The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 796

Chapter 796

Chapter 796: The Great Collapse [10]

‘Where there is good fortune, there is bad luck, the pendulum swings from one end to the next. Tik-tok walks the clock, time embodies what I deem worthy, time follows the framework I settle, destiny is a fierce lady, one who never forgives, and never forgets.’

Alarms rang across Rotherham, the AFR toggled in a bloody red hue. Images filled the command center’s screen, the radars pulsed to encounter multiple unrecognized projectiles, *Warning, incoming attack detected,* flashed across éclair and Yui’s interface.

“We’re under attack,” said he telepathically.

“Engaging anti measures,” she replied and placed her platter. The air tightened around the duo, there was much less to say nor approach – incoming guests felt the presence and chose ignorance.

The silent moonlight night was a thing of beauty, ‘-where am I even headed?’ wondered Igna turning towards the manor, *beep,* ‘-caution, leaders are to evacuate Rotherham.’

‘What is this about?’ the stride closed to a stop, “-éclair, report.”

“Master,” said a hurried voice, “-we’ve detected incoming projectiles from the north. I fear tis a direct attack on Rotherham. The sister system is in action to counter the attack, however, there are more than a few dozen. Our inventory isn’t large enough to combat the horde.”


‘No...’ he stopped, “-éclair, what’s the eta?”

“Forty-five minutes.”

“Have the employees evacuated, issue a warning to the town, have them retreat to the bunkers. I’ll handle the attack, no way I’ll allow for a repeat of Glenda,” the transmission terminated. éclair, who’d been in the company of Celina, Syndra, Yui, and Julius, gave a hallowed expression. The prince’s expression dived, “-éclair, what’s the status?” inquired Yui.

“Master Igna has said to leave the attack in his hands,” said a hallowed expression, ‘-don’t do anything foolish, master.’ josei

“éclair, where’s my brother,” three gentle taps broke the despairing trail of thoughts.

“Princess Lizzie,” he turned to an entourage of grave auras, “-a pleasure to see thee.”

“I’m here,” waved Julius, “-how was the trip, Lizzie.”

“It was good,” she held an open palm, “-what about brother Igna,” a faint orb of rainbow-colored lines dulled to greyscale, “-I can’t feel his presence anymore.”

“Come with me,” Julius stood, “-let’s go get something to eat,” he said and took her hand, she threw a suspicious glare over her shoulder till the heavy curtains broke the damning line of sight. Syndra, sensing the troubling circumstances, excused herself to another table, the balcony turned gloomy at seats.

“Isn’t he hot?” shuffled a few whispers.

“I know, he’s dreamy,” added others, “-is he a model?”

“What’s a damned butler doing taking the attention of the ladies,” gritted shorter and chubbier nobles,”-we are affluent, we deserve the praise...”

“Ever the lady killer, aren’t you, Casanova, Rile.”

“Master éclair, there’s no need for passive aggressivity,” the light blue eyes scanned the tables, the pure-white wolf-ears twitched at the cold, “-and please do not use Casanova as my name, gives my master a bad reputation.”

“Shut it, Rile,” interjected a deep monotonous female voice, “-éclair, we’ve all received the warning to evacuate, what’s this about?”

“Laura,” he breathed, “-I see lady Lizzie’s entourage has arrived. Where’s Laurance?”

“Inside,” she pointed, “-escorting lady Lizzie.” A deeper sensation of agitation bubbled in the corner, a lady dressed in black latched forth and brought her hands onto the table, “-annoying,” she said, “-éclair, Yui...”

“No need for violence,” sighed éclair, “-thing is, Rotherham will be attacked in a few minutes. Our anti-air defenses can only do so much; a magical barrier won’t help since they broke through the first layer. I suspect anti-magic.”

“What then, what are we supposed to do?”

*Beep, Beep,* Yui’s phone rang. She glanced over, toggled the screen, scanned the lines, then fell onto her chair, everything at that moment changed. éclair’s phone went off, *-Warning: Projectiles detected – target, Rosespire’s castle.* They looked up, the tip of a giant nuke laid at their heads, “-guys, sorry,” said éclair, “-we might have miscalculated a few things,” it made contact – an intense shock of white and bright yellow exploded through the castle, devastating even part of the capital, a heavy mushroom cloud rose, the ground trembled impatiently.

‘What?’ the heart sank, ‘-this sensation,’ he stopped midway the journey to Rotherham and watched onward to Rosespire, the mushroom cloud and explosion carried over the horizon, ‘-no, no, no,’ the heart raced, the crimson pupils bleached into pure white, ‘-no,’ he flapped, akin to pulling a trigger and shot himself across the sky. “Call éclair,” he requested without reply, “Call Yui,” the interface fuzzed in and out of working order, the constant feed of information the butler provided vanished.

‘What happened here,’ he landed, the streets screamed in horror. A deathly cloud loomed in place of the majestic castle, the roads leading up the noble district were blocked by rubbles and smoke, ‘-this can’t be possible,’ he forced himself through the carnage, excruciating heat charred his fingers on trying to enter. *Huff, Puff,* the confused eyes widened at the sight of a mortally wounded man, “-Cousin,” it said and fell, within his grasp was the faceless body of someone close, “-take care of Lizzie,” he coughed smoke, “-we were bested, everything is done.”

“Don’t surrender,” he rushed to Julius’s side.

“Sorry I had to go out like this,” he smiled with the remaining facial muscles, “-I had a great time in the mortal world, thank you for rescuing me, brother, I have to leave, goodbye,” the body fell backward.

