The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

Chapter 694: True Demonlord [25]

“Watch out, lady,” said a monotonous voice, a sharp sensation of bones jabbing into the ribs brought a little wince. The pain wasn’t much for said reaction, rather, the startled facial expression was one of dismay, “-are you crying?”

“I’m sorry,” she sniffled, “-I’ve never seen you around here before.”

“Aptha, Aptha,” a hasty sprint beckoned from the crowd like a menacing creature of which growled, or so was the image painted by the loud steps, “-I found you,” said the man quick to grab her elbow, “-don’t run away from us, it’s bad manners, and I also don’t want to see you get in trouble.”

“I’m sorry,” her head kept to the floor, “-I guess I got emotional, I mean, someone who we just met saved me, got beaten, forced onto the battlefield, and was then infected by the plague, I can’t anymore, this place is a mess, I want to escape...” Between her solemn words of regret, Jonl cast a nod to the straight-faced stranger.

“Not my place to say,” he interjected, “-I think it’s good to cry for another,” a strong hand gripped her shoulders, moved under her face, and showed a handkerchief, “-those who embrace the world of death and slaughter can never go back. Cheer up, Aptha of Squad 05.”

“Have we met before?” wondered Jonl.

“Yes we have,” the chin rose with a stark smile, “-I was the one who fought alongside the Empress of Alphia so many weeks ago, remembers?”



“I remember,” said a distant voice, “-Igna Haggard, the man who singlehandedly fought the invasion. You were of great help, sad to say many of whom were rescued, are either ashes or in the Q-zone.”

“Nice to see a familiar face,” nodded Igna, “-this I presume is your team?”

“Yes,” he nodded, “-might I ask why thou art here?”

“Hold a moment,” cried Jonl, “-are you THE Igna Haggard, the devil of Glenda?”

“Correct,” he tapped his close palm against the men’s chest, “-a fellow compatriot of Hidros, I see the bronze tag, you must be very skilled.”

“I was trained at the adventuring Tower by Achilles and lady Undrar, the remnants of the legendary Kniq.”

“Oh, I’m surprised you didn’t notice my outfit,” he turned to show the wings, “-my uncle had a spare lying about; figured, why not put it to good use.”

“Takes me back,” replied the adventurer.

“Wait, are you the one who helped out during the influx of patients?”

“Correct, you were too busy to notice. Good job on healing the wounded, if not for that, there’s no telling what could have happened,” the forehead rose toward the suspended hallway, “-there goes another. Is that the Q-zone I’ve heard about?”


“Hold on a moment,” voiced Meza, “-why is a noble from another country here, a prince no less.”

“Someone’s up to date with worldwide politics,” he chuckled, “-I came to do one thing, and tis fight monsters. The invasion has hampered business for the town, we can’t allow the beasts to spoil the land. Besides, I got bored.”

“Not to be rude... if I was bored, I’d just head out and have fun,” commented the little lady.

“Easier said than done,” he winked, “-anyway, I was asked by the chief of police to come help,” there, memories of the last hour rushed.

“Igna, as a friend of mine, I need you to help in the war effort against the monsters. The plague’s bad news for the whole continent. The invasion up north has gotten worse, the AHA won’t be able to supervise for long, their leadership is abysmal, try to evaluate the current regime. I haven’t heard good rumors. Goes without saying, there’s no need to fight if you don’t want to, use your skill as an Alchemist and help the injured. Finding a cure is a long-lasting goal, you know what I mean, don’t you?”

“Very blatant. Your expression doesn’t hide the conspiring allure. I’ll go take a look; I was curious about the situation too. In any case, what about the leaders, if they are to be inadequate?”

“Do what you want,” she smiled, “-we’re friends tied by loyalty. No matter the mess befalls, I’ll stand right beside you.”

“And if mess ever befalls you, I’ll come to aid. Welcome to the great family of Phantom, I trust you spoke to Lady Elvira?”

“Yes, she said she’d send a few members to take care of the unruly adversaries. I’m happy; I can finally look to the future and not worry about my back.”

“Blatantly trusting another party, who is to say I’m not going to backstab?”

“You won’t. I’ll bet my life on it; you won’t backstab someone who thee said is a friend. Those relations are too precious to give, I heard all about it from Odgar.”

“Fine, whatever,” the call ended, and he found himself walking in the company of squad 05. Arrows of judgmental leers impaled their targets, Aptha kept her confidence no matter the situation. Meza chose to be discreet whilst Jonl was just present. On the surface, as a unit, they seemed weak and uninteresting. Below said level, there was talent and strength; éclair did an in-depth analysis of potential allies – once, inside the warzone, there was no turning back, for normal people that is.

“I ought to ask again,” they turned for the main office, “-why do you need to see the manager?”

“He’s the top of the food chain here, is he not?”

“Yes...” returned a troubled tone, “-not to be a bother, the manager’s quite the interesting character.”

“-Interesting character, how nice of you,” they arrived.

“Over there,” pointed Aptha, “-take the stair, turn right, should be at the end.”

“I appreciate the kindness,” he smiled and left. The dried soil, stuffy air, and overall atmosphere of blandness told much in the ways of the outpost. Soldiers were littered around the premises; makeshift watch towers overlooked the outskirts of the barrier. ‘-securities more focused towards the south opposed to the north,’ he stopped shy of the entrance. Another team, 03, gave once overs and made for the stairs, ‘-the scent of blood,’ he side-glanced.

