The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699: True Demonlord [30]

A visible air of power and confidence ambled into sight. The cacophonous laughter brought about by one accepting the demands of ruffians turned to silence. There she stood, making her way towards the ‘bought’ table. Laughter and undermining comments bombarded the ‘hoodlums’ labeled so by the many victims.

“Don’t look down on us,” said a muffle. Bloodshot eyes lifted towards Igna and Aptha, who smiled at the prospect of real food, “-there are going to pay...” the fist clenched.

“I wouldn’t touch him if I were you,” said whisper, “-squad 30, you’ve caused much hassle over the months. If you wish not to incur my wrath, better keep your wits about, though I expect lesser from blockheads. If violence is the only way to make thee understand, I’ll gladly take your arms in exchange for my troubles, have I made myself clear?”

*Tsk,* “-whatever,” *clash,* the table toppled by a sudden kick, “-watch your back, assassin.”

*Humph,* crossed armed and conniving, “-trash is gone.”

“The masked warrior saves the day!” cheered the many guests.

“Hell yeah!” said they very energetically. A good start to the day means a whole world of difference. After the table reset, the masked lady ambled to the counter, “-good morning.”


“Good morning, Fia,” said Igna, “-here, a coffee as thanks.”

“Are you sure about buying us meals?” paused Jonl.

“I hoped I didn’t have to hear so from a fellow countryman. Think nothing of it, money comes and goes; what you make of it is what dictates its worth. Look now,” he carried the tray onto the table, “-the supposed ruffians were shunned and exiled into shame. They’ll come to harm soon, be on guard.”

“What about the money you threw?”

“Oh, a mere illusion spell,” he chuckled, “-no way I’ll waste money on such idiots. What they picked were fragments of my notebook,” to which the torn object laid atop the table, “-Aptha sure has a mouth on her, doesn’t she.”

“Hold it,” interjected Fia, “-phrasing, work on it.”


“I get what she means,” chuckled Meza, “-out of context, it might be viewed with much scrutiny.”

“Oh, you people have dirtied minds,” he took a sip, “-anyway, if ever there’s trouble, come to Q5 Zone 3, I’ve set up shop. Medical supplies should be on their way.”

“We barely make ends meet to afford food,” said Jonl, “-no way we’ll be able to afford such luxury.”

“Don’t worry, the supplies aren’t for sale. Tis for an emergency – yesterday night was tedious, part of me feels there are more to come. Be careful out there.”

“Y-yeah...” murmured Aptha, “-we’re suspended at the moment.”

“I see,” he took another sip, “-Meza must have disobeyed orders...”

“How do you concur?”

“I’m a mind reader,”


“No, I’m joking. No matter the reason, I’ll be there.”

The filled tables scattered into the vague distance; a rough day laid ahead – a telltale sign from gear and agitated expressions. “-I should get going as well,” said Igna, “-treat me once the whole ordeal of war is over.”

“Wait up,” hailed Fia, “-let me come with.” The slower-paced masked warrior had spurts to match Igna’s step to which he courteously slowed and matched hers.

“A gentleman,” said Meza, “-anyway, Jonl,” the face fortified, “-our expedition ban will be lifted soon. Get the gear ready, we’ll be assigned to Q3 Zone 3.”

“They blatantly want us to die,” muttered Aptha, “-the front line is a pain for me...”

“I know the ability strains heavy on the stamina, still, we need you.”

“Never said I wouldn’t help,” the table grew distant. Many present earlier nodded at Igna, the impression was of a man who didn’t take disrespect, someone who’d make one feel utmost shame and embarrassment. Granted throwing money wasn’t the best idea, the latter was soon revealed to be paper – thus grew the repute.

“What about not drawing attention?”

“Fia, Fia,” they arrived at the yard, “-what happened earlier was rather fun. You didn’t get to see their faces,” he smirked. Squad 30 bore murderous gaze on the way to the front lines, “-there they go,” he smugly waved.

‘You’re dead,’ motioned they with a cutting neck gesture.

‘Say it again when you return home,’ he winked.

“Why provoke them?”

“For fun?” he made for the tent. Many of the patients scattered about in the company of their various squads. A miracle has been performed, a direct quote from a squad leader.

“Lady Fia we must leave for the front line. Orders have come to watch the enemy’s movement.”

“We part here.”

“May the goddess of battle guide thee well.”

‘Now then,’ the covers parted, ‘-where did I keep the flask of mana?’

“Looking for this?”

“Ada?” she sat cross-legged atop a bed, “-might I have the flask back?”

“No,” she stood, “-follow me first.” The scenery soon swapped for one confined and suffocating. Practitioners sat about a rectangular table, at the center, the head doctor, Miles G’Leon, a tall figure of sharp facial features, clean-shaven jaw, short cut hair of which began to turn grey. Dark circles under the eyes formed an expression of dread; zombie-like to some extent.

“Have you brought him?” said one in the shadow of a corner.

“Yes,” she replied, “-here is Igna Haggard, the Alchemist.”

“Alchemist, I’ve never heard the title this far into the East. Tell me, what’s the purpose of coming here?” wondered G’Leon in a skeptical intonation.

“To research the monster plague. Honestly speaking, the triage is rather crude. Here I thought priority to be those of mortal injured and not the other way around. Is it common practice to yield on those who cannot fight?”

“Right to the point,” said one sat to G’Leon’s right, “-answer our questions first.”

“What would said purpose be. Tell me, Doctor G’Leon, shouldn’t a medical professional put the life of others first?”


“There lays my answer, I did what any medic would, I healed the patients you chose to give up on.”

