on to Igna’s trousers.

“Yes,” said Igna, “-or to give her real name, Heine, an elder class demoness.”

“Did Vesper give my secret?”

“Oh yes she did,” he clapped, “-mind turning the princes into demons?” josei

“Sure, replacing their personality and soul seems fitting,” she climbed, her face and body altered, “-good to see you, darling,” she caressed his cheeks and slit his throat.

‘I was played for a fool...’ the room fell silent; confusion hummed the melody of silence.

“Gather round people,” ordered Igna, “-you too, princess.”

A shrug led to the throne, where Heine sat seductively. “-Here’s the truth,” said Igna by her side, “-Heine here is a shape-shifter demoness, her ability to shape-shift elapses any short-comings. The real empress was killed and skinned for the disguise. The first plan was a coup. Intervention from the princes nullified any advances. My stewardess, Vesper, told me as I watched the slaughter, of her presence. Tis then I formulated the plan, we’d end the imperial bloodline and use demons to impersonate the rulers. Therefore, I proclaim this world to be truly conquered. State affairs will be left to-” a portal summoned, “-to my discretion,” said the ever-watchful Vesper.

“What about me,” sniffled the princess.

“Up to Cora,” said Igna, “-the fallen-heroes have the last say in thy fate.”

“No,” she dashed for his feet, “-I want to serve you, please, please, please, please!”

“Cora, what say you, shall we spare her life or end it right here?” the nails sharpened, “-no matter the choice, it’s yours.”

They gulped, “-let her live...”

“Wrong choice,” a swipe beheaded the princess, “-don’t spare her life, use it instead.”

*Come forth, Box of Soul,* the aura darkened, the lid opened to swallow the soul.

*Box of Alche,* a pool of crystallized dust built a heartless figure.

*Living or dead, I invite all to the realm of absurdity, serve me and my companions, be one of a greater family. Forgo of the past and look towards the future, one in which thou art be immortal and without regret. Box of Soul: Transmigration.* One moment death clenched her neck, the next, she stood clueless before her dead body.

“What’s this?”

“You’re no use to me as a weakling,” said Igna, “-I’ve transmigrated thy soul into the body of a homunculus, as of this moment, you choose who thee wishes to be. Fighter, trader, spellcaster, tis a new start, choose well and make thy demands, the body will answer thy plea, however, no reproductive organs will be assigned.”

“I’d like to keep my prior appearance,” she smiled, “-this is going to be awesome

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