The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 656

Chapter 656

Chapter 656: Closing Curtains

“I needed this,” her stormy cries cleaned, “-being acknowledged is one thing, I heard my father say he was proud. The weight on my shoulders is gone, I can finally move on, turn the page as a newly established goddess.”

“The way you phrased it... feels like a promotion.”

“I guess,” she chuckled, “-what about you, Igna, I’ve born my heart out.”

“I suppose I have a few questions. What of the allegiance, what about Lucifer, what’s going to happen moving forward?”

“Simple answer,” said she,”-I’ll be crowned Empress of Alphia soon. Lucifer left in the most turbulent time of my life. I guess I’ll return to where I was, orphaned?”

“Quit the drama,” returned Igna, “-go back to Hidros and make amends with Julius and the others. Spend a few days with family, tis simple.”

“No, not right now,” her eyes strained, “-Igna, I’ve decided to side with thee. I know I’ve done more harm than good, but I know you understand,” her smile tenderly matched the innocent tilt of the head, “-don’t you, little cousin.”

..... josei

“I do, and a bit too much I’d say,” he paused and wondered toward yonder. “-Big sister, I think we might be in for a long battle,” then and there, a whisper spoke from the Shadow, “-Hades will only be strengthened from today onwards. The prior attack was but a preview; how do I put the differences in proportion... imagine the Shadow Realm but stronger and viler as in, the residents must abide by the ultimate rule of survival, the strong win, and the weak lose. Don’t forget, Hades is a high-tier god on par with Zeus. On that note, Gophy out... wait, I forgot, the real attack will begin in a few weeks, the portal is still unstable, bye.”

‘... seriously, she dares warn me after creating said mess.’

“Igna, you well?” asked Eira.

“I think so,” he stood, “-Big sister, I think we ought to take a trip back home. We have about a week before things turn for the worse. Best make amends.”

“You referring to Hades’ portal?” her free hair swayed; the temperature dropped.

“Yes, I am,” he exhaled.

“Deal,” said she, “-I’ll go back and apologize. Let’s figure out the rulership in Arda.” The return felt easier and more relaxed, in more ways than one, Eira brought a sense of relief and refreshment to the mundane life. ‘She’s neutral, we won against the invasion. The way she speaks and acts, I wonder if she purposefully allied to Lucifer as a spy. She willingly voiced her concerns and departed, the battle of Arda was hard... but not complicated. Did she...’ he gulped; ‘-did she spearhead the downfall of the church from within the church?’ a scan of her sleeping openly gave no clues, ‘-knowing her, knowing she grew up idolizing one of the shrewdest men in the world, tis not out of the plausible motives. Playing cat and mouse with gods and demons, you’re truly my heir, aren’t you?’ The drive continued. A step to reflect on her journey showed a lot of similarities. An infant brought up on a battlefield, she joined the academy, won the inter-magical tournament, fought her way up, and became a researcher for the university at Rotherham. Thus arrived the marriage proposal from Alphia, one of which turned to regret. She became heir to a god, killed her father, fell into despair, and rose to be the devil’s advocate. She stood as the villain and guided the people around her to do her bidding, the ends justify the means. Lastly, attained godhood, the ultimate accomplishment. Eira, no matter the names she took or pain endured, stayed true to her father’s words. The fruit of her labor? A strong position as an individual, and the powers to one day, stand on equal terms to her idol, not that it mattered. Later said night, the household would depart for Hidros save éclair, who would assist the demons.

Simultaneously, Asmodeus and Kul worked heartily at the red-light district. A signature lighting style bathed the street orange, busy businessmen ambled, barely able to walk, along the linear path.

Remember the ladies who aided after Esvalo’s unjust attack? Turns out, the heaviness of despair befell the brothel where she worked. Out of the very luminant array of dubious buildings and activities, a singular remained dim. Make no mistake, the place had guests who drank – the exception was the ladies of the night, none worked. Most, dressed in very befitting clothes and dignified mannerisms were currently at a nearby hospice. Kul and Asmodeus separated.

Tied between a very shabbily ordered arrangement of buildings towards the south, laid the beforementioned hospice. Unlike the grander and heavily equipped central hospital, said hospice didn’t compare. Familiarity didn’t stop, the nurse was one easily recognized for she worked alongside the doctor charged in checking the ladies. The narrow doorway gave in to a small and clean environment. Never mind the haunted look outside, the inside seemed to bear a sliver of credibility. The slow-paced Kul shuffled behind the crowd of worried ladies, the same nurse, crude and blatant, bore a softer expression. She guided the masses to a room upstairs, whereby laid a heavily injured patient.

“A moment please,” whispered the nurse, “-you’re Kul I presume?” the manlier choice of outfits was apparent in of itself.

“Yes,” she replied and moved to a corner, “-something the matter?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard of what happened,” they spoke in a lower tone.

“Rough customer?”

“No, far worst. We know the culprit, he’s the heir to the Patek Dynasty. For the longest time, there wasn’t any report of his appearance here, however, his back and my sisters are worried.”

‘Her sister?’ thought Kul, ‘-was she also an ex-worker?’

“-I have to warn thee, don’t harm the man, even if he does injure one of your ladies. I hate myself saying this, anytime he hurts, the money spends for the recovery elapses his rough treatment. Don’t be mistaken, the amount sent is nothing to him, basically, hush money.”

“Therefore, we should allow him to assault our comrades? Listen, lady nurse. I, personally, could not care if the man is powerful or not. The Raven’s live by a certain set of morals, most important being, hurt one of us, and tis payback.” Annoyed at the acceptance, the shuffle back to the crowded room felt heavy. Burnt marks on her neck, the body wrapped in a bandage, a swollen face, and a patch over her left eye, ‘-bastard,’ the fist clenched.

