The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 678

Chapter 678

Chapter 678: True Demonlord [9]

Keep your head down and move along. The world is a cruel place, the first to fall are those who stand out, and the ones who do stand out, have a chance of being maimed by betrayal or jealousy. Fight on until the day where you take your last breath because, at that moment, the truth will be clear, have you made a chance, or were you just another being who breathed, ate, reproduced, and accomplished nothing. The theme of today’s blog was inspired by a man I’ve followed throughout the Arcanum. Dearest readers, I presume you have heard of the Humanitarian faction owned by the Oathtall family; they were in words and action, good. However, as I write these words, their actions, great or feeble, have been under close scrutiny. My physical state disallows movement. I wish I could see history unfold before my eyes. From the moment a prodigious chef surfaced on the Arcanum, fellow readers and I were awestruck. No matter the adversity, layered under anonymity, I found myself intrigued by the man’s identity. Igna Haggard, a young born from Hidros, makes waves in the culinary world until certain undisclosed incidents forced him out. I’m sure the history is known to the best of followers; I wish but to gloss pass briefly for the sakes of newcomers. After, the chef, given the title of Alchemist, left said scene. Time waited for no one, and the sensational prodigy, Kyle Darker, took fine dining by storm. Matters went forward until Igna, reappeared on our radar as a guitarist. He covered and uploaded a video of one of the hardest guitar songs to ever be composed. The talent and good looks were there, still, by a cruel twist of fate, nothing came of the endeavor. The name would soon fall prey to the annals of history as a one-shot matter. With much happiness, I say, he returned on worldwide news, the unjust invasion of Arda divided the world’s players as did it for independent kingdoms. Little more than a few weeks ago, a manuscript detailing the chronicles of Arda’s rule, took the world by storm. Outrage bubbled over the Arcanum. Then again, as harsh and evil the depiction was, information soon was blocked by the Wracia Empire. None can get access to the book, and sadly, only a few thousand copies were printed before the company went into hot water. Those unlucky enough to purchase said copy would be subject to scrutiny from the church’s loud influence. Hidros, worshippers of various deities, namely, Syhton, are viewed under disgusted lenses from those of the Empire, who worship the god of Kreston, Lucifer, and his acolytes. Not to stray from the topic – the same man, Chef, musician, and now noble, rose from amidst the chaos with flames of retribution. The anger and hopelessness of his kin fueled the wrath which was to become an unheard feat. Elders to young’uns, they knew about the man who defeated an army by name alone. Afterward, idol agencies fell from grace. Protesting fans rose against the tyrannical rule for the freedom of their loved idols. The backlash prompted Ansoft to host a concert of good faith to sway public opinion. There again, where Igna follows, misery wasn’t far behind. A terrorist attack took the lives of innocents, if not for the man’s efforts, there would have been more deaths. The news covered the incident intensively, a search should satisfy your curiosity. Moving on, Odgawoan’s council hasn’t relayed anything about the town’s situation. Rumors speak of a monster invasion, the AHA has mobilized – information is scarce, or was until the video went around social media. The town truly is in dire need of help. I know I wrote about Igna Haggard, and I’m not afraid to admit, I’m a fanboy. Whatever I say or write will be read by a few, and in the greater scheme of things, my opinion doesn’t matter. Still, I think it is useful to anyone who wishes to know a little bit about the story of a very interesting man. As a resident from the north, monsters are a pretty common occurrence, the outrage of the mainland’s people seem fair, they live in relative ease and richness, while we, farmer folks, are to plow the land endlessly. Don’t get me wrong, life is peaceful, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to teach what I enjoy. It fascinates me to hear and read about men of power. We know of hero kings and queens, demi-gods in human form, the elite who fought for the sake of our current lives, I know it all too well. Part of me thinks it’s a massive lie. The heroes of old never existed. I truly feel a compelling force in the world we live in today. Take a moment and think, our time may be remembered as the time of gods, demons, and monsters, the age of magic. The latter’s fallen out of the cultural norm whether we like it or not, signs of changing time. Our Emperor, the Federation, the Wracia Empire, nobles of Hidros, Sultrians, anyone of us could be seen as a hero in the future. I wholeheartedly believe in the mysterious man, Igna Haggard. Little is known about the personal life, what I’ve written is from extensive research, the Arcanum doesn’t have enough to draw a profile. What we know is what he wishes for us to know, the Haggards, Phantom, Elon’s Dynasty, and the Conglomerates – they rule the world from the shadows, I know it, I feel it, it’s clear to see. I wish I knew more about the truth, what will come of our world, what will come of our days; who’s more powerful, Haggard’s, Patek’s or the Imperial family, I’m afraid to say, only god knows, whoever said being to be, he knows the truth, and I wish I learned more. Here concludes the blog update, I’ll see you guys next week, hopefully.