“Go on ahead of me,” said a hooded figure in black and grey. Two swords laid in an X-shape on the back, daggers, and darts were around the waist and an ample amount of gadgetry. The front of the pack stopped and stared, the focus made for Igna, “-let’s go,” said the leader.

‘What was that?’ he paused and stared at the strange figure, deep hazel eyes and long lashes came through the mask, ‘-éclair...’

“Name, Loftha Sultria. My lord, tis the lady of before.”

‘Loftha...’ a step back, “-something you need?”

“Oh, sorry,” the head shook suddenly, “-did I stare too much?”

“Yes, you did. I’m surprised to see someone of such high value partaking in the battle.”

‘What?’ the feet moved to grow the distance, ‘-wait, does he know who I am. Why’s he here, I don’t understand,’ a gust forced a blink, her hands rose to shield her face, ‘-where’s he gone?’

“Princess,” said a whisper, “-I’ve found you.”

‘-He knows... I should have kept my head down, why did I stare at him, am I an idiot?’

“I don’t know who you’re talking about, there’s no one by the name of Loftha here.”

“Are you serious, so much for being undercover?”

“Excuse me,” cried another team, “-you’re in the way.”

“My apologies,” he took her arms and moved onto the lawn, turned the corner, and faced the broken townscape, and sat atop a boulder. “-Loftha Sultria, why are you here?”

“Don’t use my full name, Igna Haggard,” she pulled down her mask, “-I’m surprised you knew,” her grey hair waterfalled onto her shoulders, “-I could ask the same question.”

“Ladies first?”

“Stop being a sexist,” returned instantly, “-stop messing around.”

“Fine, no need to burst a blood vessel. I’m here to help in the war efforts.”

“Is that it?” her head tilted, “-I don’t trust that reason, not enough for a man of your caliber... no, there’s more to it, come on, spill.”

“For a princess, you sure have no tact, do you?”

“Don’t question my lineage,” said a pout. josei

“I’m pleasingly surprised. You have the charm of a cheerful lady, or maybe tis an act. Either way, I enjoy said side of you, guess the Empress’s melted thy heart, hasn’t she.”


“The flushed cheeks could say otherwise,” he smiled and faced the town; the pupils were bicolored, Origin’s emotion swayed the heart warmly, a nicer feeling – a break from all that had happened beforehand, “-say, Loftha, why do you fight, what’s the reason?”

“I don’t have a reason. I do it because I feel empty, my brothers and sisters have always treated me like a child. In a way, I guess I wanted to be useful. Sister Eira is amazing, she won over lady mother right after you left, I don’t remember her words exactly – there was a light to her tone, a warm touch, I can’t describe it, she felt more than just a human, something divine, akin to a goddess.”

“I get it, akin to a goddess. Sounds like her alright.”

“What about you?”

“Something about the current invasion doesn’t feel right. I need answers, researching the plague first hand might be useful in the long run.”

“What about family, once inside the barrier, there’s no going back.”

“It should be fine; éclair has the manor under control. Midne’s quite the hard worker, she’s a good person when all is said and done.”

‘-Also, Vanesa’s under Lilith’s care. I’m a bad father, I should be there for them, well,’ he turned to the side, ‘-I’ll go visit more regularly, I must be there for them.’

“Not going to participate in the battle?”

“I don’t see the point,” he exhaled, “-I say, let the vigilantes fight. I came here as an Alchemist.”

“Alchemist... and you?”

“Don’t underestimate me,” he displayed the crest, “-I retook the test on behalf of my uncle and was reinstated as a state-level Alchemist. The examinations have grown dull over the years.”

“Didn’t expect the Igna Haggard to be researcher material.”

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” he stood, “-the team’s looking for you. Wear the mask, the trio are royal guards, aren’t they,” stopped at the corner, “-go help out thy people, princess, may the blessing of gods keep thee strong in battle.”

Grass and pebbles shuffled under the steps until silence, ‘-why do I feel so warm,’ she wore the mask, ‘-was that the allure of a vampire or just his charm... Igna Haggard, you’re a threat to me, I hope we don’t see one another again,’ her warm expression soon drowned under the disguise, ‘-time to go.’

Each took their path, ‘-Here I am, manager Brand of the Scaica’s western division.’ *Knock, knock,* “-enter,” said an exasperated tone.

“Sorry, do you have an appointment?” said a lady to the right corner.

“Yes, Viscount Igna Haggard, lady Valentino must have spoken of my arrival.”

“Oh yes, please take a seat right here.”

‘Heard right, the Manager’s lazy.’


“How can I be of help?” asked the charismatic lady.

“I’ve come in good faith on behalf of an independent laboratory, Clao Mule,” the alchemist crest soon rested atop the table, “-the research firm’s linked to the University of Rotherham, I want to have full authority on files pertaining to the current Plague and full access to the laboratory.”

“Excuse you, noble or not, we have rules in place to restrict the spread of the plague.”

“I won’t be in direct contact of the plague,” her expression didn’t budge, “-fine, how about this. I’ll ask my team to bring over a mobile research center, would it be adequate then?”

“No, no,” said the manager, “-not going to happen, the others will get the wrong idea. There’s a lot of broken buildings, refurbish one of ’em. We’ve taken a large portion of the town, big enough space to start anew.”

“Should be enough. What about the restrictions?” she wondered.

“Greenlit him as a full-fledge medic. State level-alchemist are on another level, my only condition is simple, don’t create too much of a mess, I don’t want to clean up...”

“Well, manager, you have a deal. Live and let live, is the motto?”

“Yeah, you understand, I’m glad. Tis a yes from me, Oprhee.”

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