‘Julius,’ a terrifying storm thundered, lightning struck without prejudice – buildings caught fire – the ashy barrier was yet to ease. It poured onto Igna who sat emptily, with both Julius and Lizzie in his arms, ‘-once again,’ the breathing calmed, ‘-I’ve it all, again.’ Far in the distance, the AFR held strong to no avail, the abundant nature rained heavy, bit by bit, chunks of the city was taken – people were slaughtered under the pressure whilst the three skyscrapers imploded.

‘If only my element worked... if only I wasn’t such a coward... if only I was stronger.’

‘Where there is good fortune, there is bad luck, the pendulum swings from one end to the next. Tik-tok walks the clock, time embodies what I deem worthy, time follows the framework I settle, destiny is a fierce lady, one who never forgives, and never forgets.’


Heels echoed, “-my, my,” it said, “-seems to be my lover’s heir has lost everything.”

“Who are you,” he scowled, “-an enemy?” spikes of red manifested, “-tell me, now!”

“Chill,” it said and approached, the figure showed itself to be tall and slender, “-nice to meet you, Igna, the name’s Eveline. Most know me as the Destiny,” she bent and pinched his chin, “-I came here to deliver a message, young one. Thy master says, ‘-the day I breathe my last breath is the day Eveline gives this message. My time as the god of death has come to an end, I’ve fought the battle against the gods and demons for so long now, I can’t even remember thy face. With my expiration and thy curse of never attaining godhood, the seat of death is left vacant. It can’t be helped, I will bestow the remainder of my powers and make the Bringer of Death, Undrar, into the next God of Death. My heir, I’m proud of what thee has accomplished, hearing about the various tales always made the pain easier to bear. I was happy when you died and tried to break the curse of misfortune, a truly valiant effort. I’m proud, truly proud. Tis at a stage where Zeus’s gained what he wished – the heavenly realm will forever be altered. When the supreme god takes the throne and sacrifices a young babe to the Goat of Saeon, tis said, the alliance of good and evil will awaken the Gate to Exnoria, the land of Titan, the land of fallen gods, the heaven of heaven, the resting place of the strongest warriors and angels. Nothing is to be done, the ritual is over – the war is over, I had hoped to have thee join me in battle someday. It’s fine, there are things which can’t be changed. Thank you for saving Persephone. I guess this is goodbye, there’s nothing much I can say, the death of your death element is a result of my death, I apologize, I haven’t the strength to reawaken thy powers., take care, my heir, I’ll be watching, forever and always,’ get all that?”

“Did my master perish?”

“No, there’s no way I’ll allow the fool to die needlessly. I had to uphold my promise, no matter what anyone says, I, Eveline, have the power to rewrite destiny.”

“If only I could do the same...”

“Rise from the ashes, fallen warrior, time is nigh for a standoff. Face the enemies head-on, and reawaken thy mind to the darkest depth of the Abyss, draw in the powers which have been buried within the forgotten persona,” she floated in a transit mass of white, “-lord death will never die for you see,” the white shadow formed a circle, “-he has been reincarnated as the son of the Jade Emperor. He knows what needs to be done,” the circle reformed into nothing, “-you, Igna Haggard, have his blessing – don’t worry about being weak or strong, worry about being true to yourself,” a hand reached deep inside, “-the cursed power of the miserable,” ancient writings burnt themselves on his arms and legs, “-AHHHH,” he screamed, the jarring pain within his brain bordered a meltdown, “-you and your master are the same,” she smiled and took her humanoid form, “-causing trouble all the time,” she grabbed his head and kissed his forehead, “-wake up from thy dream, Igna. The memories will be fuzzy – I hope the feeling remains, never forget the pain for I, Eveline, have granted thee the powers of King Alfred, the cursed one.”

It is said, the story of King Alfred follows a boy born from the union of a titan and an ancient demon, a child birthed on the night of a blood moon. All he touched decayed, all he loved withered, and ultimately, all he cared for, vanished. No hope over the horizon nor semblance of pity towards those who mistreated him from birth until the ascension to power, the king fell into insanity with greed to exact revenge on the heavens. The very same gods who averted their blessings were pulled from their clouds and butchered, the story of King Alfred isn’t valiant nor is it heroic for the man is naught but evil. He killed, vowing to be alone as to not lose what he cared, closed his heart until he became a devil, the strongest the divine realm had seen, the founder of the Aapith Nation, the great patriarch, King Alfred the Cursed. Stories surrounding his death is clouded, neither the gods nor demons know of the truth, none save a single entity, Death.

‘Where am I?’ a gentle melody played from the dancehall. A calming golden hue fell outside from the ajar curtain, friendly chatter chuckled at his side, ‘-a dream?’ he woke to a sharp pain at the back of his eyes, ‘-Kill them,’ said a whisper, ‘-kill the gods, defeat the gods, end the gods,’ the colorful surrounding washed with a layer of deep red, ‘-revenge, I have to kill them!’

“I remember,” *thud* ‘-my life before Staxius Haggard,’ the mind cowered, ‘-I remember.’

“Majesty, we’re ready to greet the enemy,” said a ghoul of a servant.

“Worry not my subjects,” he found himself back in time, reliving a memory through the eyes of another, “-the Aapith nation will endure, the god’s art be killed. I, King Alfred, the cursed, will destroy everything,” a dark pit of nothingness stretches to a faint orb of light, “-I will slay God himself.”

“Hey, Igna, are you ok?” said a familiar voice, the vision broke.

“I’m fine,” he replied, ‘-I remember, I was the founder of the Aapith Nation, the abyssal king, Alfred the Cursed.’

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