A pale-faced éclair sat before his computer. The date below displayed the 14th of November. ‘-last update, 29th of October. This blogging site is amateur, whoever wrote it was very observant. Still,’ he leaned with pen in hand, ‘-I managed to track the location, and it’s fair to say, the writer isn’t alive anymore. Durei, 3rd of November, a magical reactor explodes and wipes out a whole village. The blast radius extended to about 8 kilometers – the devastation wasn’t physical, instead, any mana containing bodies imploded on impact. The local reports say of machine malfunction. Can’t imagine the pressure on Dostein’s provincial council; at least the incident’s taken the limelight from the town of dreams, or recently dubbed, the town of nightmares. Oathtall’s tried long and hard to hamper our movements, they’re using everything they can as in legal action. Too bad our army of attorneys have stumped their needless attacks.’ Multiple tabs showed different parts and titles. ‘-Master has yet to awaken. Aceline flew to Hidros on order from Julius, Apexi’s apparently restarting her radio show. Until the ordeal of Ansoft’s resolved, I guess master would have approved. Idleness drives a person insane. I’m stumped, the goddesses didn’t once take the time to check on his state. Draconis and Saniata are busy hunting monsters, or so they said. Those hyperactive petite bodies must be kept in check.’

*Knock, knock,* “-enter.”

“éclair,” said a serious-looking Asmodeus, “-we’re ready to ship the produce.”

“The deal went through?” he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yeah,” returned the prince, “-after much enticement, our regulars are hooked on the white gold. We unknowingly roped in the head of the Jonia family.”

“The balance of power is already broken; we’ve taken control over Luon. We’ll be known as independent suppliers for the time being. Was a good thing we got in early with Jonia, they’ll handle the distribution.”


“éclair, we still have the issue of the Hondo gang. They’ve taken control of Luon’s territory. We control only half of Stanley’s homage. The loans have been excused; we don’t control fear anymore.”

“It’s fine,” he replied, “-let’s focus on supply and demand. Have them taste the stuff, and we’ll slowly lower the demand, control the market. Cimier’s in deep against the Dark Guild, without the latter, they won’t ever be able to obtain the narcotics the client wants.”

“So, Luon’s moved from loansharking to distribution?”

“Correct. Prince Asmo, do take good care of the gambling den.”

“No need to tell me twice. About the master.”

“Fret not, he’ll awaken soon, our master is a tenacious fighter.”

“Say no more,” he left with a slightly confident grin.

‘Very impressed,’ the hall faded into the closed-cell of a room, ‘-he played the cards right and effectively place pawns around the chessboard. They work with or without his input.’

Fate was a cruel o’ thing. Soon as Igna fell into the comatose state; Princess Eira Haggard, officially married emperor Sultria VI. The reception was met with loud media attention, newspapers, and sensationalists, who fought to have a piece of the cake. The good news would bring the people’s morale up, the return of their ice-cold empress was a glow in the dark. Her matured expression and words of wisdom on the day of the marriage heightened her status in the palace’s hierarchy. The Haggard dynasty name was very precious and respected. Thus, her official title and name were to be; Empress Eira Haggard-Sultria of Alphia else referred to as the Ice-Empress of Alphia. Cold as it seemed, was an endearing nickname Similarly, the Duchess of Rotherham was crowned by the archbishop, apostle of Syhton, as the true and recognized Queen of Arda. There, the Haggards truly dug their heels into the world’s history.

Their first order of business was to host a private summit of the Federation leaders. Queen Haggard of Arda made her stance very clear, the Queen of Hidros truly respected and acknowledged the strong bond of the leaders. Easel Run Gard, stuck in an economic crisis, was troubled and unable to provide for their people or state. Elendor felt the cold reality of prolonged war, their resources would deplete sooner or later. Arda’s rebuilding costs and Hidros’s general trouble against the Empire showed a tedious task ahead. The smaller nation needed aid -Phantom would be forced to retreat from the frontlines, upkeep of an active army required a lot of money. The monthly cost barely allowed for the company to survive. For the Federation to endure, each party needed to benefit from the alliance. Easel Run Gard made their voice heard clearly, if another attack were to occur, they’d fall. Hence ended the first day, the second arrived with great news. Lady Courtney Haggard brought along esteemed guests, namely, Elvira, Lord Elon, and Lord Amsey. Elvira, with heart and soul, said she would donate to help restart Easel Run Gard’s economy. 2 billion Exa to be correct, Lord Elon nonchalantly agreed to donate twice the amount. Without wasting time, he turned to Elvira and proposed to pay for their services in warfare against Old Cray. Two of the four were satisfied by the proposition, Queen Gallienne and Queen Haggard were satisfied to mend relations. Amsey, stuck between bankruptcy and failure sat and watched. Time would tell if the actions would improve the lives of those under the federation’s rule.

‘I’ve been stuck in limbo; I don’t feel anything anymore. If I stray and zone out, my thoughts will be devoured by the never-ending labyrinth of Faltho.’ josei

“Stop complaining,” said Origin.

“Not complaining, I’m just annoyed, that’s all.”

“About what? Tell me, other self, we’re one of the same.”

“About why we had to go on a quest to obtain an ancient page to break the watcher of fate’s fury?”

“My fault, buddy,” said a cheery tone, “-I didn’t expect him to get so angry. I thought I could threaten people as you do.”

“There’s a time and place to use force, and another for finesse. Look at us now, we wander around a vast area of blue and clouds, the scene never changes, what are we even doing here?”

“To find the true, dearest other self.”

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