“Kul,” lifeless eyes pained to the doorway, “-come in, why are you outside?”

“Angel,” she approached, “-I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you,” warmly gripping her palms, “-I heard from my girls you helped.”

“Don’t worry,” said she, “-us girls have to bound and stay strong. Sticks can be broken on their lonesome, however, tie them in a bundle, and they become indestructible. Please,” she painfully rose a grin, “-don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be back on my feet soon.”

“The hell not,” briskly shoving the doctor aside, “-give me a moment,” a darkish vortex hurled three vibrantly red-potions, “-open up, stupid.”

“It’s fine,” her head slowly shook.

“No,” she grabbed her cheeks and forced the mouth open.

“My lady, you shouldn’t...” interjected the doctor to no avail. The drinks already entered her system – the temperate warmed skin suddenly flashed, the lady sat without injuries.

“-I feel amazing...” the visage rejuvenated a few years, opposed to her late-twenties, the age now shown eighteen.

“Courtesy of my master,” they hugged, “-don’t be stupid again.”

While the sudden impulse to get revenge crossed Kul’s mind, Asmodeus and éclair was near Carter Lake. Not many know of the secret shipments of narcotics. Specific gang members granted the knowledge. éclair’s escapades around the family’s databases brought on their next move. Saku’s envoys were present and waited for the next shipment. Half an hour later, the product arrived on a nosily slow scooter. A pizza shop’s and the uniform told of the allegiance. Money and produce exchanged, the delivery man left.

“Are you sure about this?” inquired éclair.

“Yeah, we’re going old school.” The inattentive escorts froze in fear. Two masked men ran out of the forest and shot, gunfire all but missed and ended on the truck. The driver and passenger jumped and fought. ‘Why are they not running away?’ sighed éclair.

“Don’t kill them,” said Asmodeus, “-at least let one live.”

“Are going we to take bullets to the chest?”

“Yeah, just fire and make it look real.”

“Alright,” the tranquil water flickered the reflection of muzzles. Four against two, the latter kept a strong assault. When rumors said of the Luon being nonaggressive, tis because of the marksmanship, the members seemed adrift; the choices made no sense.

*Bang, bang,* two of the four fell, Asmodeus ran right up to the package, “-Luon’s doomed. The heir was killed by us, the Saku, the Yonak’s were very excited,” *bang,* a point-blank shot dropped him. Urgency ran adrenaline through the man, he heard the reason for the attack, the distant figured sprinted.

“MY COMRADE!” screamed éclair, he pulled out a grenade, they noticed and fled for driver’s seat, “-DON’T YOU RUN,” *bang* a shot right through the head, the projectile flung onto the pool of blood, *BOOOM,* shrapnels grilled the truck. *Screech,* and off the truck sped.

“Are they gone?” whispered éclair.

“I think so,” the duo stood dowsed in blood, “-man, the body armor and protection against gunfire sure is a boon.”

“Thank you,” said éclair, “-I’m a demon, the Shadow Realm has triggered my powers to reawaken,” he skipped over the lifeless folks and faced the massive pool of water. “What about these two?”

“Just throw two bodies on there, they’ll come to clean up in the morning. We’ve done our task. They’ll report the incident, the lack of an heir will trigger fear, and the godfather will be forced to announce the information. Hailing Saku as culprits will have Luon on bad terms against the three. Evidently, the attack also means the other families know of the death. We’ve stirred the pot, we but wait for the lawyer to take action.”

Plots here and plots there, Alpha’s trouble only begun. The barrier against the invaders held strong. Alas, the protection was but a one-way and against the creatures. Residents were free to stray into danger, the police were caught tight in attempts to re-channel traffic. The AHA was on their way, albeit, too late. The adventurous clout seekers of the Arcanum ran out and ran in, they unknowingly contracted a deadlier variant of the monster plague. Slow acting and untraceable, people suddenly dropped in the middle of the street, their heads would expand in purple color, and bang, contagious miasma latched onto bystanders.

The flight home lasted a few hours, the 13th rose as did the sun over yonder. Rotherham’s private runway closed the distance, a prior message had already informed the head of the family and lady Courtney. “How long has it been since you were here?” voiced Igna over the leather seats.

“Quite a long time,” she replied, “-the place’s more active, far more cars and to and fro.” The tires screeched, Thena, Nike, and Aceline talked utter nonsense, the sort of conversation good comrades would have over disgusting topics.

“Wake up Vanesa,” said Igna, “-we’re here,” he said.

“Already?” she yawned, “-pops, I sense trouble in Alphia.”


“The parasites,” she said, “-they’re like my network... they say a new virus’s spreading across the population.”

“Igna,” inquired Thena, “-does your family really own this town?”

“Yeah, my mother’s the duchess of Rotherham. Not that it matters,” he winked, “-Nike, Thena, and Aceline, I’ve asked for a car and driver to be assigned to you. Go out and visit the town or do whatever, the trip is on me, don’t go overboard.”

“Seriously?” frowned Thena, “-I don’t believe you...”

“Aceline,” he ignored his worries, “-how about vocal lessons courtesy of Apexi?”

“Yes,” she beamed in bliss.

“Settled, you’re headed to Apexi’s headquarters at Rosespire. Take care, I’ll make sure to inform on when we leave,” they arrived at a large hangar, ‘-about time we close the curtains on Arda’s nonstop abuse.’

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