“No, no, you misunderstand,” he forced a grin, “-I’m ecstatic, my expressions might be dull and bland, however, my heart beats furiously. I’ve never seen such a way of treating patients – Ada told us everything about it. Using magic to heal, a machine less blood-transfusion, tell me, how effective are the treatment methods?”

“Depends on the person’s inner mana reserves. What I used is the manipulation of mana, heal the spirit and the body follows. Then again, if the body isn’t in shape, the spirit can’t activate the natural rejuvenation process. The body heals itself so to speak.”

“I don’t believe it,” fired a lady left of G’Leon, “-magic is a defunct way of life. Most of Alphia are oblivious to the practice and I’d wager most of the world too. What will bringing an ancient way of treatment do to advance our medical science. Miles, there’s no way we can learn what he has accomplished – the patients outside don’t lie about his skills.”

“The lady is right, what I performed, and sorry if it comes across arrogant, can’t be replicated. My uncle spent his life delving into the true nature of Mana, and after his passing, I took on the research to further the art.”

“Who is this uncle of yours?”

“The Founder of Magiology, ex-King of Arda, leader of the Federation, Staxius Haggard.”

“A mouthful,” came a sigh. josei

“The most enigmatic leader of our time. I do apologize for the less than amicable reception. Curiosity got the better of us. Will you join the hospice?”

“No,” the head shook, “-I only treated the patients on a passing fancy. Remember, I’m not a Doctor, I’m a Scholar, my face rather be inside books as opposed to the innards.”

“What about the speech of life comes first?”

“Those are thy obligations, not mine. Worry not, I’m in process of remodeling a few buildings to make a secondary hospice for the study of the curse. Nurse Ada should have the contact information. I’ll treat those who wish for help, nothing more, nothing less,” the talk ended.

Early morning shifted to 10:00, supplies arrived in helicopters. Monster activity in Zone 4 and 3 heightened. Fia’s squad took to the street and decimated stragglers effortlessly. Meza and the bunch returned to the front lines, an unguarded command scouting post became a makeshift base of operation. Explosions rattled the floor, desks, and chairs were dropped on the stairway. Meza sat before a broken window next to a shabby table, on it was a radio and a holographic display.

The tail of an unknown beast dipped for an armored patrol, *bam,* the vehicle exploded right under his nose. Plenty more of those tails scattered into countless explosions, “-Jonl, status?”

“A new monster,” said he laid atop the same building’s roof, “-it’s been marked.”

“Understood,” the information relayed to artillery deeper into the debris.

“Influx of patients,” cried Aptha, “-Five dead in the assault. I’ll treat the others best as I can, what are the orders?”

“Stand ground, Aptha, if enemies approach-* static interrupted the communication, “-Aptha, Aptha?”

“D-de, t-tur, -bies.”

‘I didn’t miss this place,’ he dashed for the back, “-Squad 32, join with Squad 33 and make for the base.”

Gunfire raged towards Aptha’s general location, “-Incoming horde of Jelly beasts!” slimy creatures of fast mobility, they once exterminated five squads in a matter of seconds.

“Artillery unit on standby.”

‘We don’t have men power,’ the mind dropped into lightning-fast thoughts, ‘-Aptha’s position’s been compromised. I made sure to have three guys on standby; they must have broken the transmitter. Protection of the Zone 3’s gate comes first, we can’t afford casualties, “-Squad 32, and 33, eliminate the threat, if possible, priority is the recovery of our medics, without them this operation is doomed.”

“Understood,” fired across.


“I got you,” he smiled, “-nobody’s passing through,” two shots, ‘-Arise,’ an electrically charged gate materialized inches from the J-beasts.

‘Always right on time,’ coordinates transmitted to the firing unit. Soon after, heavy objects plummeted over yonder, shock-waves crashed against the dirtied outer walls.

“Engineering unit, mission’s accomplished – the gate’s ready for operation.”

“Squads without orders, spread out and clean the area, Q3 Zone 3 has been cleaned,” sweat-drenched his face, ‘-after so many sacrifices, we’ve finally conquered the area.’


“Squad 32 reporting,” they entered a land charred remains of an eatery, “-no survivors in sight.”

“-what about the healers?”

“Squad 33, we’ve located heavily injured members. Requesting evacuation for the fallen.”

“-H-hello, M-Meza,” the private squad channel lit, “-we were ambushed by the turned. I managed to escape, one of the guards activated the self-destruct sequence to save us.”

‘Seriously,’ he fell to the floor, ‘-at what costs...’

“WARNING, Fog has been spotted at Zone 4,” helplessness washed over his face, Jonl rose to one knee and dropped his shoulder – those able to escape rejoined at the pickup zone.

“Orders to all members, the Fog’s settled. There are five minutes until they reach us, everyone, evacuate. Guardians of Gate 3, be ready to shut the gates.” Battered trucks, clawed and beaten, arrived.

Over to Q5 Zone 3, ‘-and done,’ the adjacent building merged into the first building as an extended wing, ‘-this should suffice as a sleeping area.’

“Master, the battle has grown very hectic, casuals are in the dozen, 5 have been confirmed dead.”

“I see,” he climbed to the changed upstairs, “-relay the information to the princess. I’ll get started on the monster curse. Any other news?”

“Lady Jula adamantly tried to phone earlier. She said the body of a certain man was found hung in Carter Lake.”


“Yes, the conjecture was correct. The Patek’s have shone themselves”

“What about 02 and the spy from the Blood-king’s faction?”

“I’ve pinged them constantly, no response so far, they might have been found out and killed.”

“Keep trying. What’s the new addition up to?”

“Starix’s taken to the street for the recapture of Stanley’s Homage. Money made from the den’s been easier to launder with aid from the Chief. She’s asked for a little cut, how should I reply?”

“Give her the money, can’t pass on an easy bargaining chip